Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: "Meteor" that cuts through the sky

Of course, this return landing is not straight up and down, it is actually a downward spiral method of the picture, the spacecraft lowers the flight altitude a little bit, and finally enters the atmosphere.

Therefore, even if the spacecraft enters the return orbit, it will take a long time. During this process, except that it is disconnected from the ground communication during the process of entering the black barrier, the communication is unimpeded at other times.

Even for astronauts, there is actually no specific feeling during the entire space phase, except for the obvious feeling during the period after returning to the atmosphere.

It's just that the astronauts will give themselves hints that they will be a little nervous.

During the entire return and landing process, although the spacecraft is controlled and operated autonomously, the astronauts also need to pay close attention to various data information of the spacecraft to ensure that all action procedures are started normally. And do a good job of manually opening in time after the system program fails, or do some remedial measures and so on.

Although the chance of this happening is very small, once it happens, it will be a big deal, so make preparations for this. After all, safety is no small matter.

The speed of the spacecraft was rapidly decreasing. Looking at the trajectory and altitude data of the spacecraft on the big screen, Zhang Jun and the others couldn't help but concentrate.

Although it was said that the three unmanned experimental spacecraft had been successfully launched and returned safely, everyone here was a little nervous and worried about the first manned launch and return landing.

The spacecraft entered the sky above the predetermined area, and the detachment procedure of the return capsule was started. The countdown, nineteen eighty-seven...Three, two, one, the separation of the return capsule and the propulsion return service module was completed.

Carrell reported that the infrared light radar showed that the return module and the propulsion service module were successfully separated, and the return module was about to enter the atmosphere.

"it is good!"

Hearing the announcement on the radio, everyone who had been up until dawn finally regained their spirits amid a burst of cheers.

The lidar on the big screen showed that the spacecraft's return capsule had dragged a long tail flame into the atmosphere, as if a brilliant pop was cutting through the sky.

"The return capsule begins to enter the 'black barrier'."

Entering the "black barrier" means that the return capsule will be interrupted with the information and data written in the ground remote control. Although the return capsule can be tracked by optical radar, no one knows exactly how it is.

So now everyone can only wait, wait for the return capsule to break through the black barrier, and re-establish a data information link with the ground.

"Jiuchi reported that the infrared lidar tracking is normal, the telemetry signal is normal, and the flight attitude of the return cabin is normal."

"Attention to all units, the first landing site is estimated to be 111 degrees **** minutes **** seconds east longitude and 41 degrees **** minutes **** seconds north latitude."

"The ground search team received that the No. 1, 2, and 3 crews, according to the predetermined plan, began to maneuver to the predicted landing point."

"Team No. 1 received!"

"Team No. 2 received it!"

"Team No. 3 received it!"

Through the monitoring systems all over the place, Wu Hao and the others were able to get the real-time picture and sound instructions of each scene very intuitively through various large screens in the Xinyuehu Command and Control Center.

I saw on the big screen that the search team composed of off-road vehicles had already started to move towards the predicted landing site. On the satellite map of the landing site, it is also possible to clearly see the location coordinates of each search vehicle group, the direction of travel, and the estimated landing area fed back by the monitoring and control center of the landing site.

By hovering the high-altitude drone over the landing site, it is also possible to see the ground conditions of the entire landing site, including the progress of each convoy.

However, at this moment, the sky is not yet fully bright, and the sky has already lit up in the distance, and the teams are speeding on the vast grassland with their headlights on.

At the airport, several helicopters were ready, and the staff were making the final preparations. Take off as soon as the light allows. Although these helicopters can also take off and land at night, the risk is too great.

And in the early search process, the drone will undertake all the work. Therefore, the work of the helicopter is only used to carry the relevant search and rescue team members, as well as some on-site situation disposal support personnel to arrive at the scene as soon as possible after landing in the return cabin.

Seeing that the spacecraft had passed through the black barrier and the communication signal returned to normal, the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center immediately began to call.

Walker No. 4, can you receive it?

Heart Moon Fox, Walker No. 4 received it.

Walker No. 4, report the situation in the cabin.

It is reported that the conditions in the cabin are normal, the instruments and equipment are running normally, the various systems are running normally, and the warehouse walls are normal.

Xinyuehu received it, Walker 4, pay close attention to the equipment in the cabin.

Although through remote monitoring, these data information can also be detected in the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center. However, in order to avoid data errors, the astronauts still need to personally confirm.

In fact, this process did not need to be so tense, and there is no need for confirmation, and the astronauts will notify the first time if there is any abnormality. But after all, this is the first time that a manned spacecraft has returned to the landing, so it seems a little nervous and cautious.

This is also good, and it is also to ensure the safety of the return landing.

"Attention to all units, the second landing site is estimated to be 111 degrees **** minutes **** seconds east longitude and 41 degrees **** minutes **** seconds north latitude."

"Each vehicle group adjusts the travel route and heads to the new estimated landing site."

On the big screen, Yu Chengwu can be seen in a command car, watching. Professional things are left to professional people. At this moment, Yu Chengwu does not make a sound to influence and disturb other people's work. This is the greatest support for the entire landing search and rescue work.

The telemetry center of the landing site reported that the infrared optical radar successfully captured the spacecraft's return capsule, which has a complete shape and a normal flight attitude.

clap clap clap...

There was a burst of warm applause in the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, because it meant that the spacecraft's return capsule had successfully broken through the thermostratification.

But after the applause fell, everyone's expressions became tense again. Because the next most critical moment can open the main parachute on the spacecraft, which is related to the success of the return landing mission.

This is also the most important structure on the return capsule, which can be said to be the key core for the safe landing of the spacecraft.

If the main parachute cannot be opened, then the return capsule will carry the astronauts to a hard landing in a free fall, hitting the ground at such a high speed from such a high distance, and the consequences can be imagined.

The main parachute set on the return capsule of Walker 4 is different from the large single parachute on the traditional manned spacecraft, but a parachute set composed of three parachutes.

Compared with a single umbrella, this multi-parachute umbrella group is relatively stable, and it has strong resistance to airflow, so that the entire return cabin will not be swayed and swayed by the airflow in the sky.

But despite having so many advantages, because of its complex structure, it is more difficult to deploy than a single umbrella, and its reliability is worse than that of a single umbrella.

So at this moment, everyone abandoned their attention and waited for this critical moment to come.

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