Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2039: give someone a pillow

In fact, without watching those news, Wu Hao knew exactly what kind of content these overseas news reports were filled with, how to bury them and so on. Of course, there are also good reviews, but there are only a few, few of them, who are overwhelmed by the entire environment.

Relatively, the domestic media are more active in this regard. However, Wu Hao didn't like it too much. It's just too embarrassing to blow, and Wu Hao feels embarrassed when he blows it. There are only a few of them, and the reports are fairly objective.

Therefore, compared to these media, Wu Hao may prefer the comments of some netizens, including some related bloggers, and their related comments and descriptions are much more objective.

Lin Wei nodded after hearing what he said, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "How did I hear that you are going to give up the space station plan and move forward with the lunar scientific research station project? Will it be too risky?"

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao glanced at Zhou Xiangming, who was sitting behind him and talking with a few experts in a low voice, then nodded at Lin Wei and said, "There is such a thing, in fact, this idea has been around for a long time. There are debates in this aspect throughout the company. At the beginning, through research and discussion, and after soliciting opinions from all parties, the decision to develop the commercial space station project was made.

Times are different now, major aerospace companies have announced the launch of their own commercial space station projects, and some countries with aerospace ambitions have related similar plans. In the future, the orbit on our earth will only become more and more crowded, and the competition will become more and more fierce.

You know me well, I am not afraid of competition. At the beginning, I grew up a little bit in competition with other Internet technology giants. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei nodded. She has heard too much about Wu Hao's struggle and rise. There are of course a lot of reports from the outside world. Anyway, there are various kinds of reports, and there are all kinds of things to say. As the helm of a media company and Wu Hao's girlfriend, she naturally comes into contact with these often.

Even if she is unwilling to contact her, someone will tell her the news, or ask to verify the authenticity of the relevant news, so it is difficult for him to not understand.

On the other hand, as Wu Hao's girlfriend and the closest person, she also heard a lot of more real past struggles from Wu Hao's mouth, including Wu Hao's friends, and how they developed and grown little by little.

Seeing Lin Wei nodding, Wu Hao continued: "But the aerospace technology industry can not only rely on market competition, this is a special industry, which is more dependent on policies and geographical/governance factors, so we cooperate with those overseas. If aerospace companies, including some countries, compete, they have no advantage, and may even be at a great disadvantage.

This is the first, the second, even if we lost overseas international markets, the huge domestic market can still support our development. It can be said that there is a domestic market, and we will always have the confidence to challenge the outside world.

However, the aerospace technology industry is rather special. Our domestic competitors are not other companies, but the entire aerospace system. You absolutely, in the face of it, do we still have an advantage in this regard?

Coupled with the more traditional thinking of our people, how many people do you think are willing to take a risk on a space tourism? "

"But the risk of lunar exploration is even greater. How many people are willing to do so? And you have already done some research and investment in the space station project. If you give up now, the previous investment and investment will be in vain." Lin Wei proposed two Very targeted question. As Wu Hao's girlfriend, as a person closely related to Wu Hao, she and Wu Hao have the same position, so many times she will ask many very targeted questions. This is not to find it difficult to find faults, but to analyze and avoid some risks for Wu Hao.

Hearing these two questions, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and replied: "You are right, the lunar exploration project is more risky, but the development prospects are also greater, right?

It has been nearly 70 years since human beings successfully entered space, and it has been 30 or 40 years since the first space station was established. It can be said that we have already fully utilized the understanding and utilization of the space environment in low-Earth orbit. Even if there is further development in the future, It is impossible to develop too much development.

So if we join it, even if we win in these fierce competitions, we may not get much benefit.

As for the initial investment in the space station project, you don't have to worry too much about this, these investments and achievements will not be in vain.

First of all, these technologies will also be applied to some of our subsequent manned spaceflight projects, and secondly, these technological achievements can also be fully applied to the lunar scientific research station project. In fact, most of the two are similar. A space vehicle for people to live and work. It's just that one is in orbit and the other is on the moon.

In the end, we are not saying that the commercial space station project is completely abandoned, but it will be changed in a different way. "

Another way? Lin Wei couldn't help but be a little puzzled and said Yes, Wu Hao nodded and said: "We will seek cooperation with the aerospace system and participate in the construction and operation of the Tiangong space station. For example, cooperate with it and undertake the space station. Delivery of goods and people.

And after this work is mature, we can also use it to transport more tourists in the future and carry out related space tourism projects, including some space commercial scientific research projects.

Secondly, we can also cooperate to build some new modules to dock with the space station and expand the capacity of the space station. In this way, we can have more space available to carry more visitors and conduct some commercial space science missions. "

But will the aerospace sector agree? Lin Wei couldn't help but worry. After all, this is just Wu Hao's simple idea. Will the aerospace department agree to such a request?

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "They will not refuse, after all, this is a win-win cooperation. First of all, as far as the existing Tiangong space station is concerned, its construction has been completed, and all the work has also entered the formal stage.

Although the related scientific research work on the space station has achieved very fruitful results in recent years, at the same time, the operating cost of the space station is a very large amount for the aerospace department that has limited annual funds and wants to do a lot of things. pressure.

Therefore, they also want to find a partner to jointly bear the expenses in this regard, but for a long time, there has been no such partner, let alone commercial cooperation.

So if we offered to cooperate, they would certainly be happy to say yes. Because this is exactly what they want, and it can even be regarded as giving a pillow for drowsiness, which is too timely. "

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