Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2010: Cancel the space station construction plan?

Wu Hao thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said to Zhou Xiangming: "You can only watch, can't eat, can't drink, this is the cruelest punishment for a foodie, what glory is there in this life.

Well, after this project is over, after you return to Anxi, go to the Medical Center of Linghu Business District, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College to do a systemic examination of the whole body, and then check the situation to see if there is any good treatment. Method.

Then, you send a copy of your examination data to the Clinical Medicine and Disease Research Center at the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center. I remember that there should be a research project on gout.

However, I don’t know the specific research process. You can prepare a case over there first. After the project research in this area has made progress, I can also get you a place for an internal clinical trial, hoping to completely cure your high uric acid. disease. As long as the disease is cured, ventilation will not happen again. "

Thank you Mr. Wu! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming quickly thanked him. If he could really cure this **** disease, it would be like a life saver for him. Although he is not a top foodie, he is also a carnivore, and he adjusts his life by eating something delicious every day. But now, he was about to eat grass and willing cabbage. Basically, he had to remember everything, and he was insulated from all the delicious food. This was simply killing him.

And several times of ventilation attacks, he was a little bit painful. Now even if the delicious food is placed in front of him, he dare not eat it. Because the pain has cast a shadow on these delicious foods, he chose to avoid them when he encountered them.

Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile, then looked at Yu Chengwu and said, "As for your joint pain, go back to Anxi and let someone do moxibustion or something for you. If it really doesn't work, you should do the same as Xiang Ming. Systematic inspection or something,

How old are you two now, it's not right for you to be sick all the time. When it spreads out, I thought I was abusing the two of you. "

Glancing at the two of them angrily, Wu Hao continued: "Take it easy, the days will be long. We have just launched a high manned launch. In the future, the space station, manned landing on the moon, landing on Mars, and other planets, and even flying Going out of the solar system, going to other galaxies, and finding a second civilization all require your continued efforts."

This is too far for us. As long as our goal can get out of the solar system, the two of us will really die without regrets. Yu Chengwu sighed and said angrily.

Small family, where is this, let's set a small goal first, how about flying out of the Milky Way? Wu Hao looked at the two and laughed and joked.

Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming glanced at each other when they heard the words, and then laughed heartily. This goal was too far away for them, so far away that the two of them never thought about it. Even now, both of them think that Wu Hao is making fun of them. No one will take it seriously, because this goal is too far away, so far away that basically everyone will think that this is a bridge that only appears in science fiction movies, and it cannot be achieved in reality, at least in the foreseeable future. .

Of course Wu Hao would not argue with the two of them in this regard, but smiled and said nothing.

What do you two think about the future development of our manned spaceflight?

Hearing Wu Hao suddenly asking this question, the two looked at each other, and then both couldn't help thinking.

Yu Chengwu asked Wu Hao curiously: "As for the development of manned spaceflight, hasn't our company already formulated a complete development plan?"

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the two who were looking at him and said, "I just want to hear your thoughts. You have been dealing with the aerospace department and these technical experts for so long, so you should have discussed it a lot. I Would you like to know what your new thoughts on this are?"

Seeing Wu Hao say this, Yu Chengwu glanced at Zhou Xiangming, then nodded and said, "If you say that, I really have a new idea. This is what I figured out after chatting with many people during this period of time. Not necessarily true, You listen first."

Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile: "It's okay, just say it, we are discussing it in private, and we don't have so much attention and care."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Yu Chengwu nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "I think so, although our manned spaceflight technology is developing rapidly, it has achieved very fruitful results in the past few years.

However, compared with the international advanced level, we have been in the stage of catching up. Although our technology has shaken ahead of the so-called aerospace powers, there is still some gap with the leading level, which is an objective fact.

Take manned spaceflight as an example, others are ten years ahead of us, which is not a small gap.

Now many people like to compare us to SPX, no matter how great we make, they are regarded as us chasing and imitating.

So that's what I thought, can we make a breakthrough in this area, overtake on the straight, go straight over the SPX, and go to a new track. "

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard the words, then looked at Yu Chengwu and asked, "Where do you want to start?"

space station! Yu Chengwu watched Wu Hao spit out these three words.

space station? Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, not only Wu Hao, but also Zhou Xiangming couldn't help being surprised.

Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming and asked, "You don't know?"

Zhou Xiangming shook his head: "He and I discussed this matter, but thought it was just a casual discussion."

Yu Chengwu explained with a smile: "I only formed this idea recently, and it is not mature, so no one said it."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard Yu Chengwu's words, and then motioned for him to continue.

Yu Chengwu immediately said to Wu Hao at the meeting: "Regarding commercial space stations and inflatable inflatable space stations, major commercial space companies are currently working on them, and there are various and countless plans. In addition, it is the projects of various countries in this area. .

I think our commercial space station project seems to have no competitive advantage except for its large size. And at present, whether it is the International Space Station or our country's space station, civilian projects have been opened.

If we do it again, will this be considered a "business" with them? "

How did you come up with this idea, who told you that? Wu Hao couldn't help frowning when he heard the words and asked.

Yu Chengwu shook his head and said, "No one told me, just my own inner thoughts.

With so many commercial space station projects, plus the original space station open project, there is no big advantage for us to participate in them, and it is said to be making money.

So in this case, should we consider and re-examine the feasibility of this project. "

Do you want to cancel the space station construction plan? Wu Hao looked at Yu Chengwu and asked seriously.

Looking at Wu Hao's face and Wu Hao's eyes, Yu Chengwu nodded seriously: "Make"

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