Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2003: Lighthouse in the dark

Wu Hao was a little surprised by such an answer, but he turned his head to imagine and understood.

There are many reasons why I say this, but the main ones are just a few questions.

First of all, Wu Hao and their super smart factory technology are very popular. Now major manufacturers are competing with them for cooperation. As a foundry company, and as a foundry company with pursuit, how could Guanghe give up such an opportunity? .

Especially Wu Hao's super smart factory technology is really amazing, it can not only save most of the labor demand, reduce labor input, or even eliminate labor input. Moreover, it can greatly reduce the production cost of the entire production plant and improve production efficiency by virtue of the intelligent, unmanned and automated production mode.

You must know that human resources are now tight, and the cost of employment is soaring. Therefore, major OEM companies are facing great pressure. For this reason, many companies have chosen to relocate. Some have migrated to the inland, central and western regions, and many have relocated abroad. For these foundry companies, a stable environment is the foundation for their development. If it is not a last resort, who would choose to migrate.

But if you don't migrate, you will continue to face difficulties. Not only do we have to work hard to scramble for labor, but we may not necessarily be able to **** it, but we also have to pay the huge cost brought about by the increase in labor costs.

This is a huge pressure on foundry companies that are very sensitive to operating costs. Why do some OEM companies move around the world, the purpose is to reduce production costs. Therefore, when the production cost is high to a certain level, the business operator should decide whether to temporarily or permanently shut down the production plant, or choose to relocate.

Just when a manufacturer was suffering, Haoyu Technology's super-manufacturing factory technology was like a beacon that suddenly lit up in the dark, bringing hope to everyone.

But at the beginning, the major manufacturers of this technology were more skeptical. After all, major foundries are constantly exploring the technologies related to automation and unmanned operation. I have never heard of that company being able to achieve fully unmanned production, or even the unmanned operation of the entire factory area.

Moreover, the first generation of super-intelligent manufacturing technology still requires some workers to participate in some positions in the production process, but this has greatly reduced personnel participation. But with such supervision, these manufacturers are still a little skeptical. Isn't this the same technology they use, and it doesn't seem to be much stronger.

It is for this reason that these manufacturers are naturally less interested in this technology.

However, at that time, Wu Hao and the others developed the first generation of super-intelligent manufacturing technology just to meet their own production needs, and they did not plan to promote the market.

What really aroused the shock and interest of these manufacturers was the first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory. When they learned that the entire production process of Wu Hao's second-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory did not require human participation at all, the entire production process was fully automated. It requires personnel to control and perform maintenance and repair of equipment and systems.

This technology naturally attracted the interest of the majority of manufacturers, especially after visiting Wu Hao’s second-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory, the enthusiasm and interest of these manufacturers became even greater, so they began to talk about cooperation one by one.

Gu birthday

At the beginning, Wu Hao and the others were only willing to sell the related technologies of the first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factories, so they were mainly engaged in the upgrading and transformation projects of the production factories of these manufacturers.

Despite many skepticism, these retrofit and upgrade projects were successful. These transformed super smart factories not only eliminated a large number of jobs, but also saved a very large amount of labor costs and production costs. It also greatly improves production efficiency.

The excellent performance of these renovated and upgraded production plants is naturally seen by many people, and has formed a reputation invisibly. With this good reputation, Wu Hao and the others have won more and more cooperation.

Later, Wu Hao and the others opened up the technology of the second-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory, which attracted a large group of manufacturers to come to buy. It's just that such a super intelligent manufacturing factory will take quite a while to upgrade or rebuild. Wu Hao and the others have limited production capacity and cannot meet the needs of so many orders, so they can only queue up.

In fact, the entire super smart factory project team and technical team have been busy in recent years, and many people have not taken vacations for several years. This is not Wu Hao's exploitation, they are too busy.

Wu Hao and the others have no choice but to remedy them in terms of salary and benefits, and these people have already surpassed one million worth of money with these projects. With such a high salary incentive, these people are tired but happy.

And this time, I heard that Wu Hao and the others have come up with a third-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory that does not require people at all. It's just that for the third-generation super smart factory technology, Wu Hao and the others have no plans to sell it to the outside world for the time being.

In Wu Hao's business strategy, the technology in their hands must be ahead of the market technology generation, so as to have a competitive advantage. Therefore, Wu Hao and the others had no choice but to shake their heads and refuse to recommend the second-generation super-intelligent factory technology that is more "cost-effective" for these successive production companies.

Although these enterprise manufacturers are unwilling, but in the face of Wu Hao's tough attitude, they can only turn their heads and choose the second-generation super-intelligent manufacturing technology.

In fact, about Wu Hao's super-intelligent factory It is not that the manufacturer of this enterprise has not thought about "learning", "learning", "imitation", and copying. However, without exception, the ideal effect has not been achieved. The reason is still in the control system, in addition to the coordination between various production equipment and the overall operation stage.

In addition, Wu Hao and the others own the intellectual property rights and technical patents of this super-intelligent factory technology, so it is difficult for them to avoid it. If you imitate it rashly, it is likely to risk Manlin infringement.

In recent years, the country has become more and more regulated and strict in the management of intellectual property rights. Once their infringing acts are discovered and sued by Haoyu Technology, it will have a huge impact on their corporate image. In addition, it will also face a considerable amount of infringement damages.

In the end, the most important thing is time. Now is the time when the production capacity of the entire foundry industry is in short supply. Whoever can give priority to increasing production capacity can grab more production orders. You must know that now major technology and Internet companies are waving banknotes to grab production share.

This naturally makes these manufacturers very anxious, looking at the money but not getting it, which is the biggest torture for them.

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