Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1989: A super card for dealing with the crisis

This... After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone's faces showed surprise. If it's what Wu Hao said, then such a factory in front of you is a war factory, which can continuously provide weapons and equipment for the troops.

You know, war is all about resources, and whoever invests more resources in a war will be able to win the war. Especially when it comes to weapons and ammunition. Several major wars have proved this. How Germany was defeated in World War II was related to the blockade of resources.

However, the strength of the Mi army has risen with the supply of abundant resources. Even in the late stage of the war, it was able to provide military assistance to many countries around the world, and it was called the world's factory, which was inseparable from its strong industrial strength.

As for this factory, there is no need for skilled workers at all, and all unmanned automatic operation is very important in the war. Because in times of war, in fact, the biggest consumption is the talent. In particular, workers who are proficient in various production techniques, together with the factories, will also become the key targets of the enemy's every possible attack.

The factory is gone and can be rebuilt. But the workers are gone, but it is difficult to replace them in a short period of time. Because a worker who has mastered the production process technology takes a long time to be trained. Their growth could not keep up with the consumption of war. Therefore, in the late stage of the war, the troops may not be able to increase their production capacity due to the lack of skilled workers and related resources in the rear military factories, and there will be a shortage of materials. This is undoubtedly fatal for the front-line troops who are at a critical stage. the blow.

Actually more than that. Looking at the crowd, Wu Hao said with a smile: "The biggest advantage of this super-intelligent factory is still intelligence, unmanned, automated, high efficiency, low loss, and low energy consumption.

In this way, this super-intelligent manufacturing factory can be used in any field and in any scene.

For example, take protective masks, a practice we have all experienced. At the height of the pandemic that year, there was a huge shortage of masks. Many factories are unable to operate because of the high demand and the absence of workers due to epidemic prevention measures. Even if it is barely running, the efficiency has not been improved. Later, it was enterprises and factories in other industries that changed production one after another to cope with this crisis.

And now, with this super-intelligent manufacturing factory, we don't need to worry about this problem at all.

If necessary, we can issue relevant instructions. This super-intelligent manufacturing factory can automatically combine production lines according to relevant needs. "

Automatic combination production line? When the people present heard his words, they couldn't help but be surprised. This is a bit unimaginable for everyone, because the production line of this kind of product can only be run after repeated debugging by technicians. Now, it is not too exaggerated, or even a little whimsical, to rely on the intelligent management system to freely change and combine the required production lines.

Facing everyone's questioning expressions, Wu Hao smiled, then pointed to a piece of equipment next to him, and said with a smile to everyone: "Everyone, please see, these pieces of equipment are actually movable. The ground in this factory is It's like a base for building blocks or Lego models, allowing these devices to be freely installed and combined.

To put it simply, we have designed the entire production system to be modular, which can be freely changed and combined according to the production tasks, so as to realize the production of different products.

In the database of our intelligent management system, there are many combination data related to production lines stored. If necessary, we only need to issue instructions, and the intelligent management system can freely allocate and combine the equipment in the factory according to the combination data in the database, so as to realize the conversion between different production lines. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao gestured: "To give an inappropriate example, if the pandemic is re-emerging, there is a new crisis, there is an urgent need for masks, or protective clothing, or even vaccines, or bread and other things. .

Then as long as we issue an order, the factory can complete the transformation, combination and debugging of the production line within 12 hours, and then start full-load production. "

If this is what you say, then the strategic value of this factory is extraordinary. The well-informed Tan Yongzhen couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

"Yes, such a super-intelligent manufacturing factory can be used for civilian economic production at ordinary times. Once needed, emergency procedures can be started immediately to produce various materials and equipment products as needed. This can not only be applied to the military field, but also It can be widely used in various fields. Even I think that every province should have such a super intelligent manufacturing factory to deal with various crises that may arise in the future." Li Weiguo also nodded, with his super high strategy It is impossible not to see this.

After listening to the two of them, everyone present nodded in agreement, and even started endless imaginations about this factory.

As for Wu Hao, he also continued at this time: "To take a simple example, take such an intelligent and unmanned small fully automatic bread factory as an example, it can produce more than 20 tons of bread a day and can supply The daily ration of 200,000 people.

And this is just a small unmanned chemical factory. If it is a large factory of this scale, it can produce more than 100 tons or more of food a day, which will play a very important role in dealing with various crises~ Wu Hao's words undoubtedly poured a bucket of gasoline on the flames of everyone's excitement, making everyone even more excited.

Yes, such a superfood factory that can produce 100 tons of food a day can play a major role at a critical moment. What's more, the plant doesn't even need to be running at ordinary times, it just needs to be maintained on time. If needed, the plant can be upgraded to open for emergency production.

Not just food, but other materials as well.

"I think for this idea and this super-intelligent manufacturing factory, we should come up with a more detailed investigation and research report, and hand it over to the organization after returning, and then come to promote this project as soon as possible.

We can use three to five years or even three to ten years to set up such an emergency material production center in various regions of the country. Usually we can spend a small amount of money for maintenance and management. Once necessary, this factory can be upgraded to production, which will become the confidence for us to deal with various crises and challenges in the future, and it is also a trump card in our hands. ,trump card! "Tan Yong suggested to the crowd.

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