Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1978: unmanned warfare

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"To sum up, in the past, we used unmanned weapons and equipment to replace humanized weapons and equipment, but this time, we directly replaced people with humanoid simulation robots!"

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded, and the discussion became louder. Wu Hao's idea or goal can be described as earth-shattering, which is equivalent to directly replacing the most basic and fundamental part of military warfare, that is, people.

This also means that if this combat-type humanoid bionic robot is really put into equipment applications, then future wars may really be unmanned wars without human participation.

Unmanned warfare may be the ultimate goal of all practitioners in the military industry.

This ultimate goal, or the concept of unmanned warfare, was not proposed by Wu Hao and the others. Someone had proposed such an idea as early as more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years ago.

However, due to the limitations of technology and people's cognition at the time, this concept was actually very vague at first, which was reflected in some comic posters at that time, including film and television works.

For example, the first robot that appeared in film and television dramas has a very simple and rudimentary shape. It looks like an iron man, no, or a robot wearing medieval plate armor.

In fact, there was no CG special effect post-production technology at that time, and this robot was really played by a real person wearing such a set of coats, props and costumes.

As for the concept of unmanned warfare, it also appeared with the emergence of robots.

This idea or concept is also caused by the background of the big era in the first half of the last century. From the beginning of the twentieth century to the middle of the twentieth century, human beings can be said to have been in the midst of wars, big and small. The theme of this stage is war. It can be said that this is the bloodiest and cruelest half century for mankind in thousands of years.

Therefore, war, bloodshed, and sacrifice have always been the eternal topics of human society during this period.

Too many people died because it was too bloody. So there are science fiction writers, painters, and artists who start to imagine whether it is possible to build a machine that can replace humans to fight.

This idea was continuously processed and perfected, and finally a robot was born, and the concept of unmanned warfare was born.

Later, with the continuous improvement of the scientific and technological level of human society, the concept of this robot is also constantly clear and clear. Scientists, sci-fi enthusiasts, and artists started from the initial simple fantasy to practice, thinking about what kind of technology to use to create the robot in everyone's imagination.

Therefore, during this period, robots began to follow a realistic style, and a series of robots appeared that echoed the technical level at that time. What is more advanced is that the robots that appeared in this period were all born at the technical level of this period, and have a strong imprint of the times.

However, it is also limited by technology and cognition. The images of robots that appeared in this period are all stupid and rough mechanical images, so they should not be called robots, but robots.

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology and the advancement of technology in the film and television industry, more and more sci-fi themed film and television dramas have appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The images of robots in these film and television dramas are becoming more and more sci-fi, and the images of these robots are more sophisticated. Some professionals are even invited to design the structure and shape, so the designed robots are also more and more realistic.

And with the continuous development of unmanned and intelligent technology, all kinds of robots have emerged one after another, including industrial robots used in industrial production, and naturally there are also highly bionic humanoid simulation robots.

In terms of humanoid simulation robots, the Japanese country has always been at the forefront. The robots they have produced are very realistic, at least in terms of appearance, which may also be directly related to the culture of this country and certain hobbies of the people. It's a relationship, so it caused them to go all the way upstairs in the simulation.

However, even if it is so paranoid, the humanoid simulation robot created by it is only like the shape, and it can realize that the real person and the robot can't tell who is real and who is fake.

In addition, some micro-expression changes can be made, including simple movements such as lips and mouth changes, winks, smiles, and so on. As for some body movements, they are extremely rigid.

So how these kinds of robots are displayed statically is very good, very realistic, but let them move, and the prototype is quickly revealed.

In addition to Japan, other countries have also made progress in the field of robotics. The most worth mentioning of these is Boston Dynamics, a robotics company from Lao Mi.

This is a technology company specializing in robotics technology. The reason why this company is famous and attracts the attention of many people is because its robotics technology is very powerful.

From the original robot mule, the robot dog, to the two-wheeled upright robot, and the humanoid bionic robot, the company has achieved very remarkable results in this field of technology. UU reading

In recent years, although this company is a little embarrassed in terms of financial situation, they are still making continuous progress in technology, especially in terms of robot dogs and humanoid bionic robots. Before the advent of humanized bionic robots, they were the most dazzling existence, and no one could surpass them.

In addition, the concept of robots has also been radiated to other fields, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned combat vehicles, and some robots used in the battlefield, such as explosive clearance robots, underwater robots and so on.

Therefore, the concept of unmanned warfare has become clearer and clearer, and it has become a hot area for research by major powers and armies.

In the research of these powerful countries and armed forces, they still mainly use unmanned equipment to replace manned equipment, such as using drones to replace manned fighters to perform some aerial reconnaissance and strike missions.

This has also allowed drones to show their talents on the battlefields in various regions of the world in recent years, and achieved very fruitful results. There is even a country that used drones to fight another country with the same strength. , which was unimaginable in the past.

In addition to such drones, suicide attack drones are also becoming more and more active on the battlefield and have become inexpensive cruise missiles in the hands of various countries. It is also because of the powerful power of such drones that it has become a hot-selling product in the international arms market.

Wu Hao and the others take a large share of their annual arms sales from these drones. It can be said that the intelligent factory they use to produce drones has never stopped, which shows how strong the market demand is. .

Chapter 1978: Unmanned War

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