Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1943: We appreciate them, and we have no choice

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded in agreement. Indeed, this is the truth. Who can say what will happen in the next decade or so. Compared with the future, returning to normal appearance is the most important thing in the present.

What happened to this little pig in the end? A female doctor in the crowd asked.

Wu Hao looked at her and said with a smile: "We will also use it to do a series of related experiments, and finally give it a humanitarian ending."


Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded involuntarily. Indeed, this is the most normal way. It is impossible for these experimental animals to leave the laboratory in the end, let alone the slogan of a happy old age.

Although cruel, the humanitarian outcome is the best relief for these experimental animals. There is no way, there are many experimental animals that die in the laboratory every year, there may be millions or tens of millions, but it is the sacrifice of these experimental animals that has won us human beings technical drugs for the treatment of various diseases.

We appreciate them, and we have no choice. Because so far, these experimental animals are a hurdle that must be passed before entering human clinical trials. If it were not for their sacrifices, then the sacrifices would probably be people.

The female doctor wanted to talk, but after seeing everyone's reaction, she finally covered her stomach again, and then turned to look at the quiet and helpless little pig still in the experimenter's arms.

Wu Hao, or in other words, many people present noticed this scene, but no one said anything. Because they had experienced this feeling before, but it was too early to experience it when they were in college. At that time, they needed to catch the rabbits themselves, then conduct experiments, and finally end their suffering with their own hands. This process is very cruel, and many of these famous experts have lost their eyes and cried because of this.

However, the more such things have been experienced, everyone will be indifferent. Especially in the hospital, I was used to seeing life and death in the world, and I was able to look at all this very calmly and calmly.

In fact for such things, this is for these laboratory animals. Animal protection organizations in various countries have held many activities to protest this "cruel" behavior.

However, compared with the life and health of the whole human beings, these are too small. Although it is a bit unfair, there is no doubt that human beings are the masters of this world.

What you see next may cause some psychological and physical discomfort. If you can't stand it, you can go to the rest area to rest first, where coffee and snacks are prepared for you. Wu Hao said with a smile at the crowd.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but glance at the female doctor, but then all shook their heads. How could they miss such a rare opportunity. Even this female doctor bit her lip and shook her head.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, and then brought everyone to the acrylic booth next to him.

These mice here are the results of our related skin grafting experiments.

In this one, we have completed the bio-3D printed skin transplantation of about 30% of the body surface of the mouse, and this one has completed the bio-3D printed skin transplantation of about 50% of the body surface.

This one here is quite special, we have completed the transplantation of its entire head skin. Wu Hao pointed at the white mouse whose head was transplanted without much hair, and introduced it to the crowd.

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone looked up. The little guy in front of him, who didn't have much hair on his head, actually completed the transplantation of the entire head skin tissue.


You know, it is very difficult to operate on mice. Because the mice are too small, they need to be carried out with the help of a microscope. However, the head of the mouse is required to undergo a skin transplant operation, which requires extremely high surgical precision.

For this one, we transplanted 80% of the skin on its body, so it doesn't have much hair on it.

At present, these mice are in good physiological state and are very healthy. In the next step, we will continue to observe and record as much data as possible.

Who did these transplant operations, and the technology is so good? Wu Jiuzhi, who had not spoken for a long time, approached Wu Hao and asked carefully while observing the mice.

Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the door, although everyone is a doctor, and they are all experts in related fields. But the difference is also very different in one field. In terms of transplantation, Wu Jiuzhi is undoubtedly a big expert here.

So he naturally knew what these operations meant, so he wanted to know who the big cow who performed these operations was, and he had a little thought.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "It's the young researchers in our laboratory who have completed these operations."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Jiuzhi shook his head again and again: "Such a delicate operation cannot be completed without the accumulation of more than ten years. As for these young people in your laboratory, I am afraid that there is no such heat."

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "They did it, but they borrowed our multi-tentacle smart medical surgical robot to do it."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao immediately turned his head and asked the accompanying laboratory staff, "Is there an animal surgery experiment scheduled today?"

The staff member nodded and replied: "There will be an experimental rabbit bio-printed heart transplant experiment in a while."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words and said, "Let the experimental team prepare, and we will watch the operation later."


After seeing Wu Hao's instructions, Wu Jiuzhi couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Wu, are you already conducting technical experiments on 3D bioprinted heart transplantation?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: " We are trying this. Although we already have an intelligent bionic artificial heart, is this kind of machine equipment or does it not have its own heart? Okay.

Therefore, after the development of the biological 3D printer, we immediately started related experiments. This bioprinted heart technique was also an important element throughout our experiments.

It happens that there is a surgical experiment today. If you are interested, you can go and see it later. It's just that the operation time may be a little long, and it may take some time for the unit. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Shenghua waved his hands repeatedly and said, "It's okay, it's okay to delay it for a long time. This kind of opportunity can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How could it be missed if you encounter it."

That's right, Mr. Wu, you can arrange it, we'll be fine. Everyone was also excited.

Indeed, for them, this is a very rare and precious opportunity. Many people may have a rare chance in their lives, so when they heard Wu Hao's arrangement, how could these people present, especially many young people, not be excited.

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