Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1931: Face swap!

After finishing speaking, Qi Feng looked at Wu Hao and several experts, and several experts glanced at Wu Hao. And Wu Hao didn't answer immediately, but stared at the photo and thought.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't speak for a long time, Wu Jiuzhi relieved the atmosphere and said with a smile: "Actually, there is still a way, that is, an allogeneic face transplant surgery. Take a donor's face and replace it with the patient, and all problems will be solved."

face change?

Not only Qi Feng, Xu Shenghua and Zhang Qinghong all looked at him, Wu Hao also recovered and looked at Wu Jiuzhi, obviously very interested in his words.

"Actually, it's nothing new. Several cases of this type of surgery have been successfully performed in Europe and the United States." Wu Jiuzhi saw the interested eyes from everyone, and then introduced with a smile.

"As early as the beginning of this century, some experts tried to perform face-changing surgery, but they were stopped. Then in 2005, the hair country performed the world's first "face-changing" surgery, successfully treating a man who was bitten and disfigured by a dog. The woman "changed her face". The patient successfully woke up one day after the operation and regained consciousness. It is said that the patient recovered well after the operation, and was able to eat strawberry chocolate with his mouth open, drink coffee juice and so on.

This is the first recorded case of face transplant surgery, and then in 2009, the Mi surgeon Semenov also performed a face transplant operation, and it was a success.

The Semenov has been working on face-swapping surgery, doing extensive research on old books and cadavers. In late 2008, she transplanted nearly 83 square inches of skin from a young woman using muscle, bone, upper lip and nose from an anonymous donor. After 2 months, the patient's face, who did not want to be named and looked like, regained some basic functions, such as having a sense of smell and being able to drink from a cup. Semenov said at a later academic conference that the patient, who had no nose before, could now not only eat a hamburger, but also taste and smell it.

In another year or five, the Miltoyo University Medical Center held a press conference saying that they had completed the most complicated face replacement surgery to date. The patient for the operation was a firefighter who suffered severe facial burns during a fire in the early 2000s, with his eyelids, lips, ears, most of his nose, hair and eyebrows burned. After more than 20 hours of hard work by more than 100 doctors, nurses and other staff, they finally successfully completed the operation. "

Hearing Wu Jiuzhi's introduction, Xu Shenghua couldn't help touching his chin and said, "This case is worth learning from. Is there any more detailed information that can give us some inspiration and reference for our treatment?"

Wu Jiuzhi nodded and said: "There should be some, but it's been a long time, and I don't know how much I can collect. I will ask the students to sort them out and send them to everyone later."

As for Director Zhang Qinghong, it was at this time that he shook his head slightly and said, "Allogeneic face transplantation, which is what we call face replacement surgery, I have heard of it, but this surgery itself is highly controversial.

First, as doctors, let's talk about the technical aspects first. To completely remove the entire face from the donor's head, then remove the patient's damaged face, and then transplant the donor's face, the operation of this operation is difficult to imagine.

I'm not pouring cold water, any of us can guarantee that we can successfully win this operation. "

After speaking, Zhang Qinghong glanced at everyone, and then continued: "The face is also one of the more complex parts of the human body's nerves and muscles. There are many nerve tissues and blood vessel networks on it. How to achieve the precise docking of these blood vessels, and how to complete the perfect face shape Fitting, these are technical difficulties.

In addition, there is the issue of L's rationale, who will agree to donate their own or their relatives' faces. Even if someone is willing, the face shapes of different people are very different. If you want to find the perfect matching value, you have to agree to the family members, which may be even more difficult.

Which family members would agree to have their relatives' faces grow on others, and how the identity of the patient with the implanted face should be identified, these are all questions.

Finally, there is the rejection reaction. As we all know, patients need to take different medicines to resist the rejection reaction caused by the allogeneic organs. This process is also very painful. "

After listening to Zhang Qinghong's words, everyone was silent for a long time.

As for Wu Hao, he hesitated for a while, and then said to the crowd, "There should be no major problems with surgical techniques, which can be solved by using our multi-tentacle surgical robot."

"Then this is the skin, or the face comes from there. Are we really going to find a face for the patient to put on?"

Xu Shenghua asked the crowd, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "Tell me about your biological 3D printed skin, how far you can achieve."

Hearing the words, everyone present looked at him. When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled wryly, and then said to the crowd: "The area of ​​a human face is about 300 to 400 square centimeters, and we announced before that the current printing limit of our 3D bioprinter is 12 Three square centimeters.

Even if we use ten printers to print continuously, we only get more than one hundred square skins, which is still far from the whole face.

And these skins are relatively trivial, so implanting them on the patient's face will create a broken face, which will be even more terrifying at that time. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Shenghua immediately waved at him and said, "I don't want to listen to your public data, I just want to know what you can actually do."

"Twenty or thirty square centimeters, this is our current limit." Wu Hao spread his hands and said helplessly. Prepare several printers to print at the same time, so that we can get a very objective area of ​​skin. Moreover, the entire transplant process does not need to be completed in one go, which is too risky and the operation is too difficult, so I still prefer to use the method of multiple transplants to allow patients to gradually recover their faces.

Hearing Xu Shenghua's words, Wu Jiuzhi also said: "As for the scars where different skins are spliced, this can also be solved. During the implantation process, medical and cosmetic experts should be involved to sew the skin and pre-treat the wound. After adjustment and repair in the later stage, these scars can be repaired without causing too obvious scars, and even the scars can be completely eliminated.”

Seeing that Xu Shenghua and Wu Jiuzhi had said so, Qi Feng also said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, since the two experts have said so, I think it is better to just settle this matter. Anyway, the patients have already come. Well, we can't let her leave again disappointed.

Now many people are following us. If we can't hand in a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid everyone will not buy it easily. "

Speaking of which, Qi Feng patted Wu Hao on the shoulder and smiled and comforted: "We all know your worries, but there is a first time for everything. Don't worry, this time we will all share with you."

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