Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1756: "Inside News" Secret

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As for Starlink, Haoyu Aerospace does not currently have plans in this regard, but it seems that some other institutions and commercial enterprises are very interested in this and want to cooperate with Haoyu Aerospace. The specifics are not clear. One thing is certain, that is, Haoyu Aerospace itself is not bad in terms of satellite technology, and it is said that the general-purpose satellite platform they have developed is very popular.

In the end, it is the starship. I would say that it is all. Haoyu Aerospace also seems to have related plans. During the visit of the expert group today, Haoyu Technology exhibited a new type of spacecraft model. The specific information is not clear. I heard that it is also a manned spacecraft that can travel between heaven and earth. "

I'm going, I'm expecting it, the owner will not go to Haoyu Technology to participate in the press conference, right?

Sure, if you can understand so much internal news, you must have participated. Is it an expert or a leader in aerospace?

Don't guess, it's a research monk, this time following his tutor. During the visit, there were too many people to squeeze in, but I still learned a lot of things, but due to reasons that everyone knows, I can’t tell you these things. I can only say that it is eye-opening and impressive. In the opinion of a semi-professional person like me, Haoyu Aerospace can be said to be ahead of Musk’s SPX in the field of aerospace technology, and even in some technologies, it has surpassed the current world's cutting-edge technology by a lot, and it is not on a level at all.

I'm going, it's true or not, the master is so big, can you reveal it?

Yes, what secrets does a commercial company have, to put it plainly.

It's okay, I showed it to you. Naturally, I won't be particularly secretive. I'll tell you that I'm not dead.

Hehe, don't make me embarrassing, I still want to perform well and strive to be able to participate in it. Besides, if people don’t publish these things, I, an outsider, can’t say it. This violates our professional ethics. Please forgive me.

Okay, the layer master doesn't want to say, don't force others to make mistakes. Master, I am interested in that new type of rocket that is 100% recyclable and reusable. Can you tell us a little bit about what you can say?

Same demand, 100% recycling, how can this be possible?

How could it be impossible? It is said that Haoyu Technology has carried out a second-level rocket's return landing technology.

Haha, I can only tell you that it is indeed 100% recycled and reused. The first-level rockets, boosters, second-level rockets, and fairings can all be recycled and reused.

The others are nothing, and there are successful cases, how do you recycle and reuse this secondary rocket? Is it still using a parachute?

Don't guess, anyway, it is a new technology that no one can imagine, and everyone will know it by then.

This level of master is not kind, saying that half of it is left half, and it is anxious to death.

Okay, okay, let's not embarrass others.

The master is big, what is a super rocket, can you tell me something?

Don't ask me, I don't know, but I heard it is a new type of rocket, very powerful. There are too many bigwigs at the scene. As research monks, we can only follow behind, and we don't know much about things.

Distressed, touch your head.

Master, what is the new manned spacecraft to and from the world, can you tell me a bit?

Yes, what kind of manned spacecraft is it similar to a starship?

How should I say, there are similarities with the starship, but also very different. From a professional point of view, it is more reliable than the starship, and the operating cost is very low, and it is also fully recyclable. One thing I can reveal to everyone is that Wu Hao said at the scene that they are based on reducing the price of the round-trip ticket to space to one million or even lower, so that most people have the opportunity to travel in space.

Millions, dollars?

No, RMB!

Oh, obviously I am not one of the vast majority of people, the price is too expensive for me.

That is, most people don't have millions of deposits, let alone spend millions on a space trip.

Sure enough, this is still a toy for the rich.

Don't be so pessimistic. This is just the initial goal of others, and it might be even lower. And you have to know that the few passengers who are currently in space have spent tens of millions of dollars on a trip. The round-trip ferry tickets with a price of one million are definitely cheap.

For the rich, what is the difference between ten million and one million, it is nothing more than a number.

For the poor, what is the difference between ten million and one million is nothing more than a luxury.

How to put it, there is still hope. In the past, we didn't dare to think about it. Now, if you dare to think, it depends on whether you dare to realize it. Although it looks like a lot of millions, it is not much in fact. You can still earn it, just work harder.

This is not a hard work. As far as I am concerned, my monthly salary is 8,000, about 100,000 a year, and one million requires me not to eat or drink to save for ten years.

Eight thousand bosses, passing by with a monthly salary of five thousand.

Five thousand bosses, a scum with a monthly salary of three thousand bows down.

Three thousand bosses, my living expenses this month is 800, or I can support two buckets of instant noodles.

Instant noodles, since I wrote the book, I haven't eaten instant noodles for a long time.


Well, in fact, it is worthwhile to spend ten years of savings to realize the dream of space travel.

After changing me, I am willing to go to space, which I didn't even dare to think before.

Actually, it’s very easy. You can save three thousand in one month, thirty-six thousand in one year, three-60,000 in ten years, and 1.08 million in thirty years. years, save 3000 a month, kill me.

Don't give up, maybe more than ten years later, the ticket price will be lower.

By the way, boss, is there anything else I can share, let's confide more.

Yeah, I'm listening, I'll confide a little bit more.

Plus one, plus one, big man, what else did you see, what did you hear?

Well, everyone, don't embarrass me. I'm just a scumbag, following a bunch of big guys, and I don't really know a lot. And there are some things that I really can't talk about. Those that can be shared, I have basically finished sharing. By the way, there seems to be one more thing I can tell you, that is, Haoyu Aerospace will build the world's first commercial scientific research station on the moon.

I heard about this before, what's the matter?

Yes, isn't this announced long ago? What's the secret?

Hehe, don’t worry, these are announced, but what we have learned is naturally more detailed.

Oh, boss, is there any inside news?

Yes, hurry up and say, I'm so anxious.

Hey, this time we saw the model of the moon commercial scientific research station exhibited by Haoyu Technology, which is very detailed. And some of the designs and ideas are very wild, and it can be said that they have subverted all our previous cognition and imagination.

Really, do you have any photos of the boss.

Yes, do you have a photo? Send one out.

Don't think about it, taking pictures is not allowed inside the exhibition hall.

Is there anything to keep secret? What is the lunar commercial scientific research station of Haoyu Aerospace, can you describe it?

Anyway, it is very different from the lunar scientific research stations announced by various countries, and it is very beautiful.


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