Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1747: "Pioneers" entering the space age

Has this aerospace vehicle been developed? Experts on the scene took over the aerospace vehicle models held by other experts, and they looked at it carefully and at the same time they asked Wu Hao.

Hearing the expert’s question, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "At present, we are still in the pre-research stage. At present, our focus is still on manned spacecraft, commercial space stations, and lunar scientific research stations.

Like this aerospace vehicle, it can only be carried out afterwards. After all, for a project like this, the investment is not a little bit, and without full assurance, we will not start it formally. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone was a little disappointed while approving them. The reason for the nod of approval is that Wu Hao is right. This project is indeed a huge investment. It cannot be launched in a hurry and must be treated with caution. As for why it’s regrettable, it’s because the leaders of these experts are basically over half a hundred years old, and many of them are in their sixties or even in their old age. I don’t know if they can see this empty ship in their lifetime. The first flight of the spacecraft.

After sighing, everyone's thoughts immediately returned to the aerospace vehicle. An expert The bald expert looked at the model of the aerospace vehicle and immediately asked a new question.

Will the launch cost of this aerospace vehicle really be lower than a single launch of your current Walker reusable spacecraft?

After asking this question, the expert took a look at Wu Hao, and then added: "At the beginning of the design of the space shuttle, there was also such a plan or plan to control costs, but the cost of each launch is far. Exceeded the price of the spacecraft launch."

I know what you mean. Wu Hao smiled and nodded. This expert was also kind, otherwise it would be impossible to ask such a question in front of so many people.

After sorting out the words a bit, Wu Hao went on to say: "I think our aerospace vehicle and space shuttle are completely products of two eras.

Why do you say that? There are many reasons, let me pick the key points.

First of all, the background of the times is different, the technology is different, and the application direction is also different. The design and development ideas and functions of the space shuttle have a very strong Cold War color. At the beginning of its design, its main function was to carry out an arms race in space. The missions it was originally designed to carry out also had a strong Cold War hegemony.

The thinking mode and design thinking at the time made this space shuttle look more like a spacecraft performing major missions, ready to be used in warfare. For this goal, Laomi invested a lot in this project.

Because of the limited technical conditions in that era, the development cost increased and the constraints were also great. The space shuttle was a huge system project, so the investment was naturally huge, and the technology involved was naturally very complicated, and some of them were even more complicated. Very immature.

It was precisely because of the constraints of the times that caused the space shuttle to have several serious accidents afterwards.

As for our aerospace vehicle, its mission or design idea is very clear. It is an aerospace vehicle for transporting personnel. The goal or direction is clarified, so that the design and development are relatively easier.

Moreover, relying on our existing relevant conditions, we have the ability to solve many problems that could not be solved in the past. We can now do better and more outstanding places where we did not do well in the past.

Finally, the structure is different, and the launch method is different.

Compared with the space shuttle, our aerospace vehicle has some similarities, but there are also very big differences. These differences come from various aspects, such as aerodynamic shape, launch flight method, recommendation system, and control system, etc.

Compared with the complicated launch method of the space shuttle, the launch method of our aerospace vehicle is simpler. In fact, it is an ordinary manned spacecraft launch, but we have simplified it.

Cut off the secondary rocket of the launch vehicle, the fairing, and the manned spacecraft in the fairing. We only kept the first stage rocket and booster part.

The first-stage rockets and boosters can be recycled and reused, as is this aerospace plane. In this way, we can reduce the cost of launch and operation, as well as the cost of single-person transportation to a very low price, realize millions of space travel, and even lower-priced ferry tickets. No, it should be said that air tickets are also possible. of. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present nodded and talked. Hearing what Wu Hao said, this design scheme really has great development prospects. Especially in terms of cost control, it can be said that Wu Hao and the others have controlled the cost to the extreme. In the future, whether it is rockets, boosters, or aerospace vehicles, they can be recycled and reused. Then the only consideration is that the cost is fuel and related. The launch service fee is gone.

At that time, the cost for humans to enter the sky will be very low, very convenient, and it will inevitably bring frequent space activities.

Soviet astronaut Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the father of modern astronautics, has a famous saying: "The earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind cannot live in the cradle forever."

Just like the era of great voyages, the desire for the unknown will prompt humans to continue to go out of the earth and explore the unknown deep space. And Wu Hao and their aerospace vehicles will undoubtedly become the vanguards and leaders of mankind going out of the earth and entering the space age!

In this respect Once this aerospace vehicle is successfully developed, it will be of great significance.

But precisely because of the significance, many experts present were a little skeptical or worried. Such a major project, is it really possible to rely solely on this young and shameless young man in front of me.

Such a private enterprise can really take on such a large project, can it really develop such an aerospace vehicle?

So thinking of this, the leader immediately said: "Xiao Wu, have you ever thought of cooperating with the country?"

Um? Wu Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then reacted. However, he did not speak immediately, but looked at the leader with a puzzled look. Now that he has proposed it, don't hesitate and speak directly.

Seeing Wu Hao's appearance, as well as everyone's eyes. The leader took a look at Qin Xinghe, and then said to him: "I mean such a big project. If you rely on your own, it will be very difficult to take care of. Have you ever thought about cooperating with the country to advance together? The development of this project. In this way, it is better than you alone. More importantly, it can promote the first flight of this aerospace vehicle as soon as possible."

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