Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1708: Such a discovery is worth holding a press conference

"Confirmed, this is undoubtedly water." Looking at the detection and analysis data displayed on the big screen one after another, an expert high-five and exclaimed.

   Several other experts pointed at the data on the big screen to read carefully, and then nodded, showing an expression of excitement.

"Very good!"

   After hearing the confirmation from the experts, the entire command and control hall was instantly plunged into cheers, and everyone began to celebrate. This is definitely a great discovery, and this discovery will definitely be recorded in the history of human space exploration.

Wu Hao and the others are equally happy. With so much investment in this project, they can finally come up with something that can be proud of this time, enough to face those experts who were not optimistic about this project, and even belittle and mock Wu Hao and others. media.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao smiled at Zhang Jun, Zhou Xiangming and Zhang Qu and others next to him and said: "There will be a press conference tomorrow morning. This discovery is worth holding a press conference. Several of your main persons in charge should also attend as non-voting delegates. At that time, we will officially announce this great discovery to the outside world."

It's good! After hearing his words, several people became excited. They all wanted to see urgently how the media on the scene reacted after they released this news.

   Seeing everyone's response, Wu Hao then ordered them: "Now, we have to do a few things.

   First of all, we must inform as many media as possible, mainly influential media, both domestic and foreign media, and let them come to Anxi overnight to participate in the press conference. You just said that we have made major discoveries in the lunar exploration project to be announced. I believe that these reporters cannot be uninterested.

   In addition, our live broadcast was interrupted in time, so the outside world wants to know if our discovery of water is real, so these media will definitely flock to it. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded in agreement. These media are all flies, and a little bit of smell will attract them to swarm. So regarding this matter, Zhang Jun nodded and responded that there was no problem.

For the second thing, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Qu and them: "At such an important moment, we are just a little too thin. We have to invite some people who can hold the place with high morals. You are all experts in this field. , I also understand the situation in this regard, so this invitation is for you to come, is there a problem?"

Hearing Wu Hao’s instructions, Zhang Qu and several others shook their heads. Zhang Qu said with a smile: "I believe these old experts will be impatient after hearing this heavy discovery. Now the time is right. It’s still early, we will get in touch right away, I believe they will be very interested in this."

   Well, that's good. As for the space authority, let me do it. Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming and said, "There are more people in the hall today, so we must keep the secret. This news should not be spread before the press conference tomorrow, and leave some mystery to the press conference." Well."

  Yes, we will start arranging immediately. Zhou Xiangming nodded and responded seriously.

   Wu Hao nodded and said: "We only release part of the information. It is impossible to release all of it, so what we eat. Therefore, the management and confidentiality of these materials must be in place. I don't want them to make any mistakes."

   Hearing Wu Hao's instructions, Zhou Xiangming also responded with a serious expression: "Don't worry, I will do this work personally to make sure nothing goes wrong."

   Wu Hao smiled. Although this matter is supervised by the confidential studio, as the leader, Zhou Xiangming also bears direct responsibility. If there is a problem, he is also directly accountable.

   Zhou Xiangming also knows that these data are related to the income of the entire project, so they must not be leaked out.

After giving these instructions, Wu Hao then looked at Zhang Qu and laughed with them: "Professor Zhang, I have to trouble you, and prepare more materials and data reports so that they can be seen by the experts and the media. Let us As mentioned earlier, some things can be shown to them, and some things are not necessary. If we show them all, then how can we eat."

Seeing Wu Hao’s instructions with a hint of warning, Zhang Qu said that although there were some criticisms in his heart, he did not show it in front of Wu Hao. Instead, he said with a smile: "Don’t worry, Mr. Wu, the key is We will definitely not publish the **** data. Some information can be viewed by Anxi experts, but they will definitely not be photographed and recorded."

  Okay, Wu Hao nodded, and then gestured to everyone: "Okay, let's all go to work. Tomorrow is our big day, so be careful."

  Even if Wu Hao didn't say anything, everyone knew what this kind of announcement would mean to them, so everyone responded, and then they became busy eagerly.

   Zhang Jun also greeted Wu Hao, and then hurriedly took a few people out to get busy.

   Wu Hao stayed in the hall for a while, then greeted several people and left here.

Back at the office, Wu Hao thought a little, and then he tidied up his clothes. He sat up and said, "Coco, help me connect with the Qin Bureau of Space, sir. It’s being connected. ,please wait.

   With the sound of Cocoa, the big screen also started to light up, showing two windows. The large window shows that it is still connected, and the small window shows Wu Hao's camera shots.

After    probably sounded a few items, the big window showed an old man in a suit and sitting behind a desk with gray hair, but in good spirits, about 60 or so. The large red desk is very tidy. There is an office computer on the left desk of Qin Xinghe, and a folder beside the desk on the right. There are many folders neatly on it, and there is also a pen holder next to it. , There are several pens in the pen holder.

  Of course, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the two red flags on the flagpole. Those who can visit the two red flags on the desk are all powerful people.

   In addition to the red flag, there are three phones on the table, one black phone, one white phone, and one red phone. They are all landlines with relatively small size, but no one can ignore the role and significance of these three landlines.

  Wu Hao understands something. It seems that the black landline is the internal line, the white one is the external line, and the red one is the legendary red secret line. Once the phone rang, it was either the above matter or the below matter. Anyway, it was a major matter.

   As for the back, there is a large bookshelf with various books, some models of spacecraft, and some photos on the bookshelf.

   As for Qin Xinghe, he put his hands on the desk and smiled at the big screen.

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