Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Another blockbuster discovery

According to Wu Hao's plan, whether it is the next lunar scientific research station or the future lunar city, they will use lunar resources as much as possible for construction. In this way, on the one hand, it is to reduce construction costs as much as possible, and on the other hand, it is for sustainable development.

   It is certainly not a long-term solution to always transfuse blood from the earth. If lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities want to develop, they must rely on lunar resources.

   Therefore, in their plan, some construction equipment and related raw materials will be transported to the moon during the initial construction of the lunar scientific research station. One of the most important is naturally intelligent robots. These robots will become the main force for the construction of lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities in the future.

   At the same time, they will also assume the main force of future lunar operations, whether it is scientific research, exploration, or mineral development, etc., they will use this fully automated intelligent robot to take charge. If it depends on manpower, the cost is too high.

   In the process of using lunar resources, the most important thing is the utilization of mineral resources on the moon, including the development and utilization of metal deposits on the moon, which must use electric arc furnaces. At that time, melting this platinum star core again is a matter of course.

Compared with the public's attention to this platinum star core worth 400 million yuan, in fact, scientists including Wu Hao are focusing more on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol and exploration. The test analysis report of the on-board laboratory on the lunar soil sample of this small crater.

   Although the composition of the lunar soil samples extracted from this small crater is not much different from the composition of the lunar soil samples extracted earlier, it is nothing more than the proportion of each element is different. However, this time is special, and what all the experts and Wu Hao are concerned about is that this time after they added the lunar soil samples they extracted, they actually separated oxygen from it.

   This is definitely a major scientific discovery, and it also verifies the research results of previous scientists. The idea of ​​extracting oxygen from the lunar soil is achievable. Scientists have found through the lunar soil samples brought back that there is still oxygen in the loose lunar soil, and a high proportion. However, because the lunar soil samples brought back were affected by the earth's environment and were not carried out in a vacuum box, there has been no confirmation of such findings.

This time, the scientific research team directly used the on-board laboratory on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover to conduct experiments in a vacuum environment without pollution to obtain the oxygen composition, which can verify the previous scientists The discovery is correct.

   The significance of this achievement is undoubtedly huge. It will lay the foundation for mankind to land on the moon in the future, to live on the moon for a long time, and to obtain a sufficient source of oxygen for mankind to live on the moon. And this oxygen can not only be used for human breathing, but also can be used as fuel and converted into water.

   Of course, this is just a preliminary test and analysis. The equipment in the vehicle-mounted laboratory is not complete enough, so the test results have been questioned by many experts and scholars. Although there are doubts, such results are worthy of excitement for everyone, because such findings can point out the direction for many future studies.

   "Can you be sure?" Knowing that such a discovery was successful, Wu Hao also came to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, looked at the detection and analysis data on the big screen, and asked Zhang Qu.

   Zhang Qutong shook his head, and then said conservatively: "This is just a test and analysis result, so we can't determine whether this is really detecting oxygen or whether the equipment is malfunctioning.

   So we are going to negotiate with the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover control team, and plan to stay here for some more time to sample and analyze the lunar soil in this crater again.

   In addition to the lunar soil in the crater, we will also sample and analyze the lunar soil around the crater. From this, analyze and study whether the oxygen brought by the asteroid impact or the original oxygen in the lunar soil, and the energy from the asteroid impact was carried to the surface of the lunar soil. "

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words. Such a discovery is indeed suitable for spending more time here. If you can figure out the source of oxygen in these lunar soil samples, then this is a great discovery. Its value is enough to be on the Nobel Prize platform, and it will even push the human lunar exploration program to a new stage, and its significance is self-evident.

   Of course, for Wu Hao and the others, if the lunar soil here is rich in oxygen, then it may become one of their lunar scientific research stations and even lunar cities in the future.

   Zhang Qutong talked at Wu Hao with a look of excitement: "If oxygen can be found, which proves that the oxygen content here is abundant, then we can consider choosing the location of the lunar scientific research station here in the future.

With oxygen, we can provide sufficient oxygen for the astronauts and scientific researchers in the scientific research station, and we can also use oxygen as a propulsion fuel and make domestic course, it is better to We can directly find water resources, especially the water-bearing ice layer in the lunar soil, for mining, so that we can save a lot of trouble. "

   Hearing what Zhang Qutong said, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Through NASA and CNSA resource exploration, the water resources on the moon are mainly concentrated in the north and south poles. Near the equator like this, there is basically no division of water resources."

Wu Hao’s words fell, and Zhang Qu shook his head with a smile: “It’s not absolute. We think there are still a lot of surface ice in the eternal shadows of these craters, and the reserves are still very rich, enough to satisfy the initial stage. Used by humans living on the moon.

   And we believe that the deep lunar soil on the moon also contains a lot of water. So in the next step, we plan to find a suitable location for drilling, and plan to extract lunar soil samples at a depth of one meter to one meter for testing and analysis to see if our judgment is correct. "

   "The deeper frozen soil may be more difficult to use." Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words, obviously not very optimistic about such research projects.

   At present, it is only preliminary research, and the specific method of use has yet to be studied and resolved in the future. Zhang Qutong obviously heard the meaning of Wu Hao's words, and then explained: "Moreover, this research is very helpful for us to analyze the formation of the moon, the geological structure of the moon, and the history of the development and formation of the moon.

   Besides, science and technology are also constantly developing. The current technical conditions must be difficult to use the water in these deep frozen soils, but in the future, if the technology is mature in the future, it will be no problem to reuse it. "

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