Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Leader’s unique aesthetic taste

This process must be rapid and accurate, because the airflow of the helicopter propeller will affect the flight attitude of the paraglider, so the flight cut-in angle must be strictly controlled, and the helicopter must be controlled to accurately hook the paraglider. There is only one chance. Mistakes, then you can only fail.

Those who participated in the recovery of these two **** were all old pilots who had participated in more than a dozen recovery missions. They were very experienced in this. Although this was the first time to complete the recovery mission at sea, the two old pilots still controlled each. The helicopter successfully completed the hook and recovery task of the two flap fairing.

   They will hook the fairing, then put it on a nearby ship and transport it back to the port. If the distance is relatively close, they may choose to transfer them back to the base directly.

   The applause sounded again, throughout the hall.

   Chen Jinghong brought a few people over and stretched out his hands at Wu Hao and smiled: "Mr. Wu, our mission is completed, and it's up to you next."

  Haha, thank you very much. Wu Hao quickly took Chen Jinghong's hand and thanked him.

   You are polite, this rocket is really good. It is one of the better rockets we have played so far. It is really a good rocket. Chen Jinghong was very happy at the moment.

   Not all of his words were compliments, and more than half of them were his true feelings. The performance and outstanding performance of this rocket really left a deep impression on them. After all, they have been dealing with rockets for a long time, so naturally they know what kind of rocket is a good rocket.

   Logically speaking, during the first flight of this new type of rocket, the preparation stage must have been constantly malfunctioning. They have encountered this situation countless times, and even the launch was interrupted for several tens of seconds.

   In the preparation stage, this rocket has been drilled and tested so many times, but it rarely fails. The launch phase was also very smooth, and the rocket performed very well in all aspects.

   Over the award, Wu Hao said with a polite smile: "Today I have a treat for everyone to have a meal, thank you for your hard work these days, thank you everyone!"

  Okay, thank you, Mr. Wu, long live Mr. Wu! Hearing the news of the snack, everyone cheered.

   agreed with Chen Jinghong, and then handed a document to Wu Hao and Chen Jinghong. They both glanced at it, and then smiled. Chen Jinghong greeted Wu Hao, and then walked onto the rostrum in front of the big screen.

   I announce that the Jianmu 7 lunar exploration mission has been a complete success. The "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover has entered the earth-moon transfer orbit, the battery panels have been deployed, and the system is operating normally. Both the Jianmu No. 7 first-stage rocket and the two-part fairing were successfully recovered in the South China Sea. The rocket launch and recovery mission was a complete success.

   Following Chen Jinghong’s selection, a red theme picture suddenly appeared on the screen behind him. On one side of the picture is a photo of the moon and the breakthrough of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover. On the other side, there is a picture of Jianmu 7 returning home. In the middle is written congratulations on the complete success of the lunar exploration and launch mission of the Jianmu 7 launch vehicle.

   As expected, it still tastes that way.

   Wu Hao couldn't help but laughed bitterly when he saw this. It was definitely not done by them, but by the art publicity department at the launch site. He is also speechless. He can't keep up with the trend of the times in terms of publicity and beauty, so he looks better.

   Sure enough, in terms of aesthetics, leaders always have unique tastes.

   Compared with the staff of the rocket project and the launch site, the people on the probe side are engaged in intense work after a little celebration. The successful launch of the rocket is only the first step in the entire detection mission, and there are a series of arduous tasks waiting for them.

   And Zhou Xiangming and Shi Zhaoping are staring at the big screen with serious expressions, looking at the data displayed on it.

   Seeing Wu Hao and the others walking over, Zhou Xiangming and Shi Zhaoping greeted them, and then smiled.

   Wu Hao smiled and asked: "How is it, now."

   Of course Wu Hao knows what is going on now, and he can naturally understand the data information on the big screen. But at this time, he even wanted to hear what the two said.

   Zhou Xiangming responded with a smile: "Everything is normal now. The "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover and orbiter combination is flying according to the established procedures, and it is expected to enter the orbit around the moon in 100 hours."

   "Is it so slow?" Zou Xiaodong asked slightly in surprise. In his opinion, the three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers does not seem to be too far. Will it take such a long time?

   Ha ha, this time is already short. If our rocket's transportation capacity is too small, we can only continuously modify the orbit like Sanguo, and it may be difficult to reach the moon without a month or ten days. Zhou Xiangming explained with a smile.

As for Shi Zhaoping, he explained: "Our time is about the same as the flight time of other detectors, and it may even be shortened by ten hours. This is mainly due to our excellent and precise autonomous control system. This system Not only can it achieve precise control of the orbiter's attitude, but it can also save fuel to a great extent and extend the life of the subsequent orbiter's circum-moon flight."

   In other words, now we do nothing and wake up waiting for the result. Zhang Jun asked.

   Shi Zhaoping looked at Zhang Jun and nodded and said: "That's This mission includes the landing phase, and there will be a detector autonomously controlling it. Unless necessary, we will not intervene on the ground.

   Of course, we are not all doing nothing. During the whole process, we will strictly check the detector's condition and manually intervene when necessary. "

   Speaking of this, Shi Zhaoping looked at Wu Hao and said, “Next, the work on the South China Sea is over. We need to rush back to Anxi to test the detectors there.

   I will take the people away first, and after Mr. Zhou (Zhou Xiangming), after I return to the headquarters command and control center, seamless switching will be realized. "

Zhou Xiangming also nodded and said: "In addition to the work on the detector side, we are also responsible for the transportation of the first-stage rocket and the two-part fairing that have been successfully landed and recovered. They will be transported back to Jiangcheng for maintenance and research. Waiting for the next task.

   In addition, after our personnel and equipment here have to be settled, I can return to Anxi. "

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Then you will be very troubled, and we will go back this afternoon. When we get back to Anxi, I am celebrating your work."

  Haha, thank you, Mr. Wu, after the mission is successful, I will definitely have a celebration wine with you. The meaning of Zhou Xiangming's words is very clear, that is, it is too early to start the celebration banquet, and wait until the mission is successful. As for when this task is considered a success, there are still two things to say.

   Is a successful landing on the moon considered a success, or does the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover complete the relevant patrol missions. ,

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