Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: The cutest person.


Seeing the pure expectation in the eyes of these officers and soldiers, Wu Hao and the others couldn't help but agree.

Although the itinerary has changed a lot, it will be worth it if they can bring some comfort and happiness to these officers and soldiers.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others responded, these officers and soldiers were very excited. Immediately, a warrior military off-road vehicle led the way, and the remaining two warrior military off-road vehicles were behind. As for Wu Hao and their team, they were guarded in the middle.

The long convoy began to walk on this unpaved border road. Although it was a dirt road, it was maintained by officers and soldiers, and it was fairly flat without big potholes.

Along the way, there are beautiful grasslands, so you can just take a desktop-level photo. And this company commander Cheng, in order to better introduce here and show the beautiful scenery here, he led Wu Hao and the others to a prepared road where no outsiders usually enter.

This is a military control zone, and outsiders cannot enter without approval. As a result, it is more primitive, and the grassland vegetation has hardly been destroyed. In the grasslands on both sides of the road, you can see some grassland animals from time to time. There are prairie marmots, yellow sheep, hares, primitive sheep, foxes, reindeer, black bears and so on. They even witnessed several prairie wolves chasing yellow sheep.

The lunch was arranged on a flat grass, everyone sat in a circle, and then began to share their lunch today.

As for the military patrol team, it is natural to cook in a pot, and to cook instant noodles and canned food. Although they distribute self-heating food, the officers and soldiers still prefer this kind of self-cooked food, even if it is instant noodles, it is also very popular among the officers and soldiers.

Wu Hao and the others have a lot of food here. They have a caravan in the caravan, and they prepare a lot of things, from beef and mutton to seafood.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others did not share it alone, but had a friendship with the officers and soldiers and shared lunch. Wu Hao and the others also added some ingredients to the instant noodles cooked by the officers and soldiers, such as beef and mutton, lobster, and so on.

Wu Hao and the others also happily tasted this bowl of instant noodles cooked in an iron pot. The officers and soldiers were also very excited to taste the salmon sashimi prepared by Wu Hao and the veal steak from South America.

Looking at the happy smiles on the faces of the officers and soldiers, Wu Hao and the others couldn't help being infected.

"They are so cute." Lin Wei snuggled in front of Wu Hao and said with a smile looking at the happy soldiers.

"Yes, this is the cutest group of people in Wei Wei's works." Wu Hao sighed, and then said, "Should we do something?"

Lin Wei understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words instantly after hearing the words, and then said: "We are not prepared for anything, let's donate some money."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "The military cannot directly accept personal donations, and direct donations are the greatest blasphemy to these border officers and soldiers. They are guarding here for generations, not for the shallow subsidies. ."

Having said this, Wu Hao thought for a while and said: "The troop station is not far from our destination city, so let's let the people over there urgently purchase a batch of supplies and send them before we arrive.

Choose some affordable things, such as various meats, beef jerky, canned food, ham, instant noodles, and fruits. In addition, some daily necessities, such as toothpaste and socks, should also be prepared. "

Talking about Wu Hao, he looked at Cao Wei who was standing aside and said: "You have been a soldier and know what the officers and soldiers need. In this regard, you can help coordinate some, and try to purchase some things that the officers and soldiers like and need."

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Cao Wei grinned and said: “What you said earlier is what everyone likes very much. Ham sausage, beef jerky, canned food and instant noodles are common, but for us soldiers, They are all very precious things. Whether it is to perform tasks or stand guard and be able to eat something, this is the happiest thing."

"Haha, then do it like this, think about it again, let them prepare as soon as possible, we will use it when we arrive." Wu Hao smiled and said.

"Yes!" Cao Wei responded and followed the staff on the side to make arrangements.

While Lin Wei looked at Cao Wei and the others, she couldn't help asking, "There are only three or four hours left before our troop station, can it be too late?"

"Haha, you underestimate the power of people." Wu Haochang laughed, then looked at the distant scenery. This is a flat grassland, not like that kind of grassy grassland, but a primitive grassland overgrown with various weeds.

The growth of various weeds is very luxuriant, basically one person high. It was about two to three hundred meters away from them, and the border wall stretched from one end to the other end and disappeared.

A fence is very modern, not only brand new, but also very high. It is also covered with barbed wire. Intelligent electronic sentinel monitoring systems are installed at intervals to monitor the situation on the border in real time.

The other border wall is too simple. It is made of some wooden poles with a few bars of barbed wire pulled on it. Obviously this is a foreign border fence.

As he looked around, he saw several people with guns appearing outside the border.

Upon seeing this, the guard on the side issued a warning. Seeing Wu Hao and their somewhat suspicious and nervous expressions, the commander Cheng smiled and comforted.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. This is the patrol unit of the foreign army. We need to go over to say hello to them and exchange information by the way."

"Exchange information?" Wu Hao and others leaked a puzzled expression.

"Yes, exchange of information." The company commander Cheng explained: "The peace of the border can be achieved by the joint efforts of the border forces of the two countries. How can only one side work hard and the other side does not act, then the maintenance of the border line will It is very laborious, and it is prone to problems, and even serious accidents such as misjudgment by both parties.

Therefore, in order to maintain the stability of the border line, we need to meet regularly with the border guards of foreign military forces and exchange the relevant intelligence on the border line that the two sides have.

For example, are there any smuggling of private persons recently, whether there are poachers, or whether there will be migration of protected animals, etc. The same is true for our border patrol team. When we encounter a foreign patrol team on the opposite side, we will greet them as usual and exchange information by the way.

Compared with other borders, our borders here are very peaceful. There have been no problems here for more than ten years. This is achieved thanks to the joint efforts of generations of officers and soldiers on the border. "

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