Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1636: Smart woman

Now Wei Xiaoya has become an engineer in flight control, and is currently in charge of the research and development of several projects. It's also busy. Wei Xiaoya had interrupted work for a while because of Zhang Jun's health problems. Later, Zhang Jun's physical problems gradually stabilized, and Wei Xiaoya immediately went back to work.

As far as Zhang Jun is concerned, he actually doesn't want Wei Xiaoya to go out to work. But this is Wei Xiaoya's dream, and he doesn't want Wei Xiaoya to give up her dream and come back to be a housewife. Moreover, Lin Wei's example is in front, and he is even harder to say. Wu Hao is still doing this to Lin Wei, and can give such a great help, why can't Zhang Jun not do it?

This is also the reason why the two have lived together for many years and have not been married. Maybe they learned from Wu Hao and the others. The two also have a common view on this issue, that is, they are still young and will talk about it in a few years.

In this regard, Zhang Jun's parents have a lot of opinions on Wu Hao, thinking that he, the older brother, has brought a bad example, and they are not less nagging, even Wu Hao's father, Aunt Zhang, also talks about him.

However, regarding the love affair between the two, in fact, the surroundings, including the outside world, are actually different.

The vast majority of people or outsiders highly appreciate Zhang Jun and Wei Xiaoya’s prince and Cinderella-like relationship. They are very sought after, and they are regarded as idols by many people. Realistic version of the domineering president and Cinderella, this is It’s even more romantic than idol dramas.

In contrast, the relationship between Wu Hao and Lin Wei seemed a bit too ordinary. I met at the high-end business reception. Lin Wei's family background is profound, and it can be said to be a good match with Wu Hao, a newcomer in the business world. This kind of love style that is not close to the life of the masses, without too much sense of substitution, is naturally weaker.

But for Zhang Jun and Wei Xiaoya, it is precisely because so many people are paying attention that they have also caused a lot of controversy. Many people think that Wei Xiaoya's Cinderella-style love affair may not last long, maybe Zhang Jun intends to play.

In addition, Zhang Jun's life is a bit uncritical. It has been exposed before that he and a certain actress went in and out of a hotel. Although related reports disappeared quickly, they still spread widely. So many people are not optimistic about their legendary relationship.

There are also some people who think that an engineering girl like Wei Xiaoya, who looks mediocre, might hardly be worthy of a diamond king like Zhang Jun. I think Wei Xiaoya is a woman who worships gold and green tea.

But for several years, the relationship between the two is still very good. It can be seen from Zhang Jun's eyes looking at Wei Xiaoya that Zhang Jun's eyes are mostly affectionate, which shows that Zhang Jun still loves Wei Xiaoya very much.

But for this guy, life behavior is a little bit unpredictable, plus a lot of temptation, so some indulge yourself. He is not like Wu Hao, who has such strong self-control. Of course, Wei Xiaoya did not have Lin Wei's means to subdue Wu Hao's ‘serving’.

Of course, this is also related to Wu Hao's character. His attention now is all on his career and his dreams. He really didn't pay much attention to other things. For him, it is very important for him to have a stable family environment. That kind of mind was naturally there. There were many temptations around, but he restrained it.

Wu Hao patted Zhang Jun's shoulder when he heard the words, then pointed to the recliner not far away and said, "Let's go, go and rest."

Zhang Jun glanced at Wu Hao, then got up and followed him to the edge of the lounge chair and sat down.

Taking a glass of wine again, Wu Hao motioned to the waiter next to leave, and then asked Zhang Jun, "What do you think?"

"What?" Zhang Jun turned his head and glanced at Wu Hao, then he was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said quietly, "Actually, Xiaoya knows about that little bit of mine."

"You all know?" Wu Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wei Xiaoya to know about Zhang Jun's romantic affairs, but he could still be so calm. This kind of woman is usually very smart, or she is a kind of woman who knows how to calculate and forbear. This kind of woman knows how to judge the situation and has a strong vengeance. She will definitely not tolerate these things. Waiting to retaliate later is very scary.

The other kind is a woman with great wisdom, grandeur, and more intellect. She knew very well that even if she went to make trouble, there would be no results. The big deal would be to break up, and doing so would only make those women cheaper. It's better to be generous and let the man feel guilty on the initiative, so as to restore the relationship and family.

Of course, there is another kind, it is not ruled out that there are some obsessed women, these women do not care about everything for the sake of romance, this is another matter.

Wei Xiaoya is obviously not the third type, let alone the first. She is a girl from a prestigious college. She is not low in IQ and EQ, and she is very independent. This kind of woman can't be the kind of scheming*, let alone the third kind of woman in love, so there is only one kind, and that's the second kind. Such clever women are often clever and control men unconsciously.

In this respect, Lin Wei is somewhat inferior to her. Lin Wei's personality is relatively straightforward and capable. She belongs to the kind of woman who doesn't know how to hide things in her heart. She is relatively simple. If she is upset, she will show it directly and let Wu Hao find out and coax her. If Wu Hao ignores and is not in time, then it is over, and Wu Hao will have a good life in the next few days.

However, once Wu Hao took the initiative to apologize, and after the compensation was not coaxing her, she was able to quickly pass the rain and forget the unpleasantness before, without holding any grudges.

This is also one of the reasons why Wu Hao prefers Lin Wei, because getting along with her will not feel tired. He hates the kind of weak, contorted and pretentious woman. If you don't say anything in your heart, you can rely on men to guess. This kind of time is better, and it is really tiring if the time is long.

Zhang Jun nodded and said quietly, "Yes, she knows all about it."

How does she react, don't you mind? Wu Hao asked.

Zhang Jun immediately replied: "Of course you mind, how could a woman not mind her own man getting involved with other women.

However, her reaction was surprising, and even moved me a little, and made me feel guilty. So I thought about it. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun seemed to have made up his mind and said: "Although I am a bit of a bastard, I can tell who is really good to me.

Such a woman is worthy of my love, so I will be her in my life. "

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun after hearing this, then looked at the girls in the hot spring over there, then smiled and shook and said, "Really a smart woman."

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