Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Control the "life and death" of all mankind

【Unmodified version】

Shen Ning nodded, then greeted Liang Wenwen and went out together.

Just out of the office, Liang Wenwen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Shen Ning smiled and comforted: "Wu is always a very kind person, so you don't have to worry too much, you get used to it slowly."

Thank you Director Shen. Liang Wenwen nodded quickly and thanked her.

Although Shen Ning is still Wu Hao's secretary, he is also the director of the chairman's office and Liang Wenwen's immediate boss. Although Shen Ning was a few years older than she seemed, Liang Wenwen never dared to take it lightly in front of her. Being able to be the secretary of the CEO of a big company and being able to make Wu Hao more trustworthy is enough to show how outstanding Shen Ning's personal abilities are.

Secondly, Shen Ning is her immediate boss and has direct jurisdiction over her, which can be said to determine the future of her job. As a girl with ideals and aspirations, she doesn't want to offend her immediate boss just a few days after coming here, thus ruining the job opportunity she has finally won.

Shen Ning glanced at Liang Wenwen and then smiled, as if seeing her in Liang Wenwen.

As for Liang Wenwen, her mind is still stuck in the office just now. Although she knows Wu Hao very well, to some extent, she is still a fan of Wu Hao. But knowing is going to know, and it's very different only when you really get in touch. The kind of affinity that Wu Hao showed, the aura that he inadvertently exudes, and the confidence of raising her hands and feet deeply fascinated her.

What surprised her even more was that she not only met Wu Hao when she came in, but also Lin Wei who was the envy of countless girls through the big screen.

Sure enough, only such a woman can wear a proud man like Wu Hao. Liang Wenwen thought secretly, and then sighed involuntarily.

In the office, Wu Hao started to eat. While eating, he watched some news reports on the big screen. From the press conference yesterday to today, a series of events, whether on the Internet or traditional media, are all relevant reports.

Although Wu Hao doesn't care much about these messy news reports, it doesn't mean that he doesn't pay attention. The necessary attention is still necessary, after all, this is also a matter of their company's own interests.

"Haoyu Technology releases bionic artificial organs, the blind and heart patients will benefit"

"Last night, Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. held its annual new technology product launch. Hao Yu Technology Chairman and CEO Wu Hao showed the public a series of latest medical technology achievements at the press conference. Including the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach Special medicines, intelligent bionic electronic artificial eyes, intelligent bionic artificial heart, and a series of other related medical technology achievements.

Among them, the two technological achievements of intelligent bionic electronic eye and intelligent bionic artificial heart are particularly interesting. The drama understands that these two technologies are derived from the bionic organ development project carried out by Haoyu Technology. The original intention of this project is to develop it. Biomimetic artificial organ equipment that can replace human organs.

At present, the two technologies of intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye and intelligent bionic artificial heart in this project have been successfully developed and have been used in clinical trials. The following is a detailed report..."

In addition to these reports about the press conference, the media also focused their attention on the woman kneeling at the gate of the company park this morning, so they concocted a well-compiled news report.

"The poor woman knelt down in the street and begged for her husband's life, Haoyu Technology CEO Wu Hao showed up and refused cruelly"

This article uses heavy pen and ink to describe the whole process of the woman kneeling and Wu Hao's appearance in the morning, adding some subjective opinions, and severely criticizing Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology.

Such an article cultivated such a headline, and naturally quickly attracted the attention of the public. This report also stood out, and was quickly forwarded and commented by many netizens, and it became a hot search.

Wu Hao took a look at the comment area of ​​this article and saw that it was unsightly. All kinds of negative voices came, and even some boxers were attracted.

Wu Hao was very speechless about this, and this group of people really did not miss any chance. But he didn't bother to provoke this group of people, because he was also afraid. Of course, it's not afraid of things, but of trouble.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others were not unresponsive. In fact, after the incident occurred in the morning, Wu Hao and the others issued an announcement through their official website and social platform accounts to explain and explain the incident in a timely manner.

But, there are still a large number of people who obviously disagree with Wu Hao's handling methods and attitudes, and even abuse them.

Some said he was cold-blooded and couldn't save him, some said he was a black-hearted capitalist, some said he ate some human blood buns and so on.

Wu Hao was not angry about this, but smiled slightly. These people have no ability other than to complain on the Internet. Why should he care about these people?

What really caught his attention was actually a piece of reports from Europe and the United States. The report's statement was very awkward, and it was called "Haoyu Technology Will Control the Life and Death of Mankind"

This article first introduces the press conference, and then introduces the medical technology achievements at the press conference. Finally, he said in a worried tone:


It is undeniable that this artificial heart will be able to save the lives of countless people with heart disease. But such a key technology is controlled by an Eastern country, an Eastern company, and an Easterner. It is a disaster for the entire Western world, and even for all mankind.

This means that all heart disease patients in the future need to beg them to get an artificial The decision is theirs, they have the right to decide whether to give you this artificial heart to extend your life.

Even if you get this artificial heart, not everything will be all right. This artificial heart may have a back door, and the Oriental may remotely control the switch of this heart from the far east, thus dominating your life.

We strongly suggest that our country as well as other countries and people in the world should unite together to organize such a terrorist arrival. Human life and death cannot be controlled by one person, our life and death should be controlled by ourselves.

Such technologies that are beneficial to all mankind should be contributed unconditionally. Only in this way can all mankind enjoy the services brought by science and technology. "

This report is full of prejudice and hostility, forcibly adding the so-called self-assurance and persecution in the West to Wu Hao. This is their consistent style.

Although such a statement is ridiculous, who is in control of the public opinion tools, so under the exaggeration of these media, some very unfriendly news comments followed.

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