Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1618: Use **** meat to repair your face?

After giving a rough introduction to the technology, Wu Hao looked at the excitement, and the thoughtful experts changed their tone and laughed: "This is a process from easy to difficult. You can't just print it right away. It is unrealistic for a heart, a liver, or even a pair of lungs to come out.

So in our plan, we will give priority to printing some organs and tissues with a single function and simple structure. For example, skin tissue, such as the cornea, and some human bones, blood vessels, intestines and so on.

After we have thoroughly mastered this technology, we will try to print some complex organs and tissues.

This involves not only medical technology issues, but also a lot of laws, regulations, and ethical issues. So we also hope that in the future, we can promote the clarification of laws and regulations in this area, and we will also try to alleviate the public's worries and worries in this regard.

In short, this matter has just begun, and we still have a lot to do. "

Hearing what he said, Cheng Lao nodded and said, "I'm glad you can think so. Only by calmly and down-to-earth technology can there be results. Not like some corporate scientific research personnel, what will happen when they come up. , What kind of, this is always difficult to achieve results.

Start with the skin and cornea, which is indeed a good direction. At present, both in the field of skin grafting therapy or in the field of corneal transplantation, there are great development prospects. And from your business point of view, these two aspects also have huge market development value, very good! "

Academician Yun Zhihong nodded and said: "At present, there are a large number of blind patients in China who urgently need corneal transplantation, but there are few corneal donors, which can only meet the needs of a small number of people.

Although the research and development of artificial corneas have been carried out both domestically and internationally over the years, the progress has not been smooth. Up to now, those who have announced huge technological progress in these fields are only the data in the laboratory, and none of them has been clinically available, let alone on the market.

So if you can print out the artificial cornea, it will be able to bring back light to countless blind patients.

And this aspect is not in conflict with your smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye, and the patients they have to face are also different. It can be said that as long as you get the cornea out, you will have the final say in the field of ophthalmology in the future.

This will not only win you a huge reputation, but also strive for huge economic benefits. "

Academician Yun Zhihong's words fell, and Professor Zheng followed: "The skin is the same. At present, for some patients with severe fever and some patients with skin damage, the best way to treat them is skin grafting.

Traditional skin grafts are either allogeneic skin grafts or body skin grafts. Allogeneic skin grafting refers to removing the skin of the recipient and then transplanting it to the patient in need. There is a film and television drama that seems to tell a story in this regard, it is about a patient who transplanted another person's face, which caused a series of moral and legal problems.

At present, this kind of allogeneic skin transplantation technology is used relatively little, only applied to a wide range of skin damage, facial repair and so on. Moreover, this kind of allogeneic skin transplantation will have a great rejection reaction, which needs to be maintained by long-term anti-rejection drugs, which will have a great impact on the patients themselves.

At present, the most widely used and most mature technique is the body skin grafting technique. Simply put, it is to take a piece of skin from other parts of the body. This general location is on the thigh or buttocks, and there are also options on the back.

Then apply the removed skin to the parts that need repair. This is a general rule for obvious parts such as the face. "

"Use **** meat to repair your face?"

I didn't know the person present yelled a word, which immediately aroused everyone's laughter.

Professor Zheng was not angry, but smiled and pressed his hands and said: "This is very unprofessional!

However, this is a fact. Although it doesn't sound good, but the skin of the buttocks is used to repair the traumatic parts of the patient's face. This is the best choice.

First of all, everyone needs to know that the buttocks are covered by pants without sunshine all year round, so the skin on the buttocks is very delicate. Its delicateness may be more delicate and supple than the facial skin of some middle-aged and elderly people who have been baptized by the years.

In addition, this is the skin on the patient's own body, which has a high degree of fusion after implantation, is easy to recover, and does not produce rejection reactions, which can be said to be the best choice.

Finally, in terms of privacy, the buttocks are wrapped in pants all year round, and no one has the habit of taking off their pants every day to see people. So no one knows that there is a piece of skin missing on your butt, which helps maintain the privacy of patients. "

After an explanation, Professor Zheng changed the topic in time and said: “It’s far away. Although the prosthetic limb has many benefits, it is limited by the area and position. In fact, it is smart for a small amount of skin repair. It is impossible to use the upper thigh Pulling out all the skin and repairing other places is obviously unrealistic.

Especially for patients with large-scale skin injuries, especially large-scale skin burns, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on their own skin for transplantation, and it is unrealistic for allograft to be too large. Therefore, the conventional method now is to use artificial skin, which is actually something similar to the biofilm to cover and wrap the wounded part of the patient to avoid infection and promote the growth and recovery of the patient's skin.

But even so, the treatment of patients with such large-scale burns and skin injuries is also very difficult, and many patients may not be able to survive. Even if it survives, facing a large area of ​​body damage, especially scars after healing, this will bring great inconvenience and difficulties to the patient's psychology and daily life.

So in the end, these patients may choose multiple plastic surgery and skin grafts if they have the conditions. Or they may not be able to withstand this psychological trauma and social pressure, and eventually go to extremes and choose to end their own lives.

If you can print out artificial skin, then our doctors will not have to be helpless when facing these patients in the future, and we will no longer have to take meat from the patients' buttocks to repair the faces of the patients.

Those patients with extensive skin damage no longer need to be under psychological and life pressure. They don't have to cover themselves tightly in the summer, even if they are sweating profusely, they dare not take off their clothes.

Not only the patients themselves, but also their families and even some professions and heroes saved by this technology. Especially in the firefighter group, there are many heroes who have been injured because of fire fighting, and they are also suffering this kind of pain and misfortune.

Your technology has undoubtedly made them re-see the comfort and have the opportunity for a new life, so you have to work harder. "

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