Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1615: Grab the job of the "Creator"

As for Wu Hao's words, everyone in the room naturally understands that the expressions on each of them are not very attractive. However, what Wu Hao said is also true, the current hospital treatment costs are indeed very high. In the face of some large-scale diseases, even with ordinary medical insurance, the patient's family will be treated.

Moreover, medical equipment and equipment products that are beyond the scope of conventional medical products and are very expensive are not covered by medical insurance, so patients will have to bear a lot of expenses.

Of course, Wu Hao did not get too much trouble with this matter, he just showed his attitude.

Upon seeing this, the old man smiled and eased the atmosphere: "Xiao Wu, since your brain-computer interaction system is interconnected, can it be used in other medical fields?"

Hearing Cheng Lao’s words, Wu Hao looked at him, then looked at everyone and nodded: “Yes, this technology can be used in a wide range of directions. From the medical technology field alone, it can also be used in some brain and neurology. Systematic disease treatment.

Including some cerebral palsy patients, mentally handicapped patients, including some vegetative people we call medically have a very significant effect. "

Vegetative? Hearing this, the experts here couldn't help but become interested.

You should know that medical treatments for vegetatives have always been lacking. The main method currently used is to maintain the normal physiological signs of the vegetative body, and then add some external stimuli to help the vegetative to wake up. However, the effect of this method is very slow, and it can be said that it depends on luck. Some vegetatives may wake up in a few weeks and months, and some vegetatives, but sleep for several years, more than ten years, or even sleep forever.

Because of this, the families of vegetative patients are often under tremendous psychological and economic pressure. In the end, many families have to choose to give up. However, domestic laws and regulations do not allow euthanasia, so it is often the family members who deal with it themselves. As for how to deal with it, only the family members and the vegetative patient themselves know this. It is a tragedy anyway.

And now listening to the meaning in Wu Hao's words, they seem to have mastered a new method of healing and awakening vegetatives, which makes everyone not pay attention.

Faced with the gazes of everyone’s attention, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and admitted: “Yes, use the brain-computer interaction system to wake up the vegetative. This method is to connect the brain-computer interaction system with the vegetative brain, and then continue through this. The nesting system transmits relevant bioelectrical signal content to the brain. These content can be visual images, auditory sounds, or even smell and taste, skin touch, and so on.

It is far more direct to stimulate the brain of a patient through single or multiple bioelectrical signals than to perceive the organs of the patient itself. In this way, it can greatly increase the arousal probability of vegetative patients.

Of course, this technology is still in the research and demonstration stage. The specific efficacy is still unclear. But for the treatment of awakened vegetative patients, this is indeed a new direction.

I will continue to explore this technology and strive to put it into clinical trials as soon as possible. "

After Wu Hao's words fell, one of the brain experts present here said: "Mr. Wu, the brain department of our hospital is also at the forefront of the field in China. We hope to cooperate with you in the treatment and wake-up of vegetative patients. To promote early clinical trials of this technology."

The words of this expert fall, the other one-->>

Experts also hurriedly followed: "Mr. Wu, our hospital also has the conditions for clinical trials in this area. We warmly welcome your company to set up a clinical trial site for this technology in our hospital. We will definitely cooperate fully."

Mr. Wu...

Everyone knows what this technology means in the academic circle of brain science, so they are all competing for it. For them, if they can compete for the qualifications of joint research and clinical trials, then this means that they will become the No. 1 in the field of brain science vegetative patient treatment in China and even internationally. This will not only bring great reputation, but also Will bring huge practical benefits. This is why these people compete so fiercely.

When Wu Hao saw this, he did not rush to agree, but waited for these people to fight for a while, then smiled and pressed his hand and said: "I understand everyone's kindness, but this matter is more complicated. If you are interested, , We can come down to talk, so we won’t waste everyone’s time here."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone who was fighting for it also calmed down. Others also took the opportunity to persuade a few words, and everyone immediately pulled the topic elsewhere.

Xiao Wu, I heard that in addition to the bionic artificial organ project, you are also working on the research of stem cell cloning and cultivation of organs and biological 3D printed organs. How is the progress? Can you tell us about the progress and achievements in this regard? Professor Zheng asked.

Cheng Lao also nodded and looked at Wu Hao and asked: "Stem cell cloning and 3D printed organ technology are currently the most cutting-edge research fields in the medical world. Major pharmaceutical giants and biomedical research institutes in various countries are engaged in research in this area.

These two technologies have also become the core technologies of future medicine. They will play a vital role in future medicine. Scientists even predict that these two technologies can double the lifespan of human beings. Although this statement is exaggerated, it is not impossible to achieve.

It's just that the technical difficulty is too great, and it involves a series of laws and Dolly's problems, so the progress is very slow. "

Wu Hao nodded and said: "Yes, these two technologies are indeed challenging the restricted area of ​​life. We artificially create living organs of life by ourselves. It can be said that this is a job grabbing the creator's job.

Regardless of the technology, the difficulty is very huge. The issues involved are not only in the field of biomedicine, but also designed a series of laws, as well as public opinion issues.

Therefore, we have been very cautious about the research work in this area to ensure that every step we take is solid and stable. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, and then said to everyone: "At present, we do have some progress in these two technologies, but we are still far from success."

Seeing that Wu Hao wanted to make a haha, Cheng Lao was a little dissatisfied: "More about it, today is an academic exchange. If it involves core technology, you can ignore it."

Hearing what Cheng Lao said, everyone nodded in response.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao showed a somewhat helpless expression: "Well, then I will just say it briefly. However, we have not achieved much in these two technologies. I will mainly explain our thinking and concepts here. , Let’s talk less about the technical aspects."

Seeing everyone nodding, Wu Hao continued.


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