Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1610: "Bad" reactions brought about by "changing hearts"

  Chapter 1611 "Unfavorable" Reactions Brought by "Change of Heart"

  To talk about ideas, we do have a little idea, and we hope that communication can help you develop better. As a "Chinese medicine" (Chinese * doctor), we also eagerly hope that we can have a world-leading pharmaceutical company in our country, which will also greatly promote the development of our "Chinese medicine". "

  Cheng Lao also used Wu Hao’s expressions of Chinese medicine here, which made everyone at the scene smile knowingly, and the atmosphere in the conference room was relaxed.

  At the beginning of the meeting, there must be a few words of greetings. This is the practice of all meetings in the world. After all, there are still media reporters at such meetings. At the beginning, they will be given an interview time, and they will take pictures and record them. The meeting will not officially start until the interview is over.

As an old man, he took the lead to speak: "The artificial heart you developed this time is very good. It can not only restore the characteristics of the real heart, such as heartbeat and pulse, but also is safe and reliable enough. This is better than the current one. All artificial hearts on the market must be advanced.

  We just saw the heart transplant patient in your laboratory. Through B-ultrasound and X-ray, we saw the artificial heart in his body, which is very beautiful.

  And what’s more rare is that this patient has recovered very well, just like a normal person. And I heard from this patient that he is almost no different from ordinary people now. There is no abnormality in his daily life and exercise, and he can't even perceive this artificial heart.

  I told him that not perceiving is the best performance. If it is sensed, it is not good. "

  Wu Hao listened to the old words of completion, and said with a smile: “In fact, whether we let these patients participating in clinical trials clearly come to meet with you and accept media interviews is a matter of internal controversy.

  We are worried that exposing patients to the camera may have an unnecessary impact on their future lives, and may even affect their recovery.

  However, there are still some people who think this is a good thing. We have to convince the public that we have such technologies, have been used on the human body, and are safe, so that more people can believe and accept and use these technologies. Only in this way can more people benefit.

  So, we tried to communicate with patients and wanted to hear their thoughts. What we didn't expect was that they didn't mind facing the media exposure, but they were very supportive. In the end, after considering the size of the patients, we selected these two clinical trial patients to meet with you. They will personally demonstrate and talk about their treatment experience, which is more authentic and credible. "

After Wu Hao's words fell, everyone nodded in agreement, and Cheng Lao agreed with him: "You are right to do this. Of course, such a good technology must be promoted. Only by doing this can more people know about it. With such technology, it is possible to save many lives.

  The birth of new technologies, especially the birth of new medical technologies, will certainly raise questions. What's more, people are more worried about this kind of life-critical equipment. This is understandable. Ants are still greedy, let alone people. Therefore, we have to show real and credible cases to everyone. Only in this way can everyone believe in and accept such new technological achievements.

  It is precisely because of what you showed is true enough that what happened at the gate this morning. "

  Cheng turned the old saying, "I think that woman also believes that the artificial heart you showed is good enough, so she begged to come to the door so regardless.

  Of course, her behavior was a bit reckless, and you didn’t agree in the end. I think this is understandable, and your considerations are also correct. If you rashly agree, the demonstration effect it brings may indeed bring you endless troubles in the future.

  However, in this way, you may still be short of fire, and some are too blunt. "

  Faced with Cheng Lao’s outspoken beating, Wu Hao did not feel any disgust, but nodded humbly and said: “What you taught me is that I was indeed a little worried about the situation at the time.”

  Actually, I think Xiao Wu’s handling is okay. In such a situation, I really can’t agree to it rashly. If I agree, it will be really troublesome. Professor Zheng smiled roundly.

   "Yes, yes, it is understandable to save people, but using such a method is a naked moral kidnapping and cannot be encouraged." Some experts responded.

  "Xiao Wu, tell me about the clinical trials of your artificial heart. How many patients have completed artificial heart transplants so far?" Old General Cheng brought the topic back and asked. It can be seen that he is very concerned about it.

OK. Wu Hao nodded and introduced.

"After the start of the first phase of the clinical trial, plus the two emergency patients we introduced at the press conference, we have completed a total of six smart bionic artificial heart transplant operations. The most recent operation was eight days ago , The patient is a sixty-year-old woman.

  All the six operations were very successful, and the patients' response was also very unfortunate, and there was no serious discomfort. "

  In other words, in clinical trials, some patients still have some uncomfortable reactions? Cheng Lao heard the meaning of Wu Hao's words, and immediately interrupted him and asked.

  Wu Hao froze for a moment, and then slightly nodded in the face of everyone's eyes: "Yes, two patients have some symptoms of discomfort, one is mild and the other is slightly more serious.

  Slightly, this patient had auditory hallucinations. After he completed the artificial heart transplant operation, he always heard the sound of the heart beating. It was said that the sound was so loud that he couldn't sleep at all when it was noisy.

  In fact, the sound of our smart bionic artificial heart contraction and stretching is very small, even smaller than the beating sound of a real human heart.

  After a joint consultation with various experts, we believe that this is a traumatic disease after the patient’s surgery. At present, there is no particularly good treatment, we can only help patients to recover slowly. Of course, the whole condition still needs to be overcome by the patient himself. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, then changed his breath and then introduced: "The second patient, it is a little serious. Like the first patient, he also suffered from postoperative psychological problems. This patient After the operation, there was a relatively serious depression, and I became interested in everything, indifferent, and depressed.

  After a joint consultation with experts, it is confirmed that this is postoperative depression. Considering that the patient did not have depression before, we believe that this depression should be caused by the intelligent bionic artificial heart, or it may be caused by the entire operation.

  I just want to ask you, does changing your heart really affect your personality? "

  (End of this chapter)

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