Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1604: Intelligent Medical Image Study and Analysis System

   Chapter 1605 Intelligent Medical Image Study and Analysis System

  Of course, with the arrival of these medical experts, Wu Hao and others will naturally not be able to miss such a rare opportunity. Naturally, they will make full use of this opportunity to introduce and recommend their latest technological achievements.

  For example, this intelligent multi-tentacled medical robot, in addition to the automatic mode, also has an intelligent assist mode, which can assist doctors in completing related operations.

  On-site personnel should be stronger. Among the experts, a famous surgical expert who is about 50 years old was selected and will participate in the entire simulated surgery demonstration together with another technician.

   demonstrated a tumor resection operation. After a short training period, the expert put on smart VR glasses and started to operate the equipment, while the technician next to him gave technical guidance from the side.

  I saw that under the control of this expert, the tentacles of the entire intelligent multi-tentacled medical robot began to work very flexibly. The tentacles cooperated with each other to simulate, and the whole operation process was smooth and smooth in one go.

  After completing the operation, the famous surgical expert couldn't conceal the maneuver in his heart and began to communicate with the experts.

   "It's so easy to use, it's really easy to use, it's so much easier to use than Da Vinci."

   Hearing the words of this surgical expert, some people at the scene did not want to question: "Is it really that easy to use?"

The surgical expert nodded sternly and said: "It's really amazing. This intelligent multi-tenacity medical robot can perceive my movements and cooperate accordingly. It's like you are working with an experienced and skilled Experts cooperate with the same platform.

  You don’t even need much language to communicate. It’s completely understandable, and it’s really smart. "

  I heard that many people here are eager to try, and want to apply for the actual experience on the machine. In this regard, the on-site publicity personnel not only agreed, but also told the experts on the scene and the media reporters concerned with good news.

  That is tomorrow morning at the Linghu Business District Medical Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College, a highly difficult operation will be performed, and this intelligent multi-handed medical robot will be used throughout the operation. If you are interested, you can go there tomorrow to watch.

  For such an operation, it is naturally impossible for everyone to miss it. Everyone is clamoring to go, and the media reporters are also very excited. Because of this kind of surgery, the use of this technique is very rare, and they will naturally not miss such news.

  In addition to this smart multi-tentacled medical robot, there was also a medical device that was not shown at the press conference.

  This is an intelligent medical image study and analysis system. It can conduct study and analysis through the image images transmitted by X-ray, CT, and MRI, so as to find out the problem and mark the feedback.

  Simply put, this is a device that can “read film”. It can analyze X-ray, CT, and MRI images to find the difference or the cause of the disease and mark it.

  In the past, the study and analysis of these medical imaging data was completely carried out by professional imaging analysis doctors. Therefore, the entire study and judgment time is very short. It may usually take one or two hours from the routine examination to taking the film results. It may take four or five hours in a large 3A hospital, and it may even take a day or two to get the results. It is not because the study and judgment time is relatively slow, but because the workload is huge, and the study and judgment process must be careful, so it takes a lot of time.

  In addition, there are a lot of patients undergoing relevant examinations every day, and it has basically become a necessary routine examination for patients. So many examinations naturally increase the workload of the imaging analysis doctor, so it takes more time.

  Now, with this intelligent medical image study and analysis system, the medical image images of these examinations are completely handed over to the intelligent medical image study and analysis system for self-study and analysis, so that the results can be obtained through big data comparison.

  Finally, the doctor of the image analysis only needs to confirm the result and sign it. This can greatly increase the inspection speed and shorten the time. Reduce the previous one or two hours or even five or six hours of waiting time for results to less than two minutes, of which manual confirmation and signature accounted for 90% of the time in these two minutes, while the system only needs a few seconds to be able to Complete thousands or even tens of thousands of analysis and comparison results of medical imaging screens.

  This not only shortens the time, but also greatly improves the accuracy of the inspection results. Even some details that cannot be distinguished by the human eye can be found and compared through the system, which can buy a lot of time and opportunities for the early detection and treatment of some diseases.

   "This is a good thing." The experts looked at this intelligent medical imaging study and analysis system, and showed great interest.

  Such a system is not expensive, I want to introduce a few to our hospital.

  Counting us, we also need it. Now the number of doctors received every day is too large. And this kind of radiography examination is too time-consuming. With this system, we can greatly improve our overall medical level and provide patients with more timely and high-quality services.

  We also need it.

  Faced with the enthusiasm of these experts, it is naturally impossible for the propaganda and distribution business personnel who are serving nearby to miss such an opportunity, and stepped forward to introduce it in due course.

  Such a system is counted in millions. But for the big hospitals behind these experts, the price of several million is not worth mentioning. Instead, they were concerned about the performance of this system and asked for on-site verification.

  For this, the on-site staff naturally met their wishes and agreed to let them verify the actual performance of the system on site.

In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the entire verification process, the experts did not use the source samples of medical films provided on the spot. Instead, they transferred some of the latest patient's information from the Linghu Business District Medical Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College. Medical film source.

  Faced with the needs of the big guys, how could the Linghu Business District Medical Center of Anxi Hospital affiliated to the Air Force Medical College be underestimated, and then several doctors panted and ran over carrying a box.

  After obtaining the medical image source of the patient, the verification began immediately.

  When these film sources were imported into the system, they started to run, and soon the relevant results began to be displayed on the big screen.

  In a window, small boxes are quickly displayed. These are the sub-results of the analyzed patient's film.

  As for the experts, they also put on reading glasses one by one, and then pressed the film to compare the results on the big screen. After comparing more than a dozen films, these experts nodded involuntarily and gave up on the comparison work.

   Then there was a burst of warm applause.

  (End of this chapter)

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