Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1597: The most difficult to treat in the world is actually poverty

Of course, this woman was crying with her two children, and Wu Hao’s appearance and what she said were also transmitted to the Internet by these media reporters and onlookers through various devices and screens, and some even erected them. The live broadcast.

Under the influence of yesterday's press conference, this news quickly appeared on the hot search and became a topic of concern and hot discussion.

As in reality, the Internet has been divided into two factions as it should be, and the two sides have different opinions and quarrels are fierce. Even this matter has been out of the circle, and it has become a topic in the public's Jingjing Ledao in a short time.

In addition, there are many bloggers who have attracted the attention of big v, specially edited, accompanied by exciting music and inflammatory text, and the whole network suddenly became a boil.

Too cold-blooded, this is simply hopeless. These capitalists should be brought down, which is simply horrible.

That's right, it's so pitiful, it's dying to help others.

Looking worried, who can arrest these black-hearted capitalists, why let them dominate in front of us.

That's right, Wu Hao finally showed his true colors. If you don't help, you won't help. If I say that, if I were that woman, I would have to rush to fight him desperately.

The two children are too pitiful. They will lose their father at such a young age. Save them.

Although I am also very upset by Wu Hao's words, he is right in one point. Moral kidnapping is not bad. Charity depends on resources. Kneeling at the gate so openly that it is asking for help is actually a kind of moral kidnapping in disguise.

Why is it morally kidnapped, but the mortal family has a little way, who would bring the child up and kneel down at the gate and beg for help in such a hot day.

That is, if your parents are sick and want to change their minds, how would you do it?

Said light and handy, it will help your whole family to be healthy.

Don't let anger go to your heads. People Wu Hao has already said that this smart bionic artificial heart has not yet been put on the market. At present, only a small part of it is produced for phase I clinical trials. All the quotas have been determined. Now it is impossible to look at this poor woman and deprive others of the quota. Come and save them.

I don’t believe that there is no redundancy for such a large company.

This is a medical device, and the manufacturing process is extremely strict. You think it is a mobile phone. If there is a problem with mobile phone therapy, the big deal is fever and crash. Once this artificial heart crashes due to a problem, it is really dead.

Didn't Wu Hao say that it costs tens of millions of dollars to produce an artificial heart alone. What's wrong with spending a little money on such a big company, this is life-saving.

The company owes you something, so why should I spend some money to save you? Besides, is it spending some money? This is tens of millions of dollars, which translates to 60 to 70 million. Although life is priceless, is it too extravagant to trade 60 or 70 million for a life?

What's wrong with 60 or 70 million? If you don't have any money, you can earn it again. If you don't have people, you'll be really gone.

Sixty to seventy million is nothing. The question is can you make so much money in your life. Many people die every year in the world. Some of these people are incurable, and some of them can be cured with the current medical technology. However, limited by the financial situation of the patient and the patient’s family, there is still no cure. To put it bluntly, there is no money to get better medical resources. This is reality, boy!

To go to the reality of tm, I never believed in reality.

You guys, I see that it is too shallow, and the crux of the problem is not in the tens of millions of dollars. For Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology, this amount of money is nothing but a drop in the bucket, and it is not worth mentioning. There are two key problems. One is that this smart bionic artificial heart is not currently on the market. If Wu Hao and the others feel it is provided to this mother, then they may violate relevant laws and assume legal responsibility. It may be good if you succeed, but if you fail, you will fall into endless trouble. Second, this mother took her two children to kneel at the gate for help. It seemed pitiful, but the method was very inappropriate. As Wu Hao said, this kind of behavior is not worthy of encouragement. Once he agrees, then other patients and their families will probably imitate it, so it will be disastrous for Haoyu Technology.

The analysis by the brothers upstairs is correct, the key to the problem is these two. If this woman took a more appropriate approach, there might be a chance, but now in front of such a multimedia, Wu Hao and the others have no room for relaxation, so they must have a clear answer. If you agree, you will not only bear legal responsibility, but also bear serious consequences. If you don't agree, you may anger the people, but at least you don't have to worry about other things. So weighing the pros and cons, Wu Hao will definitely reject it.

But is it too cold-blooded to just refuse directly? Wouldn't it be better to change to a more gentle way?

The processing method may be a bit straightforward or even blunt, but in this case at the time, this was the best choice. If you don’t make it clear, once foreign media use this aspect to make a fuss, it will be a huge blow to Haoyu Technology.

Still feel uncomfortable, how about we launch a donation crowdfunding to help them pay the money?

To be honest, I am not optimistic about donation crowdfunding. Emotion is one aspect, but reason is another. Is it worth it to spend such a high price on one person? If this money can be used wisely, it may be possible for ten, one hundred, or even one thousand people in need.

Yes, sympathy is one aspect, but as Wu Hao said, charity and charity can never rely solely on passion, but must pay attention to methods and methods.

The truth is said, but in the face of such a situation, do we just look so indifferent?

There is a saying in "The God of Medicine" that the most incurable disease in the world is actually poverty. If you have money, you can live; if you don’t have money, you can only die.

This is too realistic, too cruel.

Now I hope this smart bionic artificial heart can be launched as soon as In this way, those patients will have hope.

Even if it's on the market, what's the use, the price of millions of dollars can't be used by ordinary people.

Didn't Wu Hao say that after mass production is on the market, the price will come down. For a company, if this medical device product is too expensive, it is not conducive to popularization.

Yes, once this kind of life-saving medical equipment is on the market, the state will definitely intervene actively. If it can be purchased centrally, the price will be further reduced. Just like a heart stent, the original tens of thousands of stents have been reduced to a few hundred yuan after centralized procurement by the state.

A few hundred yuan is definitely unrealistic. The cost of this kind of life-saving medical equipment is far higher than this. I don't expect it to be too low, the price of one hundred thousand yuan is still acceptable.

For the rich, it is better to be able to reduce it to less than tens of thousands, so as to benefit more people.

Of course, the lower the price, the better.

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