Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Restore light

"With our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye, it is possible to restore the light.

We found this patient and introduced our technology and related risks to him and his family.

Although the patient's family members had certain concerns, the patient's strong willingness finally agreed to conduct the clinical trial.

Of course, we also promise that after the experiment is over, the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye implanted in the patient's orbit will be given to him for free. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone at the scene smiled. For this blind patient, although clinical trials have certain risks, it is not an opportunity, an opportunity to regain the light, and an opportunity to change his life. Such an opportunity is undoubtedly a pie in the sky for this patient, so no matter it is to the person who has the same experience, it cannot be refused.

As for Wu Hao, he glanced at the reaction of the crowd, and then continued to preach.

"Because this patient has suffered severe damage to his eyes, it has been seven years since his eyes were removed. These seven years have also been wearing prosthetic eyes, and the wear on the eye sockets, especially the fundus, is quite serious. So we need to treat the inside of his eye sockets. After many surgical repairs and the relevant requirements can be met in a period of time, then we can start the entire surgical implantation process.

After five times of minimally invasive orbital repair and plastic surgery, this patient finally met our requirements, and then we performed the implantation of the fundus brain machine chip for him.

The entire implantation procedure was very smooth. With the assistance of our intelligent multi-tenacity surgical robot, the entire procedure took just over two hours, and we completed the implantation of the brain-computer chip at the fundus of both eyes. "

While Wu Hao introduced, pictures and videos related to the operation and treatment process were also shown on the large screen suspended above his head.

"This patient is very strong. In order to restore the light as soon as possible, he worked hard to actively cooperate with our doctors and scientific researchers. During the treatment, he also endured a lot of pain. But he never complained, and sometimes he was still Encourage our doctors and technicians, let them rest assured and boldly let go, he can handle it.

Our doctors and scientific research technicians were also moved by the sunshine and strength of this young man, and they did their best to hope that this clinical trial will be successful, so that he can return to the light as soon as possible.

With everyone's efforts, this patient finally met the conditions for wearing a smart bionic electronic artificial eye. Immediately, we implanted intelligent bionic electronic artificial eyes into his eye sockets.

After the smart bionic electronic artificial eye was activated and activated, the patient was able to feel the light immediately. For our doctor's hand passing in front of his eyes, he could clearly feel it, and his eyeballs responded accordingly. "

Bang bang bang...

After Wu Hao's words fell, there was an enthusiastic applause at the scene. Both the guests and the media reporters applauded one after another, happy for the twenty-four-year-old lucky guy.

Especially in the video images, the patient's excitement after feeling the light, that kind of crazy performance, the scene of his parents and family members crying in excitement, is really very contagious, which also made countless netizens watching the live broadcast of the press conference. We were moved to tears.

"Next is a long period of recovery and adaptation. This is the recovery after a week. The patient has been able to see some blurry pictures. Although it is not clear enough, the outline of the object can already be seen. This feeling is like High myopia is the same as removing the eyes.

Next, this is the recovery after a month. This patient's vision has also changed significantly, and the objects that can be seen are getting clearer.

In fact, he has already got out of bed and can even walk freely without support. It's just that what I see is not clear enough, it's like a fog.

Next, this is the patient's recovery after three months. This patient can already see the picture more clearly and basically resumed his normal life. According to his parents, the young man became obsessed with film and television dramas, saying that he was going to finish all the good film and television dramas he had owed in the past seven years, and he was already learning to use new digital products and equipment.

Of course, for him, the recovery process is still going on. As the visual cortex center of this patient's brain gradually adapts to the visual biological signals transmitted by the brain-computer interaction system, he will see more clearly. "

Having said this, Wu Hao changed his words: "For us, this clinical trial is far from over. This patient needs to stay in Anxi for another year or so. On the one hand, it is beneficial to our related clinical trials. Research and collect enough data.

On the other hand, it is to ensure the health and safety of this patient. After all, this is our first clinical trial, and we are not sure whether the actual user of such a device will bring possible risks to the patient.

Finally, we also need to continuously upgrade, improve and optimize our products and technologies based on the daily use feedback of patients, so as to achieve the best fit between equipment and people. "

Having said that, Wu Hao stopped, then looked at everyone in the audience and said with a smile: "Maybe I say that everyone still has doubts about the authenticity of our technology and this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye product~www. This is understandable, after all, many amazing technologies just appear and will not be believed by everyone.

There is a traditional saying in our country, it is better to see a hundred times. That being the case, then we invite the protagonist of this story, Luo Xiangxiang, a patient in our clinical trial of the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye, to come to the stage to meet with you, and talk about his story and mental journey by the way. "

Upon hearing Wu Hao's words, the guests and reporters in the audience were surprised at first, and then burst into enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Some media reporters also picked up their long guns and short cannons one after another, and started shooting against the camera.

As a beam of light appeared at the end of the trail, an equally well-dressed young man appeared in the spotlight with a pair of sunglasses, which caused cheers and screams from the crowd.

Amidst the applause of the crowd, the young man became a little nervous, and then began to stiffen up on the round platform in front of the guest seat. But at this moment, Wu Hao, seeing the young man walking over, gave the young man, Luo Xiangxiang, an encouraging look, and immediately walked off the stage, leaving the stage to Luo Xiangxiang.

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