Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Technology that subverts faith

In addition, Wu Hao and others have also opened up the technology of using drones to counter drones, that is, using drones for air defense and intercepting intruded drone clusters. This should be a pioneering work, and it can be said that it is a brand-new technology that uses the smallest cost to resist swarm attacks in the world. The principle seems very simple, it is nothing more than launching drones to hit the incoming drones, but with such a large number of swarm control, how to accurately control the drones to intercept, the technology inside is much more difficult.

The cluster array control technology can not only be applied to the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, but also can be applied to unmanned vehicles, unmanned boats, and even unmanned submarines. It has a very wide range of military applications. Even some of the current missile group attack marshalling technologies use this technology.

In the civilian field, the use of this technology is also very extensive. For example, the intelligent unmanned logistics system that shuttles over the streets of Anxi, the intelligent unmanned takeaway courier system, and the intelligent police patrol system use this technology. There are also logistics robots working in large logistics transfer centers. This technology is also used.

And Wu Hao's intelligent super cluster array server unit, and even the architecture of the super photonic computer, are also shipped to this technology.

It can be said that this technology has become one of the most influential technologies in the world today, and even caused a round of more than just technological innovations.

Next is the exhibition area of ​​digital light and shadow display technology. Whether it is VR, AR, or MR, the technical achievements displayed here make these reporters intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves for a long time. The impact of these technologies in the field of information, communication and Internet is undoubtedly huge. It brings three different interactive experience methods to mankind at once. It can be said that in the field of digital light and shadow display technology, Haoyu Technology is undoubtedly the current entire field. The existence of bull ears inside.

Although other manufacturers have launched related similar technologies and products, they are far from the absolute technological advantage of Haoyu Technology in this field.

The artificial intelligence voice interaction technology can be regarded as a relatively low-key among Wu Hao's many excellent technologies and products, but the impact in the industry is undoubtedly huge. In particular, Wu Hao's artificial intelligence technology on voice can make the computer produce the same voice, tone, and emotional expression as a human.

And this artificial intelligence voice interaction system has also been widely used in various fields, especially in the field of public services, and its influence is more extensive.

In addition, this technology has also been successfully used in the military, becoming a voice-assisted control system for warplanes, warships, and armored vehicles. Through this system, it is possible to interact with the systems mounted on fighters, battleships and even armored vehicles through the relaxation of voice, so as to carry out control and timely information feedback.

Of course, the most important thing in this technology is artificial intelligence technology. Haoyu Technology's artificial intelligence technology, especially the achievements of strong artificial intelligence technology in the industry are obvious to all. Although Wu Hao and the others have never admitted, it is speculated that Wu Hao's artificial intelligence assistant, Coco, may be the world's first digital human based on artificial intelligence.

In other words, this artificial intelligence assistant, Coco, may already have human emotions and consciousness, which is indistinguishable from real human thinking logic. Of course, this is just speculation, and everyone has not been confirmed, and Wu Hao has never responded positively to this.

However, in terms of artificial intelligence technology, Wu Hao's attitude is clear, that is, artificial intelligence systems must not have independent consciousness and independent personality. As for whether he personally abides by it in private, this is another matter.

What these foreign media reporters experienced in the park was a very magical experience, even breaking the belief in their hearts. When entering the park, the staff told them that anywhere in the park, as long as they need help, they can call Coco for help. Cocoa will appear for the first time and provide services for it.

At first they didn't believe it. When a foreign media reporter got lost in the park and tried to ask questions, Coco's voice appeared in their ears and helped them successfully guide the direction. Afterwards, they continued to make various attempts, and Cocoa appeared for the first time.

This caused the belief in these people's hearts to collapse suddenly, as if in this park, Cocoa is God, the omnipotent and omnipresent god. As long as they ask for help out loud, Coco will show up at any time.

This kind of experience is absolutely numbing scalp, and some people even wonder if the entire park is being monitored. Then I asked the staff and learned that Coco was always there, but it would only start to appear when they called out the relevant name and asked for help.

In other words, Cocoa does not eavesdrop and monitor them, it is activated with the keyword call. This may seem like nothing, but in a park of nearly two million square meters, standing at any position and calling out a little loudly can be captured by Cocoa and appear in time. This technology is very powerful.

This involves not only the part of artificial intelligence technology, but also the very complicated science of sound waves. It is very powerful to accurately identify such noisy background sounds, not to mention the technical difficulty of capturing the voice of a single person in a huge park.

The next step is the transmission of The directional sound transmission technology of Haoyu Technology is also very impressive to these foreign media reporters. Cocoa's voice will appear in your ears, but it's not loud, it's just that you can hear it by your side, and you can't hear it no matter how far away. It's not the kind that is played directly by speakers and let everyone around you know.

The purpose of this is on the one hand not to disturb the people, after all, the sound played by the speakers is really too loud. On the other hand, it is also to protect the privacy of those seeking help. If it is a particularly private issue, there is no need to let everyone around you know about it through the broadcast.

The great thing about this technology is that the sound can be directionally transmitted to the person seeking help through a special sound-producing unit, and other surroundings cannot be heard. Haoyu Technology has not disclosed this technology to the public, but the application of this technology in the park has also attracted the interest of many people. Some people even came to the park to conduct field investigations for this purpose. It is precisely because of this that they know the general principle of this technology.

In terms of sound capture technology, in simple terms, it uses the vibration ripples caused by the transmission of sound in the air, so by capturing the vibration of the air, the sound can be restored, even at a long distance. In terms of sound transmission, the frequency control of sound waves is still used, which can realize the long-distance directional transmission of sound.

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