Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1558: A completely different city of the future

What surprised these reporters was much more than that. On the street, everyone would see a kind of green vehicle with operation warning lights flashing. These are all sanitation vehicles, and they vary in size. Large ones include water trucks, garbage trucks, fog cannon trucks, street floor washing trucks, etc., while medium-sized environmentally friendly vehicles are street sweepers, street vacuum cleaners, and so on. As for small vehicles, they are even more diverse, such as ground sweepers on the sidewalks on both sides of the road, mobile garbage trucks, high-temperature and high-pressure sewage trucks, and so on.

Of course, such a rich family of sanitation operation vehicles is not the focus of these media reporters. What they are concerned about is that most of these sanitation operation vehicles are unmanned operation vehicles. Only a small number of large vehicles have sanitation workers wearing sanitation overalls, and they are engaged in light work.

Some sanitation workers wearing sanitation overalls will also occasionally be found on the street. They did not clean the ground like traditional sanitation workers. insufficient.

Also under the 24-hour uninterrupted operation of these unmanned sanitation operation vehicles, the streets of Anxi are very clean, and there is no dust and garbage at all. Even if there is rubbish, it will be cleaned up in a short time.

Such a sight really shocked all foreign media reporters. In their opinion, this distant eastern city is actually so advanced, as if it has entered the future city that only appears in film and television dramas, and other on earth. The place is completely two different worlds.

And everything here has a very close relationship with Haoyu Technology in this city. It can be said that Haoyu Technology and Wu Hao changed the city.

There is still some time before Haoyu Technology's summer new product & new technology conference, so these reporters decided to go to every corner of the city to explore everything about Haoyu Technology.

So these foreign media reporters began to look for the interviewees they were interested in based on their interests. In this regard, Anzai City is also very willing to show these foreign media reporters Anzai’s development achievements in recent years. Some of the prejudiced views.

Under the leadership of the staff of the propaganda department, these media reporters naturally saw a lot of things they hadn't seen before.

For example, it is still on the environmental protection system. The unmanned environmental protection operating vehicles they see on the street are just a basic part of the entire city's intelligent environmental protection engineering system.

For a large city, the amount of solid waste generated every day is thousands of tons or even tens of thousands of tons. How to deal with this **** has always been a topic of debate in various quarters.

There are three main ways to clean up solid waste adopted by most countries and cities.

First of all, the first one is to recycle the waste of renewable resources. However, in this regard, in fact, the recycling rate of this part of garbage in various countries has been very low. Only a rough screening will be carried out, some valuable garbage will be recycled, disassembled and processed, and then used for resource utilization, but this utilization rate is very small compared to the total amount of garbage, and can even be said to be negligible.

As for European and American countries, what they do in this area is even more extraordinary. They concentrated a lot of large solid waste. However, they did not recycle and reuse them. Instead, they were packaged and shipped to third-world countries, where they were dismantled and digested, which was tantamount to disposing of the solid waste for them for free. It is tantamount to imposing the garbage it produces on other countries, causing serious pollution to these countries and regions.

In the early years, we were also the exporter and disposer of garbage in these countries. Later, we realized the harmfulness of these foreign garbage, so we banned the entry of these foreign garbage. So these countries can only look for other countries and regions after a few curses, such as Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, and so on. Judging from the exposed photos and news, some countries and regions have been filled with solid waste from all over the world, and even piled up thousands of meters of garbage mountains, becoming a sea of ​​garbage.

Although all countries are now advocating to strengthen the recycling and reuse of solid waste, the actual recycling rate is too low, and it can be described as a chicken feather.

The second method is centralized burial, which is also the most important and most important way to dispose of solid waste. There are such large landfills around many cities, and a large amount of municipal solid waste will be transported here every day, and then buried.

Although these garbage landfills have been specially treated, rainwater infiltration will cause the harmful elements in the garbage to pollute the nearby groundwater and harm the surrounding ecological environment and human health. And these buried **** need to go through a long degradation period, it may take hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years before the earth can metabolize it.

The third method is centralized incineration. This is an ancient method of discharging garbage, and it is also a brand-new method of discharging garbage that has been actively developed in various places in recent years.

In the early years, in order to dispose of these garbage, centralized incineration was carried out. But at that time, knowledge burned on the spot and it didn't take care of other things at all. The harmful gases produced by the incineration of garbage can be said to seriously pollute the entire air, and even easily cause some respiratory diseases. As for the ashes after incineration, they are also polluting. They will seep into the ground with rainwater and pollute groundwater. They will also collect into rivers with rainwater and pollute water sources.

People quickly realized this, and then carried out centralized incineration, which was concentrated in a special device for incineration, and the air after incineration was filtered, and the incineration ash was processed, so that pollution can be reduced.

In recent years, with the strengthening of environmental protection concepts, especially carbon emissions and the depletion of mineral resources. People are beginning to notice that this garbage is actually a resource that can be used. In the past, this garbage was burned in vain, which is a pity.

Why not use these wastes for incineration to generate electricity, which is much more environmentally friendly than those coal-fired power plants.

As a result, various cities began to build some thermal power plants dedicated to burning garbage in the surrounding areas. Such thermal power plants can process a lot of garbage every day and convert them into electricity to continue to serve the city. Some cities even use the heat generated by waste incineration to provide heat for urban residents.

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