Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: Favor package

  Wu Hao nodded, and then shouted at Wu Tong who was still sitting in the car, "Okay, look good after driving back. Now go through the formalities and I will pay the fee."

coming! Wu Tong responded happily, then jumped out of the car, closed the door handsomely, and followed Wu Hao to the lobby.

   came to play in the hall and sat down for a while, and saw this Chen Shanshan walking over with a casually dressed middle-aged man who was about forty years old.

   Mr. Wu, hello, I am Zhang Xiaobo, the owner of this car dealership. The middle-aged man then offered Wu Hao a business card with both hands. Wu Hao smiled and took a look at the business card, and then shook hands with the person: "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

   Hey, no trouble, no trouble, it is our honor to be able to serve you. This Zhang Xiaobo glanced at Wu Tong, who was signing documents next to him, and then asked Wu Hao: "This lady is yours..."

   Shemei, Wu Hao gave Wu Tong a doting look, then smiled and introduced it frankly.

   Oh, what I said. Zhang Xiaobo showed a dazed expression, and then asked Chen Shanshan on the side: "Is this Miss Wu's car ready."

   Okay, I'm cleaning and maintaining it later. Chen Shanshan responded quickly.

Zhang Xiaobo nodded, took a look at the folder in Chen Shanshan's hand, and then said to Wu Hao: "Ms. Wu, before this car, Miss Chen lost a deposit of 300,000 yuan, and the rest is the vehicle purchase balance and purchase fees. The insurance fee, license fee, and modification fee total 790,000 yuan. In this way, I will be the master and give you a discount. You can round it up, and 500,000 yuan will be fine.

   We are a small business with limited revenue. Otherwise, we will be free of charge. Please don't be surprised. "

   Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand after hearing the words: "No, it's as much as it should be. I take your thoughts, but it's really unnecessary."

  Speaking, Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei. Lin Wei took out the wallet from her bag, then took out a card and put it on the table.

   Don’t say anything, these modified parts don’t cost much, and the 500,000 yuan is actually guaranteed. This Zhang Xiaobo began to persuade.

   Wu Hao still shook his head and smiled: "Actually, I know a lot of friends, they are also in this business. If you want a car, it is very convenient to make a phone call.

   But this girl chopped up first and then played, and only told us about it last night. We did not come to be a gatekeeper, nor to seek special care or something. It was completely with this girl. For her, this was the first or two cars in her life and should be taken seriously.

   You are in this business to eat, we can't let you work in vain, so let's do it. "

Hearing Wu Hao’s final tone that could not be rejected, Zhang Xiaobo opened his mouth and finally nodded and smiled: "Well, since you said that, I won’t be polite to you. If so, don’t give it all. , It’s better to make up a whole and give seven hundred and fifty thousand, which is also our preferential price to our customers."

   Hearing what Zhang Xiaobo said, Wu Hao responded: "Okay, just do what you said."

   Seeing that Wu Hao should come down, Zhang Xiaobo breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Chen Shanshan on the side: "Have you prepared the big gift package we gave each new customer? Hurry up and prepare a copy and put it in the car."

   Yes, I will go now. Chen Shanshan was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response, and then walked out quickly.

   Regarding this, Wu Hao did not refuse to accept it. If he was pushing, it would be too hypocritical. Besides, this so-called new customer spree is not a lot of money at best, so let's surprise Wu Tong.

   chatted a few words with this Zhang Xiaobo, waiting for Wu Tong to fill in the information. This Zhang Xiaobo seemed very enthusiastic, introduced them to his car dealership and the related situation of the club, and gave Wu Hao a very exquisite membership card at the right time.

   Regarding this, Wu Hao smiled and took a look at it, and then transferred it to Wu Tong. Wu Tong took a look at the card, then leaked an excited smile, and hid it into his bag with joy.

   This Zhang Xiaobo was not discouraged, but rather very happy. Wu Haoken's acceptance of the card shows that the other party has shown his love, and this is enough. As for Wu Hao handing the card to Wu Tong in front of him, the implication was to tell him to let him take care of Wu Tong in the future.

   This is also Wu Hao's intention. It can be seen that Wu Tong will be a frequent visitor here in the future. Instead of rejecting people thousands of miles away and letting the other party disappointed, it is better to come down and let this Zhang Xiaobo take care of Wu Tong more in the future.

   He saw the group of colorful people with dyed hair at the back of the car dealership. It would be unrealistic to prevent Wu Tong from contacting these people. Wu Tong, who is in the rebellious period, is interested in anything new. The more restricted, the more aroused her rebellious heart. Therefore, we still need to guide well in this area, and with this Zhang Xiaobo's deliberate care in the future, there shouldn't be any problems.

   As long as this Zhang Xiaobo still wants Wu Hao, as long as Wu Hao does not lose power, then this Zhang Xiaobo's care for Wu Tong is reliable.

   Under Wu Tong's gaze, Lin Wei swiped the card to checkout. Then they stood up and shook hands with Zhang Xiaobo and Chen Shanshan, and then walked to the car sales hall.

   The black Wrangler had stopped at the door, and Wu Tong saw his car and jumped up excitedly. Then he stretched out the window and shouted at Wu Hao and Lin Wei excitedly: "Brother, sister-in-law, get in the I will take you for a drive!"

   Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other, then Wu Hao sat in the passenger seat and Lin Wei sat in the back row. The reason why he insisted on taking the risk to board Wu Tong, a novice car, despite the persuasion of the security personnel, on the one hand, he did not want to sweep Wu Tong's happiness. On the other hand, they have to come to test Wu Tong's driving skills so that they can rest assured that she can drive alone.

  Wu Tong obviously didn't notice this, her attention at the moment was all on this car. After they got into the car and fastened their seat belts, she immediately started the car and drove out.

   The security team behind immediately followed by the driver of the three nanny cars.

   Looking at the many vacancies in the hall, and watching the three babysitter cars driving away, many people in the hall started talking with afterthought.

   Are the gifts in the car? Zhang Xiaobo asked Chen Shanshan in a deep voice.

  Chen Shanshan nodded and said: "According to your instructions, all have been released. They are all high-end products. They are not cheap."

   Ha ha, don’t care about this little money. Zhang Xiaobo waved his hand and said: "I can't bear to let the child not catch the wolf. This is a big rich man. It will be profitable for us to befriend him. In the future, the eldest lady will come to you personally to receive her, and you must greet her well. With her , We have a bond with Wu Hao, do you understand."



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