Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: Who are these people?


   Came to the company the next morning, everything went as usual. After processing some documents accumulated over the past two days, seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Hao immediately cleaned up, and then drove to meet Lin Wei and Wu Tong.

  Wu Hao didn't go in when he arrived at the Wei Media headquarters. He stared for a while, then Lin Wei and Wu Tong, who changed into casual clothes, walked out of the elevator in the underground parking lot and got in Wu Hao's car.

  Because it is a light car, he took an MPV, which is what we commonly call a nanny car. This kind of car is generally a star car, because it is more comfortable to ride, so it is often used as the official car of major companies.

   Behind Wu Hao’s car, he followed two other MPVs, which were his spare car and the car used by the security team. After several incidents, under the care of all parties, his personal security team has become more professional.

   It’s no good if you don’t take it seriously. It is said that Wu Hao’s head has been marked to eight digits in the overseas black market. Although I don't know who is behind the scenes, this has indeed attracted the attention of relevant departments. Therefore, the relevant departments attach great importance to Wu Hao's safety. In addition to the strengthening of his personal security team, relevant departments have also arranged special personnel to take charge of this aspect.

   Now Wu Hao has freedom of movement in Anxi City, but once he leaves the city, he needs to report in advance when he leaves the province. This is not surveillance, but a kind of protection procedure. In this respect, his treatment can be regarded as a member of the party.

   drove to a relatively large car dealership near the suburbs. The motorcade stopped outside. Wu Hao and Lin Wei and Wu Tong walked in under the watchful eyes of a few security personnel.

  A group of young salespeople waiting at the door shined brightly, and rushed up one after another.

   "Sir, do you see the car?"

   "Hello, do you need help?"

   "Hello, what car do you know?"


   Facing these people, Wu Hao couldn't help frowning. What he dislikes the most is the so-called warm service that swarms up, which is really bad for people to experience.

   "I've made an appointment, I'll find Manager Chen." Wu Tong said quickly upon seeing this.

  As soon as the appointment was made, these salespeople were a little disappointed. Several of them were separated immediately, and the other two smiled and led them to the rest area to sit down, poured a glass of water and then ignored them.

   "Really realistic." Lin Wei couldn't help but vomit.

As for Wu Hao, he looked at the environment in the lobby and said: "The place is quite big, but the service is really bad. Why did you find such a place, is it reliable? I know many dealers, Or if you wait a few days, I will ask them to bring you a new one just after leaving the customs."

   "Don't have to be so troublesome, it's good." Wu Tong waved her hand quickly, and then saw a woman walking quickly in the distance, her face was happy, and she immediately waved.

   "Sister Chen!"

   "Xiaotong, here comes." The sister Chen, whom Wu Tong said, wore a suit with a ribbon-cutting, and walked towards them on high heels. Saying hello to Wu Tong, she immediately looked at Wu Hao and Wu Tong next to her.

   Although Wu Hao and Wu Tong wore hats and sunglasses, the woman recognized it at a glance, her eyes full of excitement and surprise.

But she didn't break it immediately, let alone make a sound. Instead, she suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then said to a few people: "Mr. Wu, Ms. Lin, hello. I am Xiaotong’s friend, Chen Shanshan, from this car dealership. sales Manager."

   Hehe, Wu Hao couldn't help but glanced at this Chen Shanshan, then smiled and nodded: "We are taking pictures of this girl to take a look at the car today. I heard that it has been set, right."

   Chen Shanshan nodded and smiled: "Yes, the Wrangler that Xiaotong ordered has been sent to the back for modification, please follow me."

  Wu Hao glanced at Wu Tong, who was secretly sticking his tongue, and shook his head: "This girl..."

   Obviously, they were fooled by this girl. She had chosen and modified it a long time ago. This is to bring them to checkout and pick up the car.

   giggle... Seeing Wu Hao's helpless expression, Lin Wei hugged his arm and smiled: "Okay, let's go."

   "Huh!" Wu Hao glared at the girl, snorted softly, and then under the leadership of Chen Shanshan, he walked through a long corridor behind and came to the back of the car dealership.

   The field behind is very large, in addition to the vehicle modification workshop, there is actually a small racing track. When Wu Hao and the others arrived, there was a modified car floating on the track.

On the parking lot next to   , there are all kinds of vehicles parked. In addition to off-road vehicles, there are also a variety of cool sports cars, as well as some fashionable dresses with dyed hair. No, it should be said that they are coquettish men and women.

   Several young men sitting on the front of a sports car, when they saw Lin Wei and Wu Tong, whistled.

   When Wu Hao saw this, his brows tightened. The security personnel who followed him in, seeing these young men, couldn't help being vigilant and gave each other a warning look.

   These young men are not some inexperienced hairy boys. Seeing this posture, they immediately withered and confessed, and then looked at several people with curious eyes from time to time. Some people actually picked up mobile phones and smart devices and wanted to take pictures.

   Regarding this, a security officer picked up something similar to a flashlight and pointed it at them with a very weak light, which kept flashing. Immediately, they saw that all the shots on the screen of their shooting equipment were white snowflakes, and no one could be seen at all.

   "What the **** is this, have you changed it?" a green-haired woman was puzzled by playing with the smart device in her hand.

   "Sand sculpture, put it away quickly, you didn't look at the posture, is it you can afford it?" one of the older young men hurriedly shouted.

  " Someone asked, "Who are these I can’t recognize them with sunglasses, but it’s not easy. Look at the few people behind you, although they are wearing casual clothes, their eyes are always vigilantly glanced around. That kind of look is definitely not an ordinary person. "

   "I'll go, is this the legendary personal bodyguard."


On the other side, Chen Shanshan, who had been watching Wu Hao, saw the wrinkles on Wu Hao’s forehead, and he couldn’t help but slammed in his heart, and hurriedly said to Wu Hao and the others: "Our dealership not only sells cars, but also modifies cars. , It is also the largest off-road vehicle and sports car club in Anxi.

   So there are more young people here. They are all hairy boys. Don't worry about them in general. "

   Wu Hao glanced at this Chen Shanshan after hearing the words, then smiled and waved his hand.

   Chen Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then led a few people to a vehicle modification workshop.

   The inside of the workshop is very spacious, and all kinds of long tube lights illuminate the inside very brightly. In the middle of the work of several technicians in gray overalls, there is a black Wrangler with gleaming light.

   Looking at the car, Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, and could not help looking at the girl with a strange look, saying that he was so good.


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