Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1522: Hand in hand to advance the world

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the many media reporters in front of him and said: "Our attitude towards opening up to the outside world is consistent and consistent. Advanced technology and technology should benefit humans all over the world, and benefit all countries, rather than becoming a wanton among a few groups A squandered weapon."

The media in the audience became excited by Wu Hao's words. This is an obvious criticism of certain countries. In this respect, this is a very good news.

Does the minority group you mentioned refer to the West? A media reporter quickly asked.

Wu Hao smiled slightly and replied: "I am just answering based on facts, not specific to individuals."

Although he said so, the media reporters obviously didn't believe it. Especially with Wu Hao's playful smile, everyone naturally understood what he meant.

Mr. Wu, I heard that your company has taken control of the world's most advanced and fastest supercomputer. Please tell us about this. A foreign male reporter with eyes spoke out.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then glanced at the reporter, and then said into the camera: "Yes, our scientific research and technical team is carrying out a round of large-scale upgrades to the Dao Super Photon Computer developed by our company. The module is replaced with a new generation of photonic chip computing module, which has also greatly improved the computing power of this "Dao" super photonic computer.

According to the relevant data we have tested, its latest floating-point computing capabilities have shook ahead of the most advanced supercomputers in the world. And it has reached a height that is difficult for traditional supercomputers to reach in a short time. As we continue to improve and advance in photonic chip and photon supercomputer technology, unless traditional computers have major innovative technological advances, traditional supercomputers can no longer Go beyond it.

Of course, except for quantum computers, because quantum computers belong to another dimension of technology. At present, we, like all technology companies in the world, are also engaged in the development of optical quantum computers. At present, some substantial progress has been made. It should be said that we are not lagging behind in this field. "

At the end of answering the question, Wu Hao threw another heavy news. This excited the media present again, and for them, it was simply too happy. You know, today, when the media industry is so developed, it is really not easy to get the headlines. Sometimes for a piece of news, it can be said that it is a waste of thought and toss for a long time. Today, they heard so many pounds of news all at once. Any one of these messages can make headlines in the media.

This also made these reporters involuntarily revealing happy troubles. There are too many heavy news. Which one should be adopted and which one should be focused on? If only these news were released in a few days.

Mr. Wu, what field will this so-called supercomputer be used in? Will it be used in the military field? As far as I know, your company also has very impressive results in the military field. A black reporter rushed to ask a very targeted and hostile question.

Wu Hao put away his smile, looked at the black reporter with a serious expression and said, "You mean-->>

Responsibility and unfounded guesses are totally unacceptable to me. First of all, I want to make a statement, that is, this ‘Tao’ super photonic computer was independently developed by our company, and we have the ownership of it. This also means that how to use it is our company's freedom, as for what other people's opinions and opinions are not important to us.

This ‘Tao’ super photonic computer will be invested in the company’s related projects and technical research in accordance with our relevant plans. For example, the medical technology achievements we are about to release will include its contributions. The drugs we are developing for some diseases also have the important participation of this "Dao" super photon computer.

In addition to participating in some projects and technical research, this ‘Tao’ super photonic computer will also be used in some basic sciences and research on complex mathematical formulas. We have launched cooperation in this area with several domestic universities, and will expand to more fields in the future.

For example, in the fields of universe exploration, astrophysics, etc., we also welcome more scientific research institutions and colleges to join in. Let us all work together to promote the development of the world. "

Will it also be open to foreign universities and institutes? A foreign media reporter asked the question immediately.

"Of course, Wu Hao's attitude towards opening up to the outside world is consistent and consistent. Both domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, as long as they meet the relevant conditions, can participate in and cooperate with us. And for some good projects. , We are also willing to provide relevant research funding to promote the research progress of the project." Wu Hao said with a smile at these media, as for the standards and conditions, they set this up according to their needs.

This is not Wu Hao's scam, but all public promises are basically the same, including those that are declared free or open source. Lao Ma once said, "The free one is always the most expensive". There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Since it's free then it must be conditional, how can it be pie in the sky? Some things seem to be free, but the final charge is the most expensive.

I would like to ask Mr. Wu, will you also open up the related technology of this "Dao" super photonic computer and the related technology of the photonic chip as you advertised. A fair-haired white reporter who seemed to be a little blessed suddenly asked such a tricky question at this time. This question is very tricky. It can be said that it has dug a big trap. Once Wu Hao answers incorrectly, there will be endless troubles. .

So for such a question, Wu Hao raised his eyebrows, quickly thought about it, and then replied: "We are very willing to share our latest technological achievements with everyone, but there is a premise, that is, how to guarantee our company itself Legal rights.

These technologies were developed by us with huge amounts of resources and huge amounts of money, so it is impossible to give them to everyone in vain. We are an enterprise, not an orphanage. We need to protect our own legitimate interests, as well as the interests of our shareholders, and more importantly, the interests of our engineers and scientists.

You know, our engineers and scientists are waiting for me to pay them. They really need a considerable salary to allow them to enjoy the fun of a better life after hard work. "


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