Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: New technology to save the lives of hundreds of millions of patients

Faced with questions from the media, although Tong Juan felt helpless in her heart, she still pretended to be very confident to answer.

"Yes, we will hold our summer new product & new technology conference this year in mid-June. This conference is completely planned for the annual regular summer new product & new technology conference, not specific events.

This conference will mainly focus on the medical and health field, and we will also come up with a series of our latest scientific research results at the conference. There are some new technological achievements, even though I myself have listened to it several times, I am still very shocked. What the official announcement says is recorded in the annals of history, and that it benefits all mankind is not our arrogance. Everyone will know the specific content when the press conference starts. I can guarantee that it will definitely surprise people, no matter who it is. "

Upon hearing Tong Juan's answer, the media reporters interviewed became excited. Sure enough, interviewing Tong Juan was the best choice. This was just the beginning, and so many pounds of news were disclosed.

First of all, it is certain that Tong Juan also confirmed that Haoyu Technology will hold a summer new product & new technology conference at the center of June, and will come up with a series of blockbuster technologies. It also disclosed that this summer new product & new technology conference will mainly focus on the medical and health field, which means that the products and new technologies released this time are all about the medical technology and life and health fields. In this regard, the introduction of new technologies, which can still carry human history and benefit all mankind, alone is enough to attract the attention of all mankind.

After all, for everyone, nothing is more important than human health. And this time, what kind of blockbuster technology Haoyu Technology will come up with at the press conference can not help but make people wonder.

Shocked enough to be recorded in the annals of history to benefit all mankind?

Could it be that it has overcome a certain disease treatment technology, or has it produced more advanced medical equipment, or is it a new drug?

Ms. Tong, can't you disclose what kind of new technology it is? A reporter asked questions immediately.

Tong Juan shook her head slightly after hearing the words: "Sorry, I am not very good at the technical field. I think we should wait until the press conference and let our professionals introduce you."

"Is the professional you talking about Mr. Wu?" a blond male reporter in the reporter group asked the first question

Tong Juan looked at the blond reporter who asked the question and smiled: "Of course, in addition to being the chairman and CEO of our company, he is also a very talented scientist. He has contributed to many of our products and technologies. "

Can you tell me a little bit about these new technologies and products, you don't need to be too detailed. A female reporter asked again.

Tong Juan looked at the female reporter, then smiled and said: "Sorry, I don't know much, and we also want to keep the secret of the press conference, right?

What I can reveal here is these new technologies and new products released this time. To be honest, I don't want my family and friends to use them. But if unavoidable in the future, these new technologies and products will save their lives.

And what I want to tell you is that these new technological achievements may save hundreds of millions of patients' lives around the world, and even help some dying patients to regain their health. It is no different from normal people, at least in life. . "

Tong Tong Juan said so. The audience was even more sensational. It is too exaggerated to save the lives of hundreds of millions of patients.

If it was true, everyone couldn't help but start to doubt it.

Is it false propaganda? I don’t think too much about it. I released it on the official website before, and the executives spoke out. This time I was in front of such a multimedia face. This shows that the new technical results to be released this time are not fake or PPT marketing, but real and real. technology.

Otherwise, if these new technological achievements are not available at the press conference, the negative influence will be huge, and it will definitely be a devastating blow to their corporate brand image.

Is it deliberately exaggerated? Everyone questioned for a while, and then they shook their heads again and again. Haoyu Technology's new technology and new product launch conferences have been held for several times. In the past few years, there has not been any false propaganda in a conference.

It is precisely because of this that Haoyu Technology has a very good reputation among consumers and the public. It is also by virtue of this reputation that Haoyu Technology's products are widely welcomed and sought after.

It is impossible for the senior executives of Haoyu Technology not to know this, so it should not be exaggerated.

So what is the new technological achievement?

The reporters at the scene were puzzled, and all kinds of speculations shouted out Is it a medicine? One of the black reporters shouted and asked.

Tong Juan smiled slightly, and did not answer. This naturally aroused everyone's speculation. It is rare that a special medicine has been developed. This is impossible.

Not necessarily. Haoyu Technology previously announced that it has developed a specific medicine for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach?

Seeing that Tong Juan stopped answering questions in this regard, some reporters began to change the topic and asked: "Ms. Tong, what do you think of your company’s large-scale prosecution in Europe? A company against seven internationally renowned companies Do you think there is a chance of winning for the multinational giants?"

When a reporter asked this, the corners of Tong Juan's mouth rose slightly. This is actually a public relations action, which is to attract the attention of reporters and the media with the news of the press conference, so as to lead the needle and bring into this topic.

"Of course, we are very confident in this lawsuit. I believe that the laws of European countries are fair and just. It will not favor each other just because the other is seven multinational giants. It's like the rich and the poor. In a lawsuit, the law should not be a tool for the rich to trample on the poor.

This large-scale patent protection litigation in European countries is the most difficult choice for us when we have no alternative. Because of the continuous infringement of our technology patent rights by these seven multinational giants, we have suffered huge losses. After negotiating with the other party was invalid, we had to take up legal weapons to protect our own legitimate rights and interests.

As you said, these are seven multinational giants with huge energy. Against them, we struggled and encountered many difficulties and pressures that we expected and unexpected.

But these pressures and difficulties cannot prevent us from yearning for justice and our determination to fight for fairness, and we will fight for it to the end. "

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