Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: Take the initiative to launch an offensive

   Chapter 1489 Take the initiative to launch an offensive

  The Southeast Asian market has always been an important part of their overseas markets, even acting as a bridgehead, so it is very important.

  Although there is still a big gap compared to the European market, it is also one of the fastest growing markets. Therefore, Wu Hao and others have always attached great importance to the operation of this area, and even set up a branch in Southeast Asia to be responsible for the market operation there.

  But as the products of other companies entered the market one after another, they began to quickly cannibalize the market originally opened up by Wu Hao. And relying on the threat of the big stick behind it, it quickly achieved very good records in Europe, North America, Oceania and other regions, and even finally gained market advantages.

  Wu Hao and others, under this series of targets and attacks, gradually changed from advantage to disadvantage. Of course, this also has something to do with Wu Hao's appropriate contraction strength and strategic retreat.

  In the current situation, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the disadvantages are obvious. Rather than rushing up, he was tit-for-tat and smashed his head. It is better to avoid the edge, take the initiative to retreat, shrink the accumulated strength, wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

  Of course, it's not that they do nothing and just wait to die, it's not their style. In fact, they have been organizing corresponding means of resistance. Moreover, their situation in the European market is not so bad. So far, they still occupy a third of the European market, which can be said to be very good.

  As for Oceania and North America, these two regions are relatively special, so they are basically in a strategic abandonment, but there is no market in these two regions. In fact, in North America, in addition to the beautiful country, their products still have a good market in the other two countries. Even if the attack is obvious, they have always been stable.

  In addition to being able to benefit from the huge local Chinese population, it also benefits from their brand management all the time, so it has won a large number of diehard fans.

  It is precisely that there are so many people up to this point, which allows them to face the joint targeting of several big giants overseas, and they are still not weak, at least they have not been beaten to lose their helmets and abandon their armor.

  Compared to these three places, Wu Hao and the others have an absolute advantage in West Asia, Central Asia, Northern Europe, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. On the one hand, because they enter the market first, they have a huge user base.

  Secondly, relying on excellent product performance and value-for-money prices, their products are very competitive. In addition, Wu Hao and the others have always paid great attention to brand image building and word-of-mouth management, which enabled their products to expand rapidly along with the word-of-mouth publicity of user groups, thus occupying most of the market.

  Even after these companies came in, although they encroached on part of their market share, they did not affect their dominant position in the market.

  Naturally, these giants are not reconciled, so they thought of a series of methods, including pressure, big sticks, buying, threats and so on. This series of tactics made Wu Hao and the others, especially the overseas branches in various regions, feel tremendous pressure.

  Compared with other markets, the Southeast Asian market has always been a piece of fat that these giants are staring at, and they are also the targets and targets they desperately want to attack Wu Hao.

  So in this area, they used a lot of methods, including some despicable acts. This has also enabled this huge giant to significantly increase its market share in Southeast Asia, and has eroded the market in several regions.

  Naturally, Wu Hao and the others attached great importance to it. On the one hand, they actively responded to it. On the other hand, they were also counterattacking by seeking help from the business department, including diplomacy.

  This is not simply a competition and confrontation between enterprises, but has risen to a kind of competition and confrontation between countries.

  In these competitions and confrontations, the two sides will win each other. Regardless of whether Wu Hao and the others would like it, with the support of Europe and the United States, this huge giant has already come in and has gained a firm foothold.

  It is definitely unrealistic to completely drive these giants out now. One aspect that we have to do now is to resist a series of subsequent actions by the other party. In addition, they must also take the initiative to trap the other party in these existing markets and contain them in an all-round way.

  Wu Hao personally takes charge of this work, and Tong Juan is mainly in charge. During this time, she has been busy with this matter.

  This is not the summit forum in Shenzhen, so Tong Juan hurried away with someone. Judging from the current feedback results, it is actually not very optimistic.

  These countries are all wall-riding masters who step on two boats and have a heart and soul. The best thing is to please two ends and get chestnuts out of the fire. Now that the two sides are facing each other tit-for-tat, these countries are naturally given a chance. They hope to use this to gain more benefits.

  For example, those who need to invest, those who need to build factories, and those who need technology, and so on.

  How to do it before, faced with these unreasonable and greedy demands, Wu Hao and the others would ignore it. But it is different now. It is now at a critical stage, and we must not make any extravagances. Therefore, it is necessary to give, not only to give, but also to give generously to fill the other party.

  As long as the goal can be achieved, spending more money is nothing. Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and the money spent now will be earned back ten times and one hundred times in the future.

   So thinking of this, Wu Hao has made a decision, so he looked at Tong Juan on the screen and said, “I think it’s time to launch a wave of offensive.”

you mean? Tong Juan thoughtfully.

  Fatty, let our team of lawyers prepare, get ready to go. Wu Hao directed at Zhang Jun in the video.

  You mean to initiate a patent infringement lawsuit against them. Zhang Jun asked in the video.

Wu Hao nodded: "That's This time the momentum will be bigger, not only in Southeast Asia, but also in Europe, in Northern Europe, and even in North America, as long as it is a country with sound laws, Initiate a patent infringement lawsuit."

  Is the scale a bit too big? Depending on the ability of our lawyer team, I am afraid that we will not be able to deal with these many cases. And to deal with so much at the same time, I am worried that our strength will be dispersed and it is unlikely that we will achieve any good results. Tong Juan raised her worries.

Of course, Wu Hao nodded: "This is for the outside world to let everyone know that the other party has infringed our related patents. On the one hand, we must let the public see the ugly faces of these giants, and on the other hand, also We must create the role of our victims so that we can win the sympathy of the people and provide us with help in the market competition.

  The main things we really need to concentrate on are Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia. The North American side is the opponent's home court, and the opponent will definitely do everything possible to postpone it later, so it is enough to respond positively in this regard.

  The same is true in Europe, but it is relatively better. Therefore, we have to send a professional lawyer and legal team there to prepare to respond to the lawsuit. This will be an arduous tug of war, so we must be prepared for a protracted battle.

  Next is Southeast Asia..."

  (End of this chapter)

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