Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1471: Man's dream

  Chapter 1472 A man's dream


   "Isn't the first generation product also good?"

  Zhang Jun is a bit reconciled, and the equipment in active service must not be exported. This is a rule. So once it has been tested and approved and the troops are formally installed, then it must not be exported anymore.

"This must be submitted to the military and other relevant departments for evaluation. They will compare and test the performance of the first-generation and second-generation products. If the technical aspects are not much different, they will definitely not be allowed to export." Wu Hao said. Explained.

Zhang Jun nodded slightly, and then said to Wu Hao: "To be honest, if it were not for the sense of responsibility and patriotism, I would rather not pass the test and approval of these two weapons and equipment. In this way, the military would not purchase. , And we can also be free from such constraints and devote our energy to the development of the overseas arms market.

  Although it is said that military orders will be lost, the huge profits in overseas markets are enough to make up for this loss, and even make us a lot of money. "

   "You are right, but there is no if. The first thing we must serve is our country and our army. This is our obligation and responsibility, and none of us can avoid it, let alone refuse it.

  Money is important, but there are many more important things than money. They cannot be measured and compared with money. "Wu Hao put away his smile and said seriously at Zhang Jun.

  Looking at Wu Hao’s serious expression, Zhang Jun nodded repeatedly and said: "I know, I just made a metaphor and complained. In this regard, I will always stick to the bottom line and stick to the principles."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao nodded and said: "This time I went to the Northwest R&D base and saw our Xingtian mecha. The project is progressing well, and the No. 1 prototype has already come out. They are on-site. Show me the performance of the mecha is perfect. I think you will be surprised when you see it."

   "Oh, really?" Zhang Jun immediately became interested when he heard Wu Hao's words. On the one hand, mecha is a man's dream, but any man who is full of blood will not be uninterested in this thing.

  Is this the second one? This project is also one of the key confidential projects carried out by Haoyu Technology. Over the years, I have invested so much in it, and now I have finally achieved results, which naturally made Zhang Jun very excited.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "The close contact and watching the test video on the spot are completely two kinds of feelings. The powerful deterrence and oppression that the mecha exudes during the demonstration makes everyone on the scene bloody. deep impression."

   "According to you, I regret not going to the Northwest with you." Zhang Jun said with some regret.

  Wu Hao heard Zhang Jun’s words and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”

  Reassuringly, Wu Hao continued: “The project R&D team hopes that we can build a large indoor test field in the northwest. The size of this mecha is too large, and the current indoor test field cannot meet this demand.

  I asked someone to do some research. Indeed, our northwestern indoor test field is too small. Some of the large equipment products we have there cannot be tested indoors, only in the open air. "

When he heard that it would cost money again, Zhang Jun couldn't help but feel pain, and then asked him: "Isn't it possible to test in the open air? Before, many weapons and equipment were not carried out in the open air, and there was no problem. Why did they do so? I'm thinking about seeing a large indoor test field. Is it a temporary motive or a long-awaited plan for the Lions to open their mouths so that they can ask you for research funding."

  What Zhang Jun said is the truth. Indeed, many people have used this method to ask him for research funding. However, he did not succeed in the end. Although Wu Hao promised on the spot, the entire appropriation of funds needed to be reviewed by the company's technical and expert committee and the financial department, and Wu Hao signed the final confirmation.

  So this funding was eventually rejected by the finance department. And with Zhang Jun's support, the audit of funds has also begun to become more stringent.

  Of course, strict does not mean that funds will be cut or compressed, but control, so that the rational use of these funds, every penny is actually spent, and the waste of funds and resources is avoided.

  Wu Hao naturally supports this. The company is rich, and provides a superior scientific research environment and sufficient funds and resources for scientific researchers. But this does not mean that you can waste unrestrainedly, which is never allowed.

  They are an enterprise, and what the enterprise pursues is profit. Therefore, for them, it is absolutely not allowed to waste, let alone run someone to make money and corruption.

   Hearing Zhang Jun’s words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: “I’ve done research myself, and this large indoor test field is still very necessary.

  On the one hand, there are many scientific research departments and laboratories needed. We have investigated many laboratories and scientific research project teams, and everyone has their demands in this regard.

  On the other hand, this is also for confidentiality. At this stage, some of the technologies, equipment and related equipment and products we have developed need to be kept secret during the research and development stage.

  In the case of outdoor testing, confidentiality work is difficult, and it is easy to be discovered. Even if it is not discovered by anyone, the hundreds of reconnaissance satellites above our heads fly by at all times. According to the accuracy of the current advanced optical reconnaissance satellites, those big guys can't avoid reconnaissance from space at all.

  At the end, it is needed for scientific research and testing. You also know that the natural environment next to the Northwest Desert is harsh, with sandstorms often occurring, strong winds and some blizzards and other extreme natural weather.

  And these weapons and equipment and equipment, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com products are relatively delicate in the research and development stage, and they certainly can't adapt to the tests under this harsh natural environment.

  So there is still a need for such a large indoor test field for preliminary tests, and some outdoor open-air tests can be carried out in the later period. "

Hearing Wu Hao’s introduction, Zhang Jun nodded and said: “I’m not stingy, but I think it’s better to be more cautious about such projects. I’m not against it, but I don’t think such projects should be launched hastily. Before launching, Adequate verification should be carried out to avoid idleness after completion, or low utilization rate, resulting in waste of resources.

  This is also a loss for us.

  In terms of such a project, since our potential customers are the military, can we cooperate with the military? They must have a large indoor test field in this regard. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words: "I have thought about this, but this large indoor test field does not mean that it only serves this one project. We will also serve other scientific research projects in the future. We can't bother the military every time. .

  Furthermore, the cost of such a large indoor test field is not expensive, we just need a large enough house with a roof. "

  (End of this chapter)

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