Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: Where's the tomboy?

   Chapter 1349 Where is the tomboy?

   "Mr. Huang, hello!

  Haha, isn’t this the company has something to do, so I rushed back.

  When I have the opportunity, I will definitely come to visit, um, good, goodbye. "

  Ending the call, Wu Hao felt helpless. He has all returned to Anxi, but a bunch of people are still reluctant, one by one, making him a little bored.


  Yes, sir. A beautiful woman in professional uniform appeared on the big screen. She showed a very human side and smiled at Wu Hao on the big screen.

  The next call, unless it is important, you are responsible for handling all of it. Wu Hao ordered.

  Ok, sir. The woman in professional clothes smiled on the big screen and disappeared.

  This is Wu Hao’s artificial intelligence assistant Cocoa. After continuous optimization and upgrading, Cocoa is now more and more humane, and joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are becoming more and more natural.

  Come and taste the fruit, freshly shipped by air. Lin Wei held a fruit plate and waved at Wu Hao.

Great. Wu Hao nodded slightly, then walked over, and ate a piece of fruit with a knife and fork: "It tastes good."

  Sent from the partner, directly transported by cold chain by air after picking. It will not take more than twenty-four hours from picking to eating. Lin Wei smiled and said while holding a piece of melon.

  Amount, luxury. Although he now has money that he can't spend in his entire life, he still doesn't quite adapt to the extravagant life.

  Even on some expenses, it is very frugal. It's enough for food, clothing and travel, and I won't pay much attention to it.

  This aspect naturally caused a lot of people's confusion, including many friends and even relatives. After they saw it, even if the money Wu Hao and Lin Wei made was open to spend, they would be drunk and addicted every day, and they would never spend it for several lifetimes. Why should they be so harsh on themselves.

  In Wu Hao and Lin Wei's opinion, many things are good and very good, but moderation is good. If it passes, it will be too late.

  Haha, the money they spend is not us, so what we do. Lin Wei smiled and took a bite of the melon, and then continued: "Furthermore, this is not necessarily a bad thing, it is also boosting the economy.

  You think, the whole process from picking these fruits to transporting them can be regarded as stimulating many people's employment and income. "

  What kind of partner, so hard, don’t try anything. Wu Hao stopped struggling with this question, and then walked to the sofa and sat down to ask.

  A media operator wants to obtain relevant advertising channel resources for our two virtual platforms. Lin Wei walked to Wu Hao and sat down, leaning against him and explained.

  Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then took Lin Wei into his arms, sniffed her fragrant hair, smiled and joked: "You won't be bought by this little fruit, right?"

  Don’t worry, I’m not stupid. As for, will I be bought by a bit of broken fruit. Lin Wei gave him a white look, and then gathered around him and said, "There are several operators in this bidding. The specific choice is to adopt an open bidding method. Whoever gives more money and whose terms are suitable. We choose whoever.

  We will choose whoever the quotation is not necessarily high, and it depends on the relevant conditions and requirements. Only by meeting our relevant requirements will it be possible to get our approval. "

Ok. Wu Hao smiled upon hearing this. In the past few years, Micromedia has relied on the technical support of Haoyu Technology to develop very well, and has faintly become a few top Internet giants in China.

  Under the siege of the two virtual network platforms, countless former giants have begun to worship, and now only a few capable large companies are struggling to support them.

  However, compared with the micro-media, which has a strong support behind it, the other virtual platforms operated by these companies are already at risk, and they are almost on the edge of the cliff.

  The two are cuddling each other on the sofa, enjoying this rare tranquility. To be honest, this kind of moment is really too few and too few, and the two of them are usually too busy, and there is rarely such a leisurely and warm time.

  However, the leisurely and warm time of the two did not last long, and was quickly interrupted by a voice.


  Along with the sound, I saw tomboys jumping in from outside.

  Looking at the appearance of running into the tomboy, Wu Hao instantly was covered with black lines on his forehead.

  Wu Tong, this girl didn’t know what was going crazy, she actually cut her hair, and the cut was very short, shorter than some boys’ hair.

   is also very handsome. She wears black combat boots, slim jeans, and a military green flight jacket with a white t-shirt on her top.

  I don’t know, I thought it was the handsome guy here.

  How do you dress up like this? Wu Hao asked speechlessly.

  Wu Tong showed off his clothes, proudly said: "Doesn't it look good?"

  What's not good-looking, you are dressed like a tomboy, what do you want, what about your hair? Wu Hao interrogated sternly.

  Brother! Wu Tong spoiled him, then ran to grab Lin Wei's arm and swayed: "Sister-in-law, you don't care about my brother, he is bullying me."

  Good, good, don’t shake it, my arm is broken. Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao helplessly: "You can't speak well, don't you get angry when Xiaotong comes back."

  Don’t come to this set, sit down for me. Wu Hao scolded Wu Tong with a dark face.

  Seeing that Wu Hao's expression was not good, although Wu Tong still wanted to talk, he was pulled a bit by Lin Wei, and then he walked to the sofa and sat down heavily with an aggrieved expression.

  Hair? Wu Hao stared at Wu Tong and asked.

cut! Wu Tong responded in a low voice. For her brother's sudden anger, she was actually a little scared in her heart.

  Why did you cut it? Isn’t it good to have long hair? Look at you now, which looks like a girl, do you want me to have a video call with Aunt Zhang to see what you look like. Wu Hao feigned angrily training This girl has not suffered much since she was a child, and she has always been doted by her parents and him, especially Wu Jianhua who simply doted her to heaven.

  After entering the university, she was next to Wu Hao again. Lin Wei was also very fond of this little sister-in-law, which made Wu Tong even harder.

  So gradually Wu Hao also became a black face and disciplined him. He couldn't let the girl's temperament behave, otherwise, she would not be afraid of causing an accident, and she would be hurt herself.

  Wu Hao is also very fond of this sister, but even if she is doting, he must master the method, otherwise it will harm her.

  For this sister, he is full of expectations.

  So he also began to discipline, which naturally got the great support of her mother Zhang Xiaoman.

Seeing Wu Hao getting angry, Wu Tong called Lin Wei for help over and over again, showing a grievance and helpless expression over and over again, explaining to him: "Before, my hair was too long and it was troublesome to take care of. I was always late in the morning, so I Just cut it."

Speaking of this, Wu Tong hesitated and said: "The hair grows on my body. I cut it if I want to see it. Do I have to report to you before I cut it? You care about everything, and I'm not tired of cutting my hair. "

  (End of this chapter)

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