Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: Battlefield rules

   Chapter 1347 Battlefield Rules

  Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "You are right, this is how fighters can play an unexpected killer effect in close combat.

  Although this kind of close combat is rarely seen in air combat, once it occurs, it is very dangerous. Unless the winner is determined, it will not stop.

  So this kind of close combat combat method is also called a bayonet in the air.

  Of course, the main function of this space-based laser terminal self-defense interception system is to intercept incoming missiles.

  As for how to use the actual operation, it is up to the pilots to decide on the spot. "

  Wu Hao said this mainly because the relevant international conventions of the "Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons" have already existed in the world for a long time. The protocol clearly stipulates that the use of laser blinding weapons is prohibited, and the transfer of related technologies is also prohibited. Our country has also joined this convention, so we cannot use such laser blinding weapons.

  But, the convention is the convention, and the actual combat is the actual combat. It's really anxious, who cares about these rules and regulations. During the long wars of a certain rogue country in these years, I don't know how many conventions it has violated and how many so-called international laws have been trampled on.

  In the end, it was not a verbal fight, and then there was no more.

  And this thing can't be supervised at all. On the battlefield with endless gunfire, who would take a small notebook to supervise it. If the war is anxious, the two sides will not go to war first, and then we will go to war after we get rid of the obtrusiveness.

  As for how much the two sides comply in a real war, it is impossible to know. On the battlefield, there are not many rules to talk about. The only purpose of both sides is to defeat the other side. As for the means used, it is not important.

  Of course, regardless of whether it is an individual or a country, it is all face-to-face, and no one wants others to come around and accuse you of not. So it has to be estimated when it should be taken into consideration. If you don't do it on the bright side, you will definitely not admit it.

  So this kind of thing cannot be put on the surface. Even Li Weiguo only said that he burned the opponent, but did not say that he was blind.

  In fact, as long as the power of Wu Hao's laser weapons is irradiated, let alone blindness, the entire pilot's head can be burnt into coke.

  Hearing Wu Hao's words, the three people present smiled and nodded, tacitly.

  The navy is also a post-aviation force, and it is not too weak. Therefore, to Cheng Haifeng, he is also relatively familiar with air force technology.

  This is also the reason why he and Li Weiguo are always true to each other. The two sides also cooperate, but more often it is a competitive relationship, which can be described as a happy enemy.

So after hearing Wu Hao’s introduction, Cheng Haifeng couldn’t help but start to worry: “Since it’s a fierce close combat, I’m afraid the pilots don’t have time to control this airborne laser terminal self-defense interception system to attack the opponent at the moment, and Intercept enemy missiles.

  Unless a two-seater pilot, a single pilot cannot take care of it. "

   Regarding Cheng Haifeng’s concerns, Li Weiguo also nodded slightly and said: “This is a problem, but it’s okay. If you can’t equip fighters, then we can equip them with transport aircraft, bombers, helicopters, special aircraft, and some two-seater fighters.

  Single-seater fighters are not good, so we can form a two-seater fighter in each fighter squadron, which can also play a great role in combat. "

   Hearing what the two said, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands: “Don’t be so troublesome, the whole set of laser terminal self-defense interception system is fully automated and intelligent.

  After the missile warning system detects the missile, the system will automatically identify and lock the incoming missile. The pilot only needs to press the switch, and the system will automatically launch an attack.

  Even in the fully automatic mode, this system can operate autonomously without the pilot's activation. "

  In this way, this system has a lot of room for development and use, and it will be an improvement in the history of revolution in the history of air combat, and it will change the style of air combat in the future. Li Weiguo nodded in admiration.

  While Li Weiguo admired, Cheng Haifeng asked Wu Hao anxiously: "Xiao Wu, has this system been developed? Are there any samples? We can organize related experiments immediately."

Hearing Cheng Haifeng’s words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, this system is just a rudimentary form at present. If you really want to develop it, there are still many problems in it, and it also needs the support of the military in this respect. ."

  No problem, we will definitely give you the greatest support. Cheng Haifeng immediately assured it.

  What's the matter with you.

  Li Weiguo glared at the other party, then said to Wu Hao: “You go back to prepare a detailed document and submit it, and I will win you the support of the country and the military.

  I think this project can be listed as the focus of our Air Force’s new technology and equipment in the future. In this project, the Air Force has a unique advantage. "

  Our navy...Cheng Haifeng stopped doing it immediately and was about to speak.

   was interrupted by Li Weiguo: "Of course, if a brother unit joins in, we also warmly welcome it."

  Looking at the smile on Li Weiguo’s face, Cheng Haifeng snorted, then turned his head, not wanting to look at the bad old man opposite.

  For Wu Hao, this is a good thing. More units join in, which also means that the more gold content of this project, the higher their profits will naturally be.

  Of course, he hopes that this technology and this equipment can play its role more than revenue, enhance our country's air military strength, resist incoming enemies, and resolutely respond to the provocations of malicious enemies.

  That’s it, Xiao Wu, you send me the information as soon as possible. Li Weiguo made a final word.

  Wu Hao nodded and replied: "I will beckon to prepare when I meet Anxi and send it to you as soon as possible. UU Reading"

  Well, Li Weiguo nodded, and then looked at Cheng Haifeng and said, “In this regard, we also have to prepare, and jointly promote this project, so that it can land as soon as possible.”

  Okay, I will start preparing as soon as I go back. Cheng Haifeng replied sternly.

  Su life and death when they met, they fought each other, one could not understand the other, but when it came to business, they were not at all ambiguous.

  After talking about business, the three of them couldn't help but relax.

Li Weiguo took a sip of coffee, then glanced out the window, then smiled and joked at Wu Hao: "I heard that you have gained a lot this time. The turnover reached more than one billion U.S. dollars, and they are almost catching up with those. The name of the country is the first enterprise."

  No, who did you listen to. We just make some money for running errands, which is far worse than others. Not worth mentioning at all, not worth mentioning. Wu Hao repeatedly waved his hand and denied it.

   Seeing Wu Hao's reaction, Li Weiguo, Cheng Haifeng, and Wang Lianggong burst into laughter.


  Li Weiguo stretched out his index finger and pointed at him, then laughed and cursed: "You, we are not bandit bullies, are you so apprehensive."

  (End of this chapter)

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