Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1312: The nightmare of infantry on the battlefield

The biggest advantage of this smart bullet is that it can guide the smart bullet after launch, so as to control it to attack the locked target.

Even if the enemy is hiding in a fortification bunker or a building, this smart bullet can shoot in through the gap and attack the target.

Furthermore, we can also use the strike during the empowerment to attack the targets hidden in the trenches of the fortifications. "

"This is a multi-purpose weapon, it can be used for both military and police use.

In the hands of the police, it can be used to accurately hit the hostage-taking gangster and rescue the hostage.

In the hands of soldiers, it can be used to accurately kill enemy targets. Including some high-value targets, and the most threatening targets.

It has a theoretical range of two kilometers, an effective range of about one kilometer, and a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Within one kilometer, the hit rate is very high.

And the control is very simple, just need some simple training.

Compared to cultivating an expensive precision sniper, cultivating such a group of smart bullet launching teams is much easier and cheaper. "

How powerful is such a small weapon? General Abu asked involuntarily.

For everyone, the size of this smart bullet is too small, which makes them doubt the power of this smart bullet.

In response, Wu Hao smiled and gestured to the big screen and said: "Look at the big screen, everyone. We set up a directional explosive device on the head of this killer bee micro drone. The moment it attacked and contacted criminals, the directional explosive device was used. Will shoot out explosive metal jets, thereby killing criminals.

This is similar to the armor-piercing projectiles used by tanks. They also use directional explosive metal jets to penetrate the armor of the tank, thereby destroying and killing the equipment and personnel inside.

And we applied this technology to this micro-attack drone, which can not only reduce its killing range so that it will not affect the surrounding hostages, but also ensure its excellent killing performance, which is fatal to criminals.

This high-speed metal jet can penetrate a steel plate five millimeters later, and as long as it touches the target and hits the key, it can kill the target. "

After Wu Hao's words fell, a field test video was played on the big screen. Compared to his introduction, this field test video is more convincing.

I saw a two-person sniper team wearing black training uniforms, each with their equipment, went to a sniper position and got down.

The sniper is holding the special sniper launcher shown on the platform just now, and the observer is wearing smart AR glasses and holding the control device in his hand.

The sniper then installs a ‘smart bullet’, that is, a folded ‘killer bee’ micro-attack drone into the magazine of the sniper launcher, and then installs the sniper launcher.

Turn on the insurance, and the sniper began to search.

Through the sniper scope, everyone can see that there is an enemy position at a position of about 400 meters. A figure suddenly appeared on the enemy position and then hid behind the fortification bunker.

Through the camera inside the bunker, it can be seen that this is a dummy model, dressed up as a armed militant.

Bang! Just like the sound of opening champagne and opening the lid, the sniper pulled the trigger, and the micro-attack drone immediately spun out.

Hum! With a buzzing sound, the micro-attack drone spread out in the air quickly started flying towards the target.

The screen also switched to the first angle of view of this ‘killer bee’ mini-attack drone, and saw the drone flying at high speed in the air, getting closer and closer to the bunker of this position.

Then with a swiping sound, the mini-attack drone flew in from the side, then took a sharp turn behind the bunker, quickly locked the dummy model simulating enemy militants and flew over, and then the screen went black.

Through the surveillance video behind the bunker, it can be seen that after flying in, the mini-attack drone quickly flew towards the dummy model of the enemy militants, and then directly hit the head.

In an instant, the fire flashed, and the head of the mannequin of the enemy militants was penetrated. The flames and dust flashed, and the head and forehead of the mannequin of the enemy militants was blown out of a big pit.

If this is changed to a real person, this person will never survive.


Everyone present saw the dummy in the video and couldn't help but exclaimed. Now people no longer question the power of this smart bullet, but worry about whether this weapon is too inhuman.

In addition to this single-shot precision strike, we can also carry out multiple such killer bee micro-attack drones for swarm attacks.

By adopting this modular launching nest with 24 or 36 or even more units, we can launch more of these killer bee micro-attack drones at one time in a short time.

After these drones are launched, they will quickly form a team in the air and fly to the target area.

After reaching the sky above the target area, the controller can search and identify ground targets in real time through the first-view lens of these killer bee micro-attack drones.

Once the targets are determined, our operators can control these drones to launch cluster attacks on these targets.

The whole control process is very simple, please look at the big screen.

The operator only needs to select the identified targets on the screen, lock them, and then click OK to launch an attack.

Immediately, the killer bee micro unmanned attack aircraft cluster in the air will respond immediately and launch an attack on these targets.


Inside the big screen, multiple miniature attack drones shot at multiple dummy models in a position at a high speed, and accurately pointed the heads, chests and other vital parts of the people, and then exploded.

After a burst of smoke, UU reading saw that the vital parts of these dummy models were blown up, and some even burned directly.

Bang bang bang bang!

After a little quiet, everyone at the scene applauded warmly. While applauding, he couldn't help but talk.

It's really perfect, this is the ideal weapon I dream of. General Abu showed a frantic look.

This is simply a nightmare for infantry. In the future battlefield, if the infantry encounters it, they will wait to be slaughtered. The old Suha in a suit could not help showing compassionate affection.

I don't know how many innocent lives were lost after this weapon was put on the battlefield.

Prince Maiha turned his head and showed a serious look at Wu Hao: "My dearest friend, we need this weapon, a lot, money is not a problem."

Hearing Prince Maiha’s words, Wu Hao smiled on his face, and then nodded enthusiastically: “Of course, if you need it urgently, we can arrange production for you as soon as possible. Within two months, the first batch of weapons will be delivered. you guys."

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