Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1296: Kill with a soft knife without seeing blood


   The vehicle did not stop in Urumqi, but drove to the airport. At the airport, after Wu Hao and Xu Xiaoya bid farewell, they boarded the special plane that had been ready for a long time and waited for a long time.

   As for Xu Xiaoya, they need to wait for boarding at the airport. Although she is a senior vice president, she does not have the luxury of having a special plane transfer for business trips.

   Therefore, I still have to squeeze the civil aviation with the entourage. Although it is a commercial warehouse, there is definitely no special plane.

  Especially the special plane also has a benefit, that is, it can jump in the queue and fly first.

   So Wu Hao and the others were notified not long after they boarded the plane that the plane was ready to take off.

   After a smooth taxi, the plane finally jumped into the air. And Xu Xiaoya, who was sitting in the VIP room, looked at the flying shadow of the special body, her eyes could not help showing a complicated look. She was thinking about what Wu Hao had said to her, and she was also worried about how to go back and change how to report to the big boss.

   As the plane gradually stabilized, two beautiful stewardesses dressed well came out with a menu. He walked up to Wu Hao first and introduced it with a soft voice.

"Mr. Wu, for dinner, we have prepared grilled lamb chops, Xijiang mutton skewers, morel shrimp balls, pan-fried salmon, Kung Pao chicken, and Xijiang fruit salad. The staple food is hand pilaf and Xijiang fried noodles. There are red wine and juice, and milk. What would you like to order?"

  Wu Hao looked at Yang Fan who was sitting opposite and smiled: "What do you want?"

   Yang Fan heard the words and thought about it, then smiled: "Give me a piece of Xijiang kebab, a piece of pan-fried salmon, another fruit salad, and a piece of Xijiang fried noodles."

   "Okay, what would you like to drink?" The stewardess took a note and nodded and asked softly.

   "Did you drink, bring me a glass of wine bar, red wine can relieve fatigue and help sleep, you also have some." Yang Fan looked at Wu Hao and smiled.

   Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Well, a glass of red wine, another grilled lamb chop, morel shrimp balls, a fruit salad, and another pilaf."

   "Okay, please wait a moment!" The beautiful stewardess nodded, and then entered the operating room to get ready. And the other flight attendant was holding the menu and asking the other entourage in the cabin.

Yang Fan looked at Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "Boss, Xu Xiaoya is somehow an acquaintance, an old friend, so she refuted her face, is it a bit unreasonable in love? Even if you disagree, you should Wouldn't it be better to change to a more tactful method?"


  Wu Hao glanced at Yang Fan, and then smiled with a touch of relief: "It's rare, you can put yourself in your place and think of this, very good. This shows that you already have some managerial awareness."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao sighed and said: "How could I not know that it would hurt her face too much to say this, but there is no room for this matter. You must explain it clearly to her. If you don't know what to say, in the future We will suffer a lot.

   And this time she was able to take the initiative to ask me to come to Xijiang, and at this point, it was obvious that she came with a purpose, and some of it was definitely not her intention.

   So I have to show my attitude and make it clear, so that she can explain it when she goes back.

   If the entanglement is unclear, if the people she followed this time go back and talk nonsense, she will be more passive instead. "

   "You mean, there are other people's eyes and ears among the people who came with her this time?" Yang Fan asked in surprise.

   Ha ha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Who knows, it's just that the internal adjustments in a are so big this time, and the competition is so fierce. Xu Xiaoya's status is not low, and her words and deeds will naturally be noticed by interested people."

"What do you say……"

   Just as Yang Fan was talking, the stewardess walked over with a steaming meal, and then gently placed it on the table.

   "Mr. Wu, Mr. Yang, your two dishes are ready, please use it slowly!" The stewardess whispered to them.

   "Thank you." After Wu Hao thanked him, he raised his wine glass and smiled: "Come on, touch one. It was hard to follow me along the way, this time I went back to take a good rest for two days."

   After Yang Fan and Wu Hao touched their glasses, they smiled and shook their heads and said: "It's not hard, I just follow the long experience, eat and drink, what hard work is."

   Wu Hao smiled and took a sip of wine, then picked up the knife and fork and began to cut up the lamb chops. These lamb chops have actually been processed outside, and they are just heated and roasted on the plane.

   So the taste is pretty good, of course, it is definitely not delicious freshly baked.

   Yang Fan, took a bite of the meat skewers, and then said to Wu Hao as he ate, "Then you say, will it be difficult for her to return without success this time?"

   "This is her problem, what does it have to do with us."

   Wu Hao took a sip of red wine, then put a shrimp ball into his mouth and smiled and said, "Moreover, Xu Xiaoya is actually very shrewd. She actually expected this result before she came.

   So since she will go back like this, she must have her own countermeasures, so you don't have to worry about her. "

   "She is acting on the emotional road." Yang Fan suddenly realized.

"Haha, you just found out." Wu Haochang laughed: "This woman is not easy. When dealing with her, you must be extra careful, otherwise it will be easy for her to say. To be honest, I was twice as likely to deal with her before. If you feel pressured, you should always be careful of some of the covers she sets for you, or you will fall into the trap designed by others accidentally.

   When you are dealing with people and discussing things in the future, UU reading should also pay special attention. Especially when facing a woman, don't take it lightly. This woman's soft knife is not blood-staining, and it is more powerful than a man with a sharp knife and a spear. "

   "When you say that, how come I feel a cool breeze from my back." Yang Fan couldn't help but shiver.

   "Haha, it is said that you should feel deeply about this thing. Zhou Xi in your house is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Wu Hao joked with a smile.

   Hearing Wu Hao's joking, Yang Fan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "She is very good to me, and I haven't felt it yet."

   "You, I didn't feel anything, I have been unknowingly and deeply, I don't know it yet." Wu Hao couldn't help but shook his head, sweating for his brother.

   "Hehe, let's not talk about this." Yang Fan immediately turned off the topic: "Then the urban smart farm projects we have set up in several large cities in the north are still going on?"

"Of course it is going on, why not. What is the relationship between these urban smart farm projects and Shale Farm? Why not proceed. Moreover, these urban smart farm projects are cooperating with local cities, and they are endorsed by them. , There is nothing to worry about." Wu Hao immediately replied with a smile.

   "I understand." Yang Fan nodded, then smiled.


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