Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1291: The joy of harvest

  Like corn stalks, after the rice is harvested, the rice seedlings will be crushed into powder and sprinkled in the rice field. They will be lifted into the soil by the rotary tiller along with the sprayed fertilizer.

   After continuous fermentation and decomposition, this is a natural fertilizer, which can increase the organic matter of the soil, thereby improving the fertility of the soil.

   Also due to time constraints, Wu Hao and the others couldn't stay here for long, so they watched it eagerly, and then rushed to the next area.

   This time they came to the pasture planting area, and what came into their vision was the endless corn grass and emperor bamboo grass.

   These two kinds of grasses are good fodder. Especially the emperor bamboo grass, which has the reputation of "the emperor of the grass", so it has such a noble name because it has a tall and mighty figure, and has an unparalleled high yield of many pastures.

   More than a dozen large-scale forage harvesters and balers gallop in the vast ocean of forage. They are like swallowing giant beasts, constantly devouring the tall grass in front of them.

   After these pastures are swallowed, they will be compressed and packed into square bales, and then every certain distance will be released a completed pasture bale block.

The bale wrapping machine behind    will automatically identify the location of each bale, find it, and pick it up to wrap it.

   After the film is wrapped, it will be transported to the flatbed truck behind, stacked neatly, and then transported and stored.

  The entire process is autonomously operated by an intelligent system, without human intervention. In this way, the planting and production cost of forage can be greatly reduced, and efficiency can be improved, and the production capacity of forage can be increased.

   Immediately afterwards, everyone came to a sugar beet planting area to see the automatic harvesting of sugar beets.

   looked at the beets everywhere and the unmanned beet harvester working not far away. As well as the round red beet heads that were pulled out of the sand and had their stems removed, everyone's expressions could not help showing the joy of the harvest.

   Du Xiuming picked up a beet, patted the sand, and introduced it to everyone.

"The beets grown in the sand of our farm are not as big as the beets on the black soil of the northeast. But because of the sufficient sunshine and the large temperature difference between day and night, they are conducive to the accumulation of sugar, so the sugar yield of the beets here is even higher high.

   Again, compared to the muddy land in the northeast, here is sandy soil, so it is easier to harvest and clean up. The beets in the northeast are all lumps when they are pulled out.

   It takes a lot of water to clean it, but for the beets here, there is very little soil when pulled out, and there is no sand after a shot.

  After being shipped back to the factory, only a simple cleaning is required, which saves a lot of steps and costs. "

   Speaking of this, Du Xiuming took a fruit knife from his assistant and quickly cut a few knives against the red beet lump to get rid of the skin. Then rinsed it with clean water, then cut it into small pieces and handed it to everyone.

   "Everyone try it!"

  Wu Hao and the others immediately looked at the bright red beet sticks when they heard the words, and they couldn't help but pinch a piece with their fingers. After carefully rubbing it, they put it into their mouths.

   "It's very crisp and refreshing, like a radish, but it doesn't seem to be that sweet." Xu Xiaoya took a sip, and then said to everyone.

   Wu Hao nodded and said, "The taste is good."

  In Eastern Europe, the locals like to use beets to make the beet soup that people in Eastern Europe love most, which is what we often call red vegetable soup. Zhong Xiaoling explained to everyone.

   "But in most areas outside Eastern Europe, people are still accustomed to using it to make sugar, and it is also the main raw material for sugar in the North."

   Watching a card full of red cabbage heads drive away from the field, Wu Hao immediately smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go to the processing factory."

Hearing what he said, Du Xiuming couldn't help but persuade him: "Mr. Wu, our 100,000 mu sunflower planting area is not far away. Would you and Mr. Xu go there first, and then we will go to the processing plant? ."

   Hearing Du Xiuming's suggestion, Wu Hao and Xu Xiaoya looked at each other, then nodded in response: "Okay, let's go to the sunflower planting area."

   Sure enough, after not walking for long, everyone finally saw the endless sunflower. But now everyone sees sunflower cakes whose flowers have faded.

   These huge sunflower cakes are densely packed with black sunflower seeds. The plump sunflower seeds have already squeezed the sunflower cakes.

   "We cannot wait until the sunflower is harvested until it is fully mature. In that case, these sunflower seeds will fall off, causing unnecessary waste and loss.

   So we generally choose to harvest sunflower seeds after they are plump and just mature, and have not dried up.

  Automatic machinery will harvest these sunflower cakes, load them into trucks, and then send them to the drying yard of the field for sun drying. After the sunflower seeds are dried with moisture, they will be threshed in a special machine.

   These threshing sunflower seeds will be resuned again, and after they are completely dried, they will either be bagged and stored in the warehouse. Or it will be directly dried for pressing, and then the pressed sunflower oil will be transported to the mainland for sale. "

   Just as Du Xiuming introduced them to the crowd, he saw several huge machines working in the sunflower field.

   One by one, huge sunflower cakes were loaded into the truck, and then transported to the huge drying yard of the farm.

Zhong Xiaoling on the side of    then relayed the introduction: "About 80% of these sunflower seeds are used to squeeze sunflower oil.

   Our sunflower oil is pure natural, UU reading www.'s pollution-free non-GMO food, coupled with the brand operation of our Shale Farm, so our sunflower seed edible oil is currently regarded as a high-end non-staple food product in the market.

   For the remaining 20%, we will directly correspond to a nut processing factory here. They will buy, then fry and bag them, and then sell them all over the country.

   However, because of the strong market demand for sunflower oil, we have already reduced or even stopped supplying sunflower seeds to nut processing plants.

   Almost all the sunflower seeds are used for squeezing this year. Despite this, the market demand is still very strong.

   Therefore, we plan to expand the sunflower planting scale next year, from the current 100,000 acres to 150,000 acres, or 10,000 hectares. "

   Hearing what Zhong Xiaoling said, Xu Xiaoya nodded with a satisfied look: "No problem, let alone 10,000 hectares, even if it is several times larger, we can eat it.

   The sunflower oil produced by our farm is very pure, even if it is much higher than the similar price in the market, the sales are still hot.

   So with regard to expanding the scale of planting, I agree with both hands. "

   After speaking, Xu Xiaoya looked at Wu Hao.



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