Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: Xijiang Night Market

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Xu Xiaoya smiled brightly when she heard Wu Hao's words, then patted his arm and laughed.

"Let me just say, nothing is courteous, whoever commits **** is stealing, it turned out to be paying attention to this aspect."

Consider it? Wu Hao asked with a smile.


Xu Xiaoya shook her head, and then sighed: "I am old and can't move. I am like finding a stable job and running a good family.

In terms of career, I don't have much expectations for the time being.

And what you want is a capable, courageous, hard-working executor who can accurately understand and execute what you mean.

At this point, I'm afraid I can't do it in my current state. "

Speaking of this, Xu Xiaoya looked at Wu Hao and said seriously: "Whether you agree with it or if you agree, you are the only real leader of Haoyu Technology.

You are now a banner of Haoyu Technology, and your subordinates only need to follow your footsteps.

From this point of view, when your subordinates are actually very sad, they may have to live in your shadow for the rest of their lives, and it is difficult to have a bright future.

Of course, they are also happy, because they only need to follow you hard to move forward, no need to think about other things, because you have already planned the road.

All they have to do is to follow your footsteps and not to fall behind.

What's more, your kind of generosity to your subordinates is also famous in the circle, and they are really lucky to follow you. "

"I really won't come, everything else is easy to say." Wu Hao invited again.

Xu Xiaoya still shook her head: "No, I have been living in Hangzhou for almost 20 years, and I am used to it. Let me go to a strange city again, and I really can't adapt."

"Okay, understand you." Wu Hao nodded slightly, and stopped persuading.

In fact, he did not hold out much hope. I just want to give it a try. There are really not too many talents like Xu Xiaoya.

"Let's go, we are at the place." Xu Xiaoya said excitedly at Wu Hao.

As he was thinking, he reacted, then nodded, and got out of the car with Xu Xiaoya and the others.

After tidying up a bit, Wu Hao and his party walked into the night market that had already begun to lively.

Because of the large number of personnel, the accompanying security team members involuntarily increased their vigilance, scattered around Wu Hao and the others, watching everyone passing by Wu Hao vigilantly.

"Boss, here are ten baked buns." Xu Xiaoya came to a stall selling baked buns and said to a few people in Xijiang who were making buns.

"Ten buns?" The shop owner who was a little older, with a red and blue striped cap and a beard, asked in words with a strong flavor of Western Xinjiang.

A woman buys ten baked buns, which is indeed a bit large.

"It's okay, we are crowded!" Xu Xiaoya motioned to Wu Hao and the others who were standing behind her.

"Oh, ten baked buns." As he said, the lady proprietress with red yarn over there began to pick up the buns with a paper bag, put them in a bag, and handed them to her.

The female assistant who followed by the side also used the smart AR glasses she was wearing to scan the QR code to pay.

"Come on, everyone eat buns." Xu Xiaoya opened the plastic bag and greeted Wu Hao and Yang Fan.

Well, Wu Hao was not polite, and immediately took out a paper bag wrapped bun, and then opened it, revealing a little golden baked bun with the skin on it.

"Well, it's still a bit hot." Xu Xiaoya took out a bun, then handed the bag to her assistant, she couldn't wait to open it and tasted it.

Oh, Wu Hao took a bite, and then he breathed out: "The taste is really good, this lamb is very tender, and there is no smell at all."

"Yes, it's very tender and has no smell." Yang Fan nodded, and he had eaten most of the buns in his hands.

"Slow down, there's more." Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but persuade.

"It's okay, open up and eat, it's rare to come once." Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand.

Xu Xiaoya gave Wu Hao a white look, then looked at an open-air food stall over there, and immediately showed an expression of eagerness: "Let's go, let's go and sit down."

Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded immediately, and went to this food stall with Xu Xiaoya, found a place where no one was sitting.

A young man with a white hat walked over and handed them the menu.

Wu Hao immediately shook his head after taking the menu, and then handed it to Xu Xiaoya: "You treat you to order."

Xu Xiaoya took the menu and couldn't help but showed an unhappy expression at Wu Hao: "Why do I have to treat me? My salary is not enough for your income. Excuse me.

The richer you are, the more stingy you are. No, you will pay for all the consumption tonight. Xiaofei, let him be reimbursed for the money for roasting buns, don’t forget. "

"Hehe, I can't forget." The female assistant named Xiaofei said with a smile.

Of course, everyone is also talking about how much money can be made for ten baked buns, and how much money is spent on a meal or a night.

"First, let's have a big plate, then a hand-picked rice, ten big skewers, and another pan-wrapped meat. Well, let's just have so many, and then a few bottles of kvass." Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but look at this. To Wu Hao and them.

"Do you want anything else?"

Yang Fan shook his head, Wu Hao thought about it and waved: "Give me a glass of tomato juice."

Hearing what he said, Xu Xiaoya's eyes lit up and she said, "I want a cup too."

Wu Hao glanced at Yang Fan, who was hesitant to speak next to him, and then waved: "Then have three glasses."

The young waiter took the menu and nodded, then glanced at Wu Hao wearing a baseball cap, and walked out quickly.

Wu Hao surveyed the surrounding environment, and their entourage sat on the surrounding tables.

On the other tables not far from them, there were still security personnel accompanying him. These people ordered a bit of food and drink, pretending to be chatting, and looking at everything around them. Especially Wu Hao, these people's eyes never left him.

And a very interesting detail, UU reading these people order different things, other people order, they will never order again. This is also to prevent food or drinking problems and prevent some accidents from happening.

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Outside the food stalls, in fact, there are also security guards in disguise. They are also always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Although he tried his best to disguise, but that kind of capable style and temperament could not be disguised in any way.

Soon, skewers and drinks were served.

Xu Xiaoya couldn't wait to pick up a large skewers, and then smelled it, and she couldn't help showing a look of enjoyment: "It's so fragrant, I want to indulge it tonight, no one will stop me.

I tell you, whoever stops me, who I am anxious to. "

Wu Hao smiled happily after hearing the words: "Haha, don't worry, we will never stop you. We will sacrifice our lives to accompany the gentleman as much as you eat."

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