Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: Turn a potential killer into a protector

Hearing what he said, Zhou Xiangming moved his mouth and immediately said: "This way, our workload has increased exponentially. So you will not only have to give us additional bonuses, but also increase the scientific research funding for the project. We can't do it with money."

   Yes, I turned around and returned to the money.

   Although I am a little helpless, as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, then it is not a problem.

   Wu Hao immediately responded, there is no way for the 20 kg load.

  When things were settled, Wu Hao didn't intend to talk about other things, but chatted with a few people while eating.

   After eating, Wu Hao immediately bid farewell to Yang Xiaoyun and Guo Yulong, and then greeted Zhou Xiangming and took a walk in the base together.

  Walking on the wide road inside the base, everyone was blowing a cool breeze while looking up at the bright moon hanging in the sky.

   After eating, it’s great to take a walk outside. Wu Hao smiled and said.

   Yang Fan nodded when he heard the words: "Indeed, the breeze is very comfortable."

   As for Zhou Xiangming, he smiled and said, "This northwestern desert is not as desolate as Anxi, and there is no nightlife.

   But here, safety is not a problem, the air is quite good, and many people have also developed a good habit, like running at night, or walking. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming couldn't help but smiled and said: "However, it is not that safe. I heard from the security department. Someone reported seeing wolves around the base a few days ago. So the security department has stepped up patrols. On the one hand, I suggest that everyone do not leave the base area alone at night. If you encounter an accident, call for help and call the police in time.

Wolf? Wu Hao frowned in surprise.

Yes, Zhou Xiangming nodded: "We didn’t believe it at the beginning, but for safety's sake, the security department still invited local animal protection experts to check it out. Judging from the animal footprints and animal feces found at the scene, it is indeed true. It's a wolf, and there is more than one.

   Animal experts analyzed that this may be a pack of wolves, about six or so. "

   There are so many, how come, haven’t you found it before? Yang Fan couldn't help asking.

   Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "The animal protection experts analyzed that it is probably because we have brought water here and improved the surrounding natural environment, which has caused many animals in the desert to migrate here.

   And this wolves wandering in the desert came here with these migratory animals.

  Because there is water and plenty of food here, this wolf pack stayed here after it came here. "


   So that's it!

   In this way, the security work of the base must be strengthened, and there must be no incidents of wolves hurting people. Speaking of this, Wu Hao turned his head and said to the female secretary Shen Ning who had been following.

   "You go back and make a special trip to the security department of the base to implement your work again. Safety is not a small matter, and you must pay attention to it."

   Yes, I will go tomorrow. Shen Ning nodded in response, carrying the bag.

   Hearing what he said, Zhou Xiangming on the side said with a smile: "The animal protection experts said that these wolves will not take the initiative to attack people. In fact, they have been hiding from people so that everyone does not have to worry too much.

   Usually these wolves hide in the daytime, and only at night do they appear for food. As long as you don't leave the scope of the base and act alone, there will be no danger.

   The security department of the base has also made relevant precautions and strengthened night training. There should be no problems. "

  Wu Hao heard Zhou Xiangming's words and shook his head: "Be careful, there is nothing wrong with it, it would be too late if something happens."

Yang Fan on the side of    asked, "Can't we get rid of these wolves, or drive them away?"

   Zhou Xiangming shook his head: "Wolves are national level two protected animals, how can they be eliminated?

As for driving away, animal protection experts say that our ecological chain here is gradually being established. If wolves are driven away, some negative situations are likely to occur, just like Australia drove away wolves in the past, resulting in large-scale pastures. It's the same as the serious loss of the sheep.

   Animal protection experts said that there are many sand rabbits, gerbils, and some antelopes and goats. If the wolves are driven away, then these sand rabbits and gerbils will have no natural enemies, so they can reproduce on a large scale. And destroying the natural ecological environment that has just been restored here is not worth the loss. "

   Wu Hao smiled upon hearing the words, "Of course we can't do such stupid things, just strengthen protection.

   In addition, if possible, we can position the wolves so that we can always know where they are, and it is easier to defend. "

"Yes, this is a way. We can install the Beidou positioning system in the wolf pack so that we can know the specific location of the wolf pack. On the one hand, it can provide data for the protection and research of the wolf pack. It can also be prepared in time.

   These wolves all have their own range of activities and territories. As long as there are these wolves, other wolves will not come over.

   changed from a potential killer to a protector, this is good attention! Zhou Xiangming couldn't help high-fiving and exclaimed.

   Ha ha ha ha, Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, but did not speak.

   And Shen Ning, who had been following, silently wrote down all the words just now, and looked at Wu Hao with an admiring look.

   Wu Hao looked at the moon in the sky, and then said to Zhou Xiangming: "This time the mission of this lunar exploration project is very arduous. UU read so you have to be prepared for hardship."

   Hearing Wu Hao suddenly mentioned this topic, Zhou Xiangming nodded and responded: "Don't worry, I am mentally prepared for this.

   From now until the launch of next fall, as long as the project is not over, I will not take a vacation. "

Hearing Zhou Xiangming’s words, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said, “No, you have to take a good vacation when it’s time to take a vacation. Work and rest are combined so that work efficiency is high. We don’t need your time. Taking care of your body is the first thing. One bit.

  We old people often teach us that the body is the capital of the revolution. "


   Hearing what he said, everyone laughed. Zhou Xiangming also smiled and said: "Don't worry, not only me, but everyone is mentally prepared.

   In addition, we don't think this is suffering, but we really enjoy this process.

   For us, this opportunity is really rare. If we can participate in such a project in our lives, then we will really die without regret.

   So everyone is holding back their energy and working hard to do a good job in this project so that we can have our own marks on the moon. "

   Not to mention the undead, there are many bigger projects waiting for you. Wu Hao patted Zhou Xiangming on the shoulder and comforted.


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