Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1153: New 1st generation transparent display glass

   As he said, Wu Hao raised his right hand, and then snapped a crisp finger under everyone's attention.


   With the sharp snapping sound, the picture in everyone's field of vision changed again, this time it became an ordinary street scene.

  Wu Hao is standing in front of a parking space, and a very ordinary family sports car is parked in the parking space.

"This is a very ordinary car. After replacing it with our transparent display glass, then we can change the color of the entire car window according to your needs, such as the gradient color of this kind of sunglasses, what colorful gold , Colorful silver, colorful blue and so on.

  Even, you can also make some dynamic picture videos and so on.

   When the color is displayed on one side, the transparency will not be affected when viewed from the other side. In other words, we can still see the outside very clearly in the car, which is also in line with relevant regulations. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   But after all, this is a new thing. Whether it is compliant or not, we also need to wait for the relevant detailed regulations of the relevant departments to be released.

   But in terms of prospects, I personally think it is still very optimistic. "

   Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled slightly, then swiped his finger slightly, and saw that the ordinary family sports car in the parking space had turned into a sports car with sci-fi colors.

  " As we said earlier, the use of this new type of transparent display glass can also achieve visual invisibility.

   This is not my bragging, but it is indeed feasible. For example, this new concept electric sports car, its body shell part is all made of our transparent display glass.

   In this way, the color and even the pattern of the entire body can be changed at any time. In other words, when you buy a car, you don’t have to worry about what color the car looks good. You only need to download a body wallpaper and you can easily replace it.

  Even, we can also change different themed car body images according to different sports modes. For example, when driving at high speed, the car body will be displayed as a burning flame, so it seems like a flame is flying.

   And even more magical, it can achieve a certain visual invisibility effect. Through the cameras all over the car body, we can perceive the surrounding environment picture in real time and project it on the car body screen. In this way, the vehicle can be like a chameleon to achieve this kind of visual environment stealth.

   like this! "

   As his words fell, the color of the car next to him gradually began to fade, and finally disappeared completely.

   Papa Papa...

   There was a round of applause, and everyone was obviously full of interest in this stealth vehicle.

  While Wu Hao, he spoke out of place again at this moment.

  "Of course, this is only a concept car. Technically speaking, it has no problems at all. Among them, the safety problem that everyone is most worried about, there is already a very good solution in this regard.

   For example, we can completely use the composite transparent display glass technology of the previous smart AR myopia glasses to layer the transparent display glass on the car body.

   In this way, the strength of the car body naturally also has. And if it's just a simple display, we can make this kind of transparent glass very thin and light. The display effect can be achieved without changing or even strengthening the body structure. "

   However, Wu Hao spread out his hands and showed a look of regret: "This is only a scheme we exist in our brains and design drawings, and cannot be applied to reality.

   Because according to relevant regulations, car body color changes need to be reported for filing in advance, and colors cannot be changed at will. Moreover, this dynamic display of arbitrary color changes or even transparency will affect road safety, and there is a certain safety hazard.

   So at present, this kind of car full screen cannot be used. "

   Hearing what Wu Hao said, the faces of the guests on the scene could not help showing disappointment. Not only on the scene, but also on the Internet.

   Although there are some radical remarks, most people are still very rational. While being disappointed, I also think it should be so. If this kind of discoloration or even a stealth car is launched, it may really bring chaos and increase road insecurity.

   After sweeping the crowd, Wu Hao smiled and said in a slow tone: "After all, it is a new technology, a new concept, and a new thing. We should also give the public some time to accept it, and more should give the relevant departments some time.

   I believe that the concept of this technology will definitely be put into practical application in the future, but in which form and way it appears, this is still open to question.

   We will also actively discuss with relevant car companies and relevant departments, and strive to come up with a practical and feasible solution that has the best of both worlds. "

After a round of applause, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, then organized the words, and then continued: "In addition to car glass, this new type of transparent display glass has a large application area. In fact, everyone has already seen this. Here, yes, it is architectural glass.

   The glass on the outer wall of our entire Tianshu Activity Center that everyone sees outside is the transparent display glass used. Therefore, this gorgeous picture can be shown, and our entire huge Tianshu activity center can be visually invisible as a whole.

  At present, we have solved the manufacturing process of this large-size transparent display glass, which also makes it possible to use this large-size transparent display glass in architecture. UU Reading

  In addition to increasing the size and area, we also carried out special public relations for the characteristics and environment of the building materials used, so that the overall performance can be equal to the various types of glass products currently used in our construction industry.

   And this kind of transparent display glass for building not only can bring us a more gorgeous external display effect, but also brings a very big life change to the residents in the building.

   For example, when many large buildings perform light shows, it is easy to cause light pollution, which affects the living experience and feelings of residents in the building.

   And our transparent display glass can protect the users in the building from these light pollution. When the picture is displayed on the outside of the transparent display glass, the display picture is not visible on the inside, and a certain degree of transparency can be guaranteed without affecting indoor lighting or viewing.

   And, if you need, you can also choose this kind of internal and external dual display glass. In other words, both sides of the glass can display pictures, and they are different pictures, so the experience is even more extraordinary.

   The window glass in your home is no longer an ordinary glass, but can display pictures at will. You can even change the outside scenery.

   For example, the rainy day outside today brings you a very bad feeling. You can adjust it to make the whole window glass show a bright sunny view. If you like snow scenes, you can play snow scenes. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  Even, we can also play some famous scenic spots on the window glass, and move your home to these scenic spots. "

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