Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: History is piled up with the flesh and blood of men

Along the forest path, everyone walked while chatting and unknowingly came to the Tang Dynasty Linghu Royal Courtyard site in the park. Now this site of the Tang Dynasty Royal Court has been completely protected after careful cleaning. In order to facilitate the visitors to visit this garden very close, there is a glass plank road above the ruins. The glass plank road is like a dragon truss above the ruins.

Standing on the glass plank road, you can have a very comprehensive tour of the entire Royal Palace ruins. Because it is a glass plank road, through the glass, you can clearly see the situation under the ruins.

This has also become one of the famous classics in the entire park, attracting many people to visit here to check in.

At first, after deciding to preserve the ruins of this royal courtyard, the Archaeological Research Institute immediately made a decision to preserve all the cultural relics excavated in the ruins unless they are particularly precious and necessary.

That is to say, in the end, the archaeological team only took away some of the more precious cultural relics that needed to be protected and studied. Most of the other relics, such as the entire site, stone tablets, floor tiles, tiles, and some burnt and carbonized pillars were all preserved. These are also well protected by glass.

Bringing everyone here, Wu Tong's interest is all in taking pictures, fiddling with her SLR camera, and both parents watched very carefully and even asked some questions from time to time.

As for Wu Hao, he became a tour guide himself and introduced them to them.

"At the beginning, after several months of excavation and cleaning, the archaeological team finally excavated and cleared a large number of precious cultural relics. It is from these cleared cultural relics that we have a better understanding of the whole picture of this Tang Dynasty royal courtyard. .

In addition to the well-preserved architectural relics that you have seen, archaeologists have also discovered some precious contemporary palace artifacts here, such as a dozen bronze lamp holders.

These bronze lamp holders are very exquisite in shape and decorated with wrong gold and silver patterns, which is very exquisite.

For example, we found some exquisite celadon, lacquer, and jadeware here.

Of course, these unearthed cultural relics not only show us the glory or beauty of this royal courtyard, but also show us the **** past.

The archaeological team also cleared a total of 23 skeletal remains from the entire site, including 17 females and 6 males.

For these people, in addition to some of the bones with clear scars, it can be determined that these people died in the slaughter, there are also some female bones, it can be determined that they should be the maids of this other royal court, and six of the bones are in a different courtyard. They were found in the room and hugged. During the cleaning, the archaeologists found some metal jewelry, jade hairpins, armbands, jade pendants and other jewelry decorations on their heads. In addition, it was also found that there were burn marks on the bones.

In other words, these six palace ladies were hiding in a room and were burned to death by the fire. "

Hearing this, everyone present became moved.

I'd rather be a peaceful dog, and don't leave people alone. In troubled times, the fate of these people is so sad. Wu Jianhua couldn't help sighing.

Why are women always hurt? Lin Wei became a little sad.

Lin Honghan shook his head and said: "In troubled times, it is not a woman who is hard to survive. The thousands of years of our country's history, dynasty, and territory are all built with men's flesh and blood."

Wu Hao smiled and continued: "Based on the evidence, the archaeologists have drawn an inference that this royal courtyard should have been destroyed in the war and looted by the insurgents. The gold and silver treasures in the courtyard were looted. As for the courtyard. All of the court ladies, guards, and servants, also known as eunuchs, suffered unexpected events.

And this other royal courtyard was also burned after the looting. Then the vicissitudes of life, the place was submerged by the rising flood of Linghu Lake, and gradually disappeared into the long river of history.

It was not until the construction of our headquarters park this time that it was discovered during the exploration and let it be seen again.

In fact, we originally did not intend to keep this site, because the site of this site is located in an important building facility.

Therefore, we hope that the archaeological team and cultural management department can complete the archaeological removal of this site, or move it as a whole.

But the experts of the archaeological team told us that if a site like this is moved or moved, it will lose its original meaning. The best way to protect such sites is to stay in place.

We are actually very embarrassed about this. The experts of the archaeological team certainly have this truth, but the actual situation is that we have invested tens of billions in this headquarters park project, and the demolition and reorganization of this park alone cost us a lot of money.

If we stop here, we will suffer heavy losses.

So in the end, after repeated discussions, we finally came up with such a way to get the best of both worlds.

Leave this relic of the Tang Dynasty Royal Courtyard in our park as a natural and historical and cultural landscape.

Of course, we have also made important concessions for this. The first is to relocate the original building facilities here to other parts of the park.

In addition, we have also protected and developed this site so that it can not only maintain its comprehensiveness, but also allow tourists to visit it up close. "

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Lin Honghan nodded in appreciation and said: "Yes, this is a win-win It can not only protect this important historical and cultural site, but also take care of the headquarters of your company. The construction of it can be described as the best of both worlds.

Although for you, you have lost a piece of construction land, but out of thin air there is an additional scenic spot with a historical and cultural atmosphere.

In this respect, you are not losing money. "

Wu Jianhua nodded in approval and said: "It would be a shame to directly reject such historical and cultural relics. Even if it is rebuilt and restored in a different place, it loses its original meaning. In this respect, you did it. A very correct decision. I believe that no matter it is now or in the future, the people will thank you for keeping this important relic."

The mother Lin on the side asked a very practical question: "Is this other courtyard site open to the outside world? Can tourists from outside come in and visit?"

Of course, we are open to the public for free, but tourists need to make an appointment in advance and complete the admission procedures.

Wu Hao explained with a smile: "In fact, the Linghu Management Committee and the tourism department have also approached us, hoping that we can open the park as a famous tourist attraction in the Linghu area, thus driving the development of tourism and cultural tourism here."

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