Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Dynamic perception is the key

Luo Kai shook his head again and again, then looked at Wu Hao very seriously and said, "No, you are not naive, let alone immature. It is because you have lofty ambitions, a sense of national and national mission and responsibility that many people lack.

Your enthusiasm is not in vain. What you do and your heart are in our eyes. Leaders and heads are in our eyes, and the people of the country are also in our eyes.

Don't be discouraged, let alone give up. Please believe that there are still many people standing behind you, watching you, and supporting you. "

After the break, everyone was seated again, and the meeting continued.

And this time everyone seemed to have forgotten the dispute and unpleasantness just now, and all focused on this project.

Academician Tang Shizhen brought her own reading glasses, and with the help of his assistant, everyone started to speak with enough PPT.

"Whether we choose the control method, remote control technology, automatic control technology, or a combination of the two.

All automatic control technologies have a prerequisite, that is, the platforms they carry must be sufficiently automated, digital, and intelligent.

In layman's terms, the aircraft type targeted must be sufficiently advanced and have strong dynamic perception capabilities.

Otherwise, even if our intelligent unmanned driving system is even more advanced, we can't do it on old models like Yun5 or Yun7.

The control of these aircraft is entirely based on mechanical power transmission, or even purely mechanical transmission control. It is impossible to modify these aircraft.

So for Deputy Director Qi proposed to use the Xinzhou 700 model as our modified experimental platform, I think it is still very suitable. "

Speaking of this, Academician Tang Shizhen changed a PPT, which showed a picture of a Xinzhou 700 aircraft during the flight.

"Although this Xinzhou 700 regional passenger aircraft is advanced enough and the digital flight control system also meets our requirements, it is not enough for our project. It lacks the external dynamic perception capabilities we need.

The so-called dynamic perception ability refers to the aircraft's ability to learn external information, which includes the radar on the aircraft, various flight sensors, such as airspeed indicator, altimeter, level gauge, and barometer.

It even includes some surveillance cameras outside the aircraft, as well as radio receivers, which are an important part of the dynamic perception system.

The external data information transmitted from these data will assist the pilot to control the aircraft and meet the needs of the pilot to fly the aircraft.

But this is far from enough for our intelligent unmanned driving system.

First of all, the system is not a human, and there is no human body's perception organs, such as vision, touch, hearing, and smell. The most important of these is the rapid vision and hearing.

The system needs to receive these data through various devices.

In fact, during the air flight, most of them rely on radar to observe the situation ahead, and seldom directly use visual observation. Visual inspection is generally used for take-off and landing, as well as some emergency situations.

Of course, what I am talking about here are civil aviation passenger planes and transport planes, and fighter jets are not included here.

This is not to say that visual observation is not important, in fact it is very important, especially when dealing with some emergency situations, as well as when taking off and landing, which requires the pilot to have sharp visual observation capabilities.

The same is true for the system, and it also needs to have super visual capabilities. "

"In this regard, we have synthetic aperture mirror radars and photoelectric pods that are bound to be widely used on drones. The technology in this area is very mature and we can install them directly on the aircraft." Director Song of the Flight Test Center interjected.

Academician Tang Shizhen put down the tea cup in his hand, then nodded and said, "Yes, but not enough. This type of photoelectric pod can satisfy general small drones or airplanes, but cannot satisfy medium and large airplanes. For example, medium and large airplanes. Its huge body can block the large field of view of this type of photoelectric pod, resulting in insufficient observation.

No matter how advanced photoelectric observation equipment is, they are still different from what we see with real human eyes.

So if you want to realize automatic control or remote control, the problem of vision must be solved first.

In this regard, we set up a special photoelectric observation system research group, and they came up with a preliminary design plan.

That is, multiple photoelectric observation devices are installed at different positions on the entire aircraft to facilitate the system and our remote-controlled pilots to better control dynamic data information. "

A PPT was then changed on the big screen, showing a Xinzhou 700 regional airliner, and there were also marks on it in different positions.

Looking at the label information on the picture, Director Song of the Flight Test Center shook his head and raised his voice: "I don't think it is necessary to be so complicated. Everyone thinks about it too complicated.

Data acquisition does not necessarily require so many photoelectric observation equipment. In fact, we can completely rely on some sensors to solve these problems.

For example, take off and land, these data can be obtained through related sensors. For example, a key data in take-off and landing is speed.

Whether it's taking off or landing, it's speed control. When taking off, the speed is required to be fast enough so that the aircraft can fly from the runway.

When landing, the speed needs to be slow enough so that the plane can land smoothly.

At present, the take-off and landing technology of UAVs is very mature, and even some UAVs have achieved autonomous take-off and landing.

In this regard we can learn from this aspect of technology, it is not necessary to follow people's thinking to formulate the draft. "

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, and then said: "I agree with Director Song's words, it is correct to fully obtain the dynamic data information outside the aircraft, but it does not need to be so complicated.

On the one hand, it is easy to increase costs. On the other hand, the more equipment and the more complex the system, the easier it is to malfunction.

In the photoelectric observation technology, we also have some unique results. For example, the intelligent image recognition technology we use on various types of drones is very suitable to act as the'eyes' of drones.

This technology can clearly identify the data information in the observation image of the photoelectric equipment, and perform corresponding processing, which can fully meet the needs of our project. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Director Song looked at Wu Hao and said, "I have heard about your image recognition technology for a long time. We will exchange more exchanges in this regard. I think there is a lot of potential to be tapped."

No problem, I will ask someone to sort out a detailed information and send it to everyone. Wu Hao smiled and nodded.

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