Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Experimental spacecraft

"Military Technology (

I don't want some messy things to come out again. Although they are only agents, they also have our Haoyu Technology brand. I don't want our reputation and reputation to be ruined by these agents. We would rather not transfer the money than to condone their mischief. Regarding the problems found during the inspections, we found them together and dealt with them together. We will never tolerate them.

If the problem is serious, or if it is not corrected after repeated instruction, it will be fined or even delisted. "

Is it too serious to delist directly? Just fine them more and let them remember it. Zhang Jun spoke out to persuade him at this time.

Regarding Zhang Jun's advice, Wu Hao directly waved his hand and said: "No, it must be dealt with strictly, not killing chickens and monkeys, how can we clear the atmosphere and correct our attitude."

What's wrong, so angry, I ate chili. Zhang Jun smiled and asked at him.

Wu Hao shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that I have accumulated some anger recently. The tiger doesn't show off his might, and he really treats me as a Persian cat."

Hehehe, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan laughed after hearing this. Zhang Jun has always appeared in front of everyone with the image of gentleness, extraordinary tolerance, and graceful gentleman.

But they all knew that once Wu Hao became angry, it would be difficult for others to resist. But I didn't expect that who and what caused him to anger again.

Wu Hao was angry because the company’s Supervision and Audit Office notified him of a corruption case involving a middle-level cadre of the company using power for personal gain. A director of the company’s marketing department used his power for personal gain, soliciting bribes and corruption because of his convenience. The evidence is now conclusive. In addition, in the investigation and handling work of the Office of Supervision and Audit, it was also found out that this case was still related to many people, and even involved a certain middle and high-level cadre of the company.

This made Wu Hao very hot, but in order to make the investigation clear, he did not make a statement. Instead, he instructed the Office of Supervision and Audit to continue the investigation in secret, wait for the evidence to be confirmed, and then catch it all. The ones that should be sent to the police should be sent to the police, the ones that should be expelled, the sanctions of punishment.

The company's salary is very generous, and there will be such cases of smuggling, bribery and corruption, which shows that these people are insatiable and not worthy of toleration.

After looking at Zhang Jun and Yang Fan, Wu Hao still didn't tell the matter. The middle and high-level cadre involved in the company has a certain relationship with Zhang Jun, and it can be said that Zhang Jun pulled it up in one hand.

Wu Hao was afraid of telling Zhang Jun that he would lose his temper and startled him.

So after the investigation of the entire case is clear, he is talking to Zhang Jun.

How is Haoyu Aerospace? Wu Hao then changed the subject.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Yang Fan immediately responded and attracted Zhang Jun's attention.

Although Haoyu Aerospace has become an independent subsidiary, its research institutes are also under the dual jurisdiction of the technical department, so Yang Fan is very clear about the matter of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology.

"There will be another rocket launch mission in July. This time we will use our Jianmu-1, an ultra-low-cost one-off rocket. The launch site will also be transferred from J Spring in the northwest to X Chang in Daoshu Province.

This time the mission only launched one satellite, but it was an earth reconnaissance satellite, mainly used for the prevention and control of pests and diseases and agricultural production in our country.

Of course, this is an external statement. Our country’s agricultural satellites, you know everything. "

"Well, isn't the official responsible for this kind of satellite? How did we find us? Is there any problem?" Zhang Jun frowned and worried.

Yang Fan smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, in normal circumstances, it is indeed the official responsibility. However, the orbit of this satellite launch is a bit special, so the debris of the rocket may fall into neighboring countries. .

In order to ensure that our country's rocket technology will not leak, so they found us.

In this way, even if the wreckage of the rocket falls into other countries, our country's rocket technology will not leak.

Another point is that we are using an ultra-low-cost design, basically falling to the ground, the rocket wreckage is difficult to recover, which also helps to keep the technology secret. "

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Zhang Jun couldn't help but frowned: "If the wreckage falls to other countries, it is likely to cause some disputes. It is stated that we want us to come forward and carry the pot."

As for Wu Hao, he smiled and said: "Compared to the official, we are definitely more suitable to carry this pot. After all, the two have different interests. We belong to a commercial aerospace company or a private enterprise, so the sensitivity will be slightly lower. some.

When the time comes, the above will come forward to mediate, and this matter will pass.

And the rocket wreckage may not necessarily fall into the borders of neighboring countries. It is just that the fall area of ​​the first-level rocket body is too close to the border, so this method is adopted. "

What kind of thing is this, can this be pushed? This pot is not good. Zhang Jun was obviously a little reluctant.

As for Wu Hao, he smiled and nodded: "I can push, but we will get less orders in the future. UU reading, do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun immediately smiled bitterly. Yes, if it is pushed, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to receive related orders from the official in the future. For them, it will be a huge loss.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun couldn't help but sighed: "Okay, but we still have to work hard to prevent the rocket wreck from falling into other countries. More is worse than less, and stability is the most important thing."

Don't worry, the relevant expert group has repeatedly conducted the argument, which will minimize the possibility. Wu Hao smiled and comforted, and motioned to Yang Fan to continue.

Yang Fan knowingly went on to say: "After this launch mission is over, we will carefully prepare for the launch in August.

At present, our experimental spacecraft has been developed and is undergoing testing. The Jianmu-2 rocket used for the launch of this mission has also completed related production and is undergoing final testing.

After the launch at the end of June, the rocket and experimental spacecraft will begin to be sent to J Spring, where they will be tested and the final preparations for launch money will be made.

I also talked to Zhou Xiangming and others on the phone a few days ago. Everything is normal on their side, and everything is proceeding as planned. "

Hearing Yang Fan's introduction, Wu Hao couldn't help but smiled: "This launch is very important to us, and we must ensure that nothing goes wrong.

It directly determines the advancing speed of our space project. If it fails, the entire project will be delayed for a long time. "

Of course we know this. In order to ensure the successful launch of this experimental spacecraft, we have made a lot of preparations to ensure that everything is foolproof.

Drama Zhou Xiangming told me that basically everything they can think of is a triple preparation.

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