Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1001: Weapons cannot determine the life and death of people

"Military Technology (

Bang bang bang...

With a round of warm applause, Wu Hao concluded the introduction.

However, everyone is obviously still immersed in this smart bullet. The introduction video just now gave everyone a great surprise, and it gave everyone endless imagination.

"Xiao Wu, is this micro-attack drone easy to operate?" The old man was obviously full of interest in this equipment, and he immediately asked a question that he was more interested in.

Of course, the question of the elderly was also asked by many people present.

This weapon is good, but if it is difficult to control and inconvenient to use, the practicality can be greatly reduced.

Wu Hao smiled and led everyone to the side of the platform, and then smiled at everyone and introduced: "Our smart ammunition is very convenient to control. There are three control methods for our users to choose.

First of all, the first one is that we can use a tablet to carry out remote control.

After the micro attack drone is launched, its first-view image will be transmitted to the tablet in real time. Our remote control personnel only need to lock the target and click to confirm the attack.

The drone will launch an attack on the locked target.

Of course, this is an attack on a target that has already appeared. If we want to launch an attack on unknown criminals hiding behind a bunker, we need to guide the attack method to manually remotely guide the micro-attack drone to launch an attack.

To put it bluntly, the remote control drone hits the criminals and it is over. "

Ha ha ha ha...

When everyone present heard him, they all laughed.

With laughter, Wu Hao went on to say: "This second remote control method is actually the one we recommend, which is to wear our smart AR glasses to control the drone.

Compared with tablet computers, smart AR glasses have a wider field of view, and the pictures will be relatively more detailed. And what our smart AR glasses present is a 3D picture instead of a two-dimensional picture presented by a tablet, so it is more convenient for remote control.

And the third remote control method is to hand over to the rear to remotely control the command, through a dedicated 5G line or high-frequency high-speed communication technology to hand over to the rear special control center to remotely command. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at everyone and said with a smile: "In fact, we still have another way, which is to hand over the micro-attack drone to search for and attack the target.

Our intelligent system can determine who are criminals and who are hostages, and then determine to launch an attack on the criminals. "

"Huh?" Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present became agitated.

The old man shook his head again and again and said: "It is impossible for us to hand over the lives of innocent people to a machine or system program to decide. This is irresponsible to them."

The old man's words were also unanimously approved by everyone present. This is not to cater or flatter, but everyone feels that it is not reliable to give the choice of life and death to the machine system.

In the face of everyone's reaction, Wu Hao had actually expected it long ago. So he smiled and said: "So, I just introduced the first three control technologies to everyone. Relying on the artificial intelligence system to judge and choose this technology method is not suitable for practical use at present.

However, I believe that as this technology becomes more and more mature, this technology will definitely be put into practical use in the future.

In fact, this technology can still be used in some operational tasks.

To give an example, such as encountering criminals who are fighting stubbornly in a bunker, this technology can be used. "

Regarding his words, both the old man and the others in the room nodded involuntarily. Indeed, this technology has pros and cons, and it is certain that this technology will definitely be put into use.

It's just that when it will be put into use and how it will be put into use remains to be discussed.

At this time, a young leader with glasses at the scene asked Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, whether it is smart grenades or smart bullets, these drones are very dependent on wireless networks.

If the criminals we are facing are criminals with high intelligence, or that there are hackers proficient in computer technology among the criminals. So, can these criminals crack and control these micro-attack drones and launch attacks on our police? "

Sure enough, after this question was raised, the scene immediately became noisy. When everyone nodded, they couldn't help but discuss.

As for some staff members of the company present, they all looked at Wu Hao and became anxiously worried.

Regarding this question, Wu Hao is well-informed and prepared. Immediately he smiled and nodded back: "The risk you mentioned does exist. In fact, during the research and development process, we have already focused on and made special responses to this risk. .

First of all, let's talk about the probability first, that is, in all previous criminal cases, how many criminals have been encountered by the police or who are proficient in hacking techniques, and what proportion? "

Facing the question raised by Wu Hao, everyone present nodded one after another. Indeed, among these criminals, such people are very few and account for very few.

However, this does not seem to be the reason for such fatal risks and loopholes. In case such criminals use loopholes in this equipment system to retaliate against the police or commit crimes, then how to deal with them and what methods are there. Who should bear the consequences of this, and whether they can bear it.

Wu Hao went on to say: “Secondly, even if there are such criminals, what opportunities and conditions will there be at the scene to launch intrusion attacks on these micro-attack drones or our control systems in such a short period of time. And seized control.

To ensure safety, our micro-attack drone needs to be launched by the manipulator before it can be unlocked. In other words, before launching, the other party cannot invade and control our micro-attack drone.

And after launch, how long can it take from launch to attack? In such a short period of time, even the world's top hackers could not invade, compete for control rights, and control the series of actions of drones.

The third point is that the security of our intelligent system is very guaranteed. Our smart products and systems have been released and sold for several years, and so far there has not been a single breach of the system.

In terms of system security, we are fully confident, so please rest assured. "

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