Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Edge of crisis

"Military Technology (


With a burst of sound, I saw on the roof of the experimental building in the Haoyu Science and Technology Experimental Park, a drone flashing red and blue signal flare quickly lifted into the sky, and began to hover in the air involuntarily.

"what's the situation?"

"The report shows that there are a large number of drones taking off in the entire experimental park. It seems that something has been discovered."

"Hurry up and act."

"Report, Group A has reached the designated location."

"Goat, it's your turn." Viper looked at the Haoyu Technology office building in the distance outside the car window, and then gave the order.

"Received." A young man in a raincoat responded to the headset at a substation at the junction not far from the experimental park. Then he looked around and found that there were no people. He leaned over and quickly opened the transformer box. Looking at the complicated circuit inside, the young man poured the prepared water directly on it.

Snapped! There was a flash of fire in the transformer box, and then all the switches tripped, and the area that was still bright suddenly became dark.

The park where the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology is located is composed of four small single-family office buildings, which are the big villas Wu Hao often call.

Many of their research institutes and laboratories here are such small parks. These small parks form a large experimental area.

Suddenly, the lights of the entire Institute of Automation and Machinery Technology flashed, most areas were pressed down, and only some windows were still lit.


puff! As a blowing arrow was shot at a security guard who was standing guard, the security guard subconsciously touched the wound with his hands, and was about to open his mouth to shout, but his body fell unconsciously.

I saw four or five infiltrators wearing masks, agile and wearing black self-cultivation training uniforms walked out of the dark, looked around, and then rushed in quickly.

Beep, beep, beep...

"Sir, the external power supply line of the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology has failed, and the park has a blackout. The backup power supply has been activated and the generator is restarting." Cocoa's voice came from the speaker.

"The Institute of Automation and Machinery Technology, power off, how can there be such a coincidence." Wu Hao sneered, then put a headset on his ear, then pressed the headset and said: "Wei Bing, the enemy's goal is The Institute of Automation Machinery Technology, rush over immediately. The power has been cut off over there, and it seems that the enemy has already started operations."

"Yes, come right away." Wei Bing was leading a group of people into the car quickly, and then drove to the experimental park where the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology is located.

And the Viper, who was observing outside the Haoyu Technology Office Building, watched so many vehicles hurried out, and the corners of his mouth could not help but turned up slightly, then he held his earphones and said, "Report the situation."

"Report, Group A has sneaked in and is heading towards the experimental building where the target is located."

"Speed ​​up, an anomaly has been found on the building side, and decent people rush over, your time is running out."



"Sir, the monitoring facilities of the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology have been damaged, and related sensors have caught anomalies."

"People have already sneaked in. Wei Bing and the others must be too late. They must find other ways." Thinking of this, Wu Hao immediately issued an order.

"Start the anti-intrusion emergency procedures and block all access control facilities in the park of the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology."

"Connect me to Meng Hai!"

"Hey, Mr. Wu!" Meng Hai appeared in the video.

"Meng Hai, are you still in the research institute now?"

"Yes, you request that there should be a person in charge of each research institute laboratory on duty these days, so I have been staying in the research institute these days." Meng Hai replied at him.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then said solemnly at the screen: "Meng Hai, listen, the situation is very serious now, and it has been confirmed that an unknown number of spies and enemy agents have sneaked into the research institute.

Security support forces are rushing, so you must ensure your safety. "

"What?" Meng Hai panicked suddenly.

"Calm down, you are the person in charge. The more you are at this time, the more you have to remain shocked. These people are coming for technical information, so they should not cause you harm. But just in case, you still have to be prepared. Waiting for the security personnel to arrive." Wu Hao calmed down at the screen.

As for Meng Hai on the screen, he quickly adjusted his emotions. Although he was still a little nervous, he said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, we can't let them take away the technical data. This is all our hard work. .

And this involves related projects that we and the military are working on. Once stolen by these people, the entire project will face a halt. It will be a huge loss for us and the military. "

"I know that now our security personnel are coming, and Anxi's security department personnel are also rushing to you. So you are worried about this, as long as you protect everyone's safety, you will be a great achievement." Wu Hao did not hesitate Instructed Compared with technical information, people are more important, especially for technical experts like Meng Hai.

"Can't wait for them to come, we have to find a way. Mr. Wu, we have a dozen of them. Don't worry, I will never let them succeed." Meng Hai ended the call.

"Meng Hai, Meng Hai!" Wu Hao couldn't help but become annoyed when he saw this, and then he pressed the headset and said: "Wei Bing, hurry up, we must give priority to ensuring the safety of personnel."


In the Office of the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology, Meng Hai has recruited several security personnel: "Now an unknown number of spies and enemy agents have sneaked in in the park, trying to steal our confidential information.

These materials are not only important to our research institute, to our company, but also to the military. Once stolen by these spies and enemy agents, it will cause huge losses and threats to us, so we must not let them succeed.

Now I need someone to stop these people with me, who wants to go. "

"Me, and me!" Hearing Xu Hui's words, several security personnel present responded.

"Okay, it's all good, but it's a veteran! On behalf of Mr. Wu, thank you all. But I don't need so many people, I only need two people to follow me. For the rest, protect the others. To prevent these enemy spies from being harmful to everyone."

"I'll go, I'll go! One more person, one more strength!" The security personnel who were present all of a sudden made a profit.

Meng Hai shook his head, then stroked his glasses and said, "I only need two people, and the rest will protect everyone's safety."

After speaking, Meng Hai pointed out two people: "Just you, follow me, as long as we can enter the testing center smoothly, I will have a way to deal with these people."

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