Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 363 White Queen, I met my opponent! 【Subscription】

On the stone road in front of the Sioux City Museum,

While taking pictures with his mobile phone, Zhou Feiming instructed the White Queen in Son of Dragon S to take pictures of the surroundings.

Because of the falling out with the task force, the bureau did not provide him with much equipment.

The analysis documents from the forensic department were also sent to Zhao Gongsong, and Zhou Feiming was already isolated and helpless.


Mobile phone pixels are not high enough.

"White Queen, try not to miss any detail. 35 Zhou Feiming said.

The White Queen on his mobile phone and the White Queen on Dragon Son S have the same name, but they belong to two systems, and there is no connection between the two.

Just like twin sisters, although they look the same, their personalities are completely different.

The White Queen on Son of Dragon S is obviously more gentle, and belongs to the image of a royal sister that everyone can accept.

And the White Queen in "One Seven Three" on the mobile phone is more playful because she only contacts Zhou Feiming.

After shooting the stone road, Zhou Feiming took pictures of every corner of the museum again.

Son of Dragon S cannot enter the museum, and Zhou Feiming can only take pictures with his mobile phone.

After taking the photos, Zhou Feiming went to the Security Section to get the surveillance video, as well as the secondary statements of some on-site personnel.

Compared with the last time, there was basically no change in the oral confession.

On the day of the crime, no one noticed any suspicious people entering or leaving the museum, and no one noticed the hooded thief.

It was not until the incident happened that no one was surprised that someone wearing a hood entered the museum.

"It means that the thieves are familiar with the layout of the museum and know how to avoid security personnel.

After leaving the museum,

Zhou Feiming made a simple analysis.

"Then he is either an insider, or he often goes in and out of the Suzhou City Museum. After the incident, there is no staff change in the museum, so there is only one possibility... The thieves often come to the site beforehand, so that they know the habits of the security staff well. .""

"Otherwise, with his headgear on, how could he not be noticed at all?

"It can't be because the sense of presence is too low, right?


Zhou Feiming suddenly stopped, turned and flew back to the museum.

Find the security section again, move the surveillance video time forward, and pack and take away as much as possible.


Zhou Feiming hurried back to the office.

Drag and drop all the video files to the White Queen and let her compare and feedback.

"I'll leave it to you, Queen White." Zhou Feiming said.

"Okay. 35

These video files, if viewed manually, can take several weeks.

But here in the White Queen, with her file processing ability, it only takes less than half an hour.

at this time,

The only valid evidence was the look the thief looked at the camera before he started.

The White Queen only needs to conduct a strict eye-to-eye comparison of all the people entering and leaving the museum, and it is possible to find out who the thief is in the crowd.

It is impossible for him to wear a mask when he steps in the museum.



The museum's surveillance video storage is only kept for two weeks, and two weeks before the crime was committed, the criminals never entered the museum at all.

"Obviously, he also knows that the museum's video storage time is two weeks, so after completing the tour, he deliberately waited for two weeks before starting. The White Queen analyzed.

"What a shrewd criminal." Zhou Feiming said with emotion, "This time, I really met an opponent."

He is an expert in criminal psychology,

When he first saw that the thief was under surveillance and deliberately left provocative eyes, he knew that the criminal was not simple.

"This criminal has a strong desire to perform and is very conceited." Zhou Feiming analyzed at the time.


Theft in person is not the only purpose of the thief, he also challenges the authority of the police, and even makes the task force lose face.

I'll just steal something in front of you, or a large porcelain bottle, but you just can't catch me.

After getting the psychology of the thief,

Zhou Feiming was a little helpless, this time he was really stumped.

no way,

He had to go out again to find clues.

When passing the meeting room,

Zhou Feiming overheard that Zhao Gongsong and the others were discussing the case, so he couldn't help but listen a few more words.

"Obviously, the thieves were quite familiar with the museum's configuration, but they were not museum staff.

Zhao Gongsong said, "There is only one possibility. Before committing the crime, he was quite familiar with the museum..."

"So, I concluded that the thief must have been in the museum for a long time before, and it was not until he was fully familiar with the habits of all the staff that he started the crime."

Speaking of this, Zhao Gongsong suddenly paused, and there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Zhou Feiming was dismissive and prepared to leave.

"For the past two months, we have been wasting too much time discussing the modus operandi of the thieves.

Zhao Gongsong added, "I have done useless work and do not say anything, but I have little progress in the case.35

"This time, we finally found the right direction. When we look at the independent prosecutor from Kyoto, we can't find anything."

"After going out for a while, you pretend that nothing happened, and don't give him any hints."

"We have to prove ourselves, no worse than any prosecutor from Kyoto."

Another round of applause.

Zhou Feiming was suffocating in his heart, and really wanted to go up and slap Zhao Gongsong twice.

Is this a colleague?

Even if he is careful, he also encourages his servants to be careful together.

"Boss, let's go to the museum quietly and get back all the surveillance footage."

One of Zhao Gongsong's subordinates said, "Everyone will work overtime at night to watch.

"When you go to get the video, Zhou Feiming will find out and take action." Zhao Gongsong said proudly, "I have already taken it back, everyone work hard at night, I will ask for a late night snack."



The meeting room was buzzing.

"Shh—" Zhao Gongsong whispered, "Be quiet, you're going to die.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Suddenly there was no sound in the conference room.

Zhou Feiming knew that he was targeting him, and he was also on fire in his heart.

He originally thought of letting these guys do useless work, but the case was about to be solved, and in the end he decided to retaliate with virtue.

dong dong dong-

Zhou Feiming knocked on the door of the conference room.


Everyone inside stopped moving, thinking it was a guilty conscience.

Zhou Feiming was speechless for a while, and simply pushed open the door and went in.

"Your plan is wrong, I have watched the surveillance video of the museum just now, and I have not gained anything at all.

"If you say there is no, then there is none, why?" Zhao Gongsong said in dissatisfaction.

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