Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 127 This sales volume is too terrifying! 【Subscription】

"Manager, this sales can't be done..."

After being hit three times in a row, the sales lady of Mercedes-Benz was about to cry.

No price increase, no price increase.

Even if you don't say a price increase, it still won't work.

too difficult.

"Uh... this, don't worry about him, we don't lack these customers for Mercedes-Benz.

What can the manager say, his face is quite ugly, he can only look at the Jilei booth next to him with hatred, gnashing his teeth.

This is the case with Mercedes Benz.

Not an exception.

This is the case in other booths such as BMW, Audi and Porsche.

For example, customers who were planning to buy A8 and Q7.

After inquiring about the price, I suddenly saw so many people at Jilei's booth next to it.

At that time, an idea came to my mind.

About the same price, why buy a bad street car?

Why don't you buy a Thunder Tank?

People drive for 30 days anyway, if you don't like it, you can return the car without any reason.


After I figured it out, I turned around and went to the Jilei booth, trying my best to squeeze in, even if I couldn't squeeze it.

Just to book a car and experience it.

The thought in mind is.

Anyway, if I can return the car, I will buy it first, and drive it back for ten or twenty days. If I don’t like it, I will return it.

This happens a lot.

As long as there are people who can buy a million-dollar car, almost all of them go to the Jilei booth in the end.

It makes the sales of other brands feel very aggrieved.

This leads to a situation.

On the first day of the public opening day of the auto show,

After the statistics of the sales volume of the Thunder Tank, all the people in Wuling were taken aback.

"Manager Xu, one day, all 99 limited edition models have been ordered, and 1,300 regular edition models have also been sold.

when this result is counted.

Everyone was surprised.

1300 doesn't look like much.

But you know, this is a million-dollar luxury car.

And everyone who ordered a car, all optional 3D only key set, and happy mode.

There are many other configurations.

Calculated comprehensively.

A car costs at least 1.5 million.

For the 99 limited-edition Light of the Times tanks, each customer chose a lot of personalized customization services they wanted.

Basically, a limited edition model was sold, and the price was around 3.2 million.

Just the limited edition tank model, the sales price of 99 units, reached 316 million.

The ordinary version of 1300 units, each according to 1.5 million.

That's 1.95 billion.

add up.

One day's sales reached 2.26 billion.

It's a day.

So many orders are all included in the performance of the Jilei 4S store in Rongcheng.

When Chen Dong heard the news, he almost went crazy.

The money he earned was simply unbelievable to him.

According to the profit that Wuling gave to Jilei 4S store, if a car is sold, the profit can reach 10,000.


That's 13 million.

Limited edition models, the profit is able to reach about 20,000.

99 units.

1.96 million.

Earn 14.96 million in one day.

Can Chen Dong not be happy?

He is extremely fortunate now, how correct his original choice was.

Follow Wulinggan and count the money until your hands are soft.

"Mr. Ye, the sales statistics of the Thunder Tank on the first day have been calculated, you can take a look. 99

that night,

Ye Qiu received the statistics sent by Xu Feifei.

When he saw the sales on the first day, he was also very surprised.

"I'm going, so much."

On the first day of the auto show, all 99 units of the limited edition were sold out, and 1,300 units of the regular edition were sold.

The sales volume of Big G in a year is only how much.

It seems that there are less than 5000 units in the country.

That was a year.

1,300 tanks were sold in one day.

If this continues, no more than 30,000 units a month?

"Mr. Ye, I think we all miscalculated one thing."

"whats the matter?"

Ye Qiu looked at the report and made a video call with Xu Feifei.

"The production capacity of the Thunder Tanks, we sell so many units in one day, the production capacity of our tank workshop can be offline 30 units in one day, and the production capacity is only 900 units in a month." 35

"If tank sales continue to increase according to this data, it is likely to exceed 30,000 units in that month.

"At that time, the cycle for users to pick up the car will be longer.

Xu Feifei felt that the popularity of the tank was unexpected.

But it gave her more confidence.

If this car can sell 30,000 units per month, it will really break the record of monthly sales of domestic luxury cars.

The best-selling luxury car in the domestic million-level car is the BBA.

The same level of Mercedes-Benz S, Audi A8, BMW 7 series, the monthly sales is about 15,000.

to date,

There is not yet a million-dollar car whose monthly sales can exceed 30,000.

"You think too much, today's sales are just because the tank has given users a big surprise, and the sales will definitely continue to decrease starting tomorrow, and there may be 5,000 units in the last month, which is amazing.

"So our production capacity is completely sufficient."

Ye Qiu thought it was impossible.

A million-dollar car is not just a buy.

With such a high sales volume on the first day, he guessed that many people bought it because of the 30-day unreasonable return service.

Coupled with the surprise brought by the tank for the first time, many people were moved.

Subsequent increase, certainly not so much.

This level of car, or a brand new brand.

In the first month of listing, it can sell 5,000 units, which is already super awesome.

Capacity of the tank.

There is no way to improve in a short time.

After all, all models and most of the processes are hand-made.

30 cars off the assembly line in a day is already the limit.

"Then shall we continue to increase our publicity efforts?"

Xu Feifei asked Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu thought for a while, then shook his head: "No need, no need now, the auto show is over, you can come back."5

The current Thunder Tank no longer needs any publicity.

The car has reached the point where everyone knows it.

Buy it if you buy it, or not if you don't.

Word of mouth is not built in a day or two.

It is necessary to wait for the first batch of customers to get the car, and after the experience, the reputation of the tank can be established.

The most important thing now is to deliver the first customers' cars as soon as possible.


After hanging up the phone, Xu Feifei has nothing to do. After the auto show is over, the 4S shop in Rongcheng is responsible for receiving orders.

Finally, send the daily sales and customer data, as well as the car booking information to the manufacturer.

Xu Feifei also felt that Ye Qiu was right.

It was an accident that the tank sold well on the first day.

Subsequent sales should not be too much.


on the second day,

She left Rongcheng and went to the magic capital to start rectifying the company that she had just acquired.

Xu Feifei wants to cash out when the market value of Knowing Chedi increases to at least 20 billion.

Earn at least 1.5 billion cash flow for Wuling.

Originally, Ye Qiu thought that from the next day, the sales of Thunder Tanks would definitely not increase much.

An order that can add more than 100 units a day is already very high.


On the second day,

When Rongcheng reported the sales.

Ye Qiu was stunned.

692 units.

the next day,

692 units were sold.

This is just a Rongcheng.

All Jilei 4S stores in the country also began to accept orders the next day, and don’t forget, you can also order cars on Wuling’s APP.

Even elsewhere, there are no discounts.

Because of the auto show in Rongcheng, there are discounts for car booking.

But it can't stop the enthusiasm of those who buy cars.

In addition to Rongcheng, 4S stores in other parts of the country sold 921 Thunder Tanks in one day.

On the Wuling APP, 398 orders were received.

add together.

2011 units.

"what's the situation?

When Ye Qiu got the statistics the next night, he was immediately stunned.

Are people so rich already?

This is not on Douyin or Zhihu, where per capita net worth is tens of millions.

but in reality.

The million-dollar new car sold 1,300 units on its first day of sale.

2011 units were sold the next day.

And every customer who buys a car is equipped with a 3D smart key set and happy mode.

These two options,

Patek Philippe's watch, the cheapest is 300,000.

Tiffany's diamond ring, the cheapest 150,000.

The happy mode is not so expensive, but the optional equipment is also 100,000.

That is,

For a 990,000 tank, if you choose these three, you must add at least 550,000.

That's it,

Not to mention other options.

"Uh... 3,000 units, fortunately, the production capacity of tanks is 900 units a month, and the delivery cycle is only three or four months, so it can hold up. 35

As a manufacturer, the most feared is this situation.

Unexplained explosion.

Ye Qiu estimates that many of these people should have bought it after returning the car for no reason within 30 days.

So for productivity,

He is not ready to increase any time soon.

Continued popularity can make the Thunder Tank become the most popular car of the year.

That's why the value of this car, like Chitu, has appreciated since leaving the 4S store.

"I hope it will be stable tomorrow. Chinese people's consumption is becoming more and more irrational now."

This kind of people who book a car out of curiosity and are ready to return when the time comes.

Not rational consumption at all.

If manufacturers are confused by this sales volume, they will rashly invest huge costs to increase production capacity.

That would be a huge loss.

If you want to increase the production capacity of the tank, it is not tens of millions invested.

Rather, it costs billions of dollars.

Ye Qiu didn't dare to take this risk.


On the third day, a total of 2,409 Thunder Tanks were sold across the country.

On the fourth day, 2423 units.

On the fifth day, 2714 units.

Until the last day of the auto show, 2,323 units were sold.

in the next few days,

The sales volume of Thunder Tanks has continued to stabilize at more than 2,000 units.

And this stability has been going on all the time. The orders received every day surprised Ye Qiu, but at the same time it was miserable.

"Mr. Ye, think of a way, the people in the second workshop are going crazy, there are too many orders, and people can't be busy. 35

"" "Mr. Ye, those engineers who were recruited from abroad are going to cry. They work overtime and are tired like a dog. They can't complete the order at all.

"Mr. Ye, there are not enough raw materials for the production of four-wheel drive."

"Mr. Ye, the raw materials for the engine are not enough, when will the aviation-grade alloy be delivered. 99

"Mr. Ye..."


At the second factory, executives called Ye Qiu almost every day.

There are too many orders.

The workers are so busy, they are still far away.

Those more than 100 senior engineers dug back from abroad.

Although I am very happy at work, but when I am happy, I just want to cry.

There are too many orders.

Xu Dabao put too much pressure on them, forcing them to increase their production capacity as much as possible every day, even if it is to increase one, it is good.

Under such pressure.

These workers felt the pain and were happy.

The pain is that there are too many orders, and the above is urgent, and it is impossible to finish.

Happiness is their achievement and comes with the production task.

The more orders, the more they earn.

Production is tight.

Raw materials are also tight.

The production capacity of aviation-grade alloy memory metal is not unlimited, and it is necessary to purchase raw materials for production in energy factories.

Aviation grade metals are not only to be supplied to the Jilei brand.

There is also Chitu brand to supply.

There are even mechanical gods and plasma batteries that need this metal supply.

The production capacity of metal materials at the energy factory is also limited again.

"It's not right, it's very wrong, why is this happening?

The sales are so hot, if it is put on other car companies, it will definitely be celebrated directly.

But Ye Qiu is very clear.

This Nima is no other car.

The Thunder Tank is a pure hardcore off-road vehicle.

Belong to the niche car among the niche.

Auto show for seven days.

It sold about 10,000 units.

One is about 1.5 million.

10,000 units is 15 billion.

A car, excluding all expenses, Wuling's net profit is about 21%.

21 percent of 15 billion

3.15 billion ah.

In seven days, the net profit (Nuo Li Hao) was 3.15 billion.


The highest net profit of luxury car companies is undoubtedly Porsche.

For every car sold by Porsche, the net profit reached 25%.

Top in the world.

And then there's the Benz.

Excluding various price increases, Mercedes-Benz's net profit is 18%. If you include the price increase, it is even more outrageous.

In a price increase king, that is, Lexus, there are almost no models under it that do not increase prices.

However, Lexus' sales in China are average, and they are amazing, and only that amount of sales are sold every year.

The profit rate of Ji Lei is already terrifying enough.

"Luxury cars, fucking money! 99

It's just that the Jilei brand has only one car. If, like BBA, there are all models in the whole series, the net profit is simply astronomical.

Ye Qiu finally understood how profitable luxury cars really are.

Subsequent sales, although declining every day, have also stabilized at around 100 units.

That's one day's sales.

This is a million-dollar car.

Has the purchasing power of the Chinese people reached this level?

"Xu Feifei, I'm giving you a very important task now, go and investigate for me immediately. You must find out why the Thunder Tank is so popular. 35

This kind of hot sales made Ye Qiu a little uneasy.

So we need to figure out why this happens.

"Okay Mr. Ye.

Xu Feifei is in the process of rectifying the interior of the car brother these days, and she does not know the follow-up sales.

After hearing what Ye Qiu said, Xu Feifei was stunned.

good guy.

No wonder Ye was always uneasy.

This sales volume is so strange that anyone will feel that there is a problem with it.

A million-dollar car sells more than 10,000 units in a country in seven days, which has never happened in the world.

So it must be paid attention to.

Originally, Ye Qiu thought that there would be some conspiracy here.

But he wanted more.

When Xu Feifei put the results of the investigation on his desk.

Ye Qiu looked very strange.

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