Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 108 Understand the car brother? It's just a recharge brother! 【Subscription】

"Mr. Ye, you are fast enough, haha. 99

Ye Qiu called Simon and told him that he would cooperate with the promotion.

After Simon listened, he agreed.


He recognized Ye Qiu's publicity strategy for the past two days.

"Your new car promotion ideas are really good."

More than good.

Simon was shocked when he saw the advertisement of the Thunder Tank.

The terrifying 3D holographic technology and the application of the world's top luxury goods, this kind of whimsy, I don't know how Ye Qiu came up with it.

Especially for Wuling's technology research and development capabilities, Simon is really envious.

To know,

Audi has always been known for its black technology.

The black technology configuration of various vehicles is Audi's specialty.

Audi's parent company has a team of thousands of people, specializing in the development of various practical black technology configurations.

But no matter how many configurations, it is not as good as Wuling's 3D holographic technology applied to the car smart key.

no way,

so cool.

After finishing the call with Simon, Ye Qiu immediately asked Xu Feifei to start the promotion.

This is also the last publicity of the new tank before it goes on sale.

After all, no matter how good the publicity is, in the end, it still depends on the product itself.

The propaganda department moved quickly.

Xu Ke, the most well-known ghost director in the domestic advertising industry, was invited to shoot advertising content for the Thunder Tank.

After three days,

Everything is ready for post-production.

The Wuling Jilei brand started its second large-scale advertising campaign.


Chelsea, the Asia-Pacific president of Mercedes-Benz, who is at the Beijing Benz headquarters, is very happy.

Although recently, Mercedes-Benz has been plagued by negative news every day.

Every day, I was scolded by countless people from the Xia country.

Even the direct impact is that the sales of Mercedes-Benz cars are decreasing at a terrifying speed.

In about half a month, the combined sales of all Mercedes-Benz 4S stores in the country were less than 10,000 units.

To know,

As Mercedes-Benz's best-selling C-Class and E-Class.

Domestic sales will be stable at 30,000 C-class sedans and 20,000 E-class sedans each month.

Among SUVs, GLC is more than 30,000 units per month, and GLA is more than 20,000 units per month.

The S-Class can also sell more than 5,000 units per month.

Big G, the monthly sales volume is around 3,000 units.

All other Mercedes-Benz models add up to more than 20,000 sales per month.

Count all kinds.

The total monthly sales of all Mercedes-Benz models can reach about 130,000 units.

But now,

As the people of Xia Guo scolded Mercedes-Benz, half a month later, the sales of all 937 Mercedes-Benz vehicles were less than 10,000 units.

This is a very scary thing.

Sales have dropped by more than 90 percent.


In those days, Chelsea was furious.

Especially the people in Leixing Group asked him, the president of Mercedes-Benz, to come forward to apologize, and Chelsea was even more angry and wanted to kill.


Later, he received a call from Mr. Zetsche, the head of the board of directors of Daimler in Germany.

Chelsea is happy.

Xia Guo, as Mercedes-Benz's largest market, of course Zetsche attaches great importance to this matter.

at the same time,

He knew very well how Xia Guoben's reputation was corrupted.

The initiator of everything is Leixing Group.

"Chelsea, remember during this time, no matter how Lei Xing Group finds you, ignore them. I am trying to find a way to kick Lei Xing Group out of the board of directors of Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo. 35

"Okay, sir."

Chelsea was excited when they heard the news.

Poor god.

It has been ten years since he came to work in the Xia Kingdom.

In the past ten years, he, the president of Mercedes-Benz Asia Pacific, has almost become a tool man.

There is basically no place for him to speak about the internal affairs of Mercedes-Benz.

In terms of production, BAIC is in charge.

The sales network and after-sales are controlled by Leixing Group.

As the president of Mercedes-Benz, his only role is to stand up and apologize every time something happens to Mercedes-Benz.

The suffocation in it can be imagined.

If Lexing Group can be kicked out of the board of directors of Xia Guoben, then Chelsea will be very excited just thinking about it.

"Damn Yan Jiansheng, Mr. Cai Che's shot, you definitely don't have any good fruit to eat, hum."

"Now we just need to wait for the opportunity to completely control Xiaguo Benz.

The game between Zetsche and Leixing Group.

It started after Zetsche called Chelsea.

Specific things, Chelsea do not know.

He only knew that when the time was right, Cai Che would inform himself that he would take control of the power, and that was enough.

So for the next ten days,

Chelsea had a great time.

Every day I don't even go to the company, play golf, have a party at home, and be a guest at a friend's house.

even every day,

The people of Leixing Group made numerous calls to themselves, asking him, the president, to stand up and quell the negative news about Mercedes-Benz.

Chelsea ignored it.

"Mr. Chelsea, the call of Yan Jiansheng, chairman of Lei Xing.


While playing golf, Li Xing's strict supervisor called Chelsea.

this is today,

Yan Jiansheng called him for the 10th time.

"Tell him I'm sick and don't pick up."

Chelsea snorted.

The assistant directly told Yan Jiansheng that he was not free.


"Damn Chinese people, deceiving people too much!"

Inside the office.

Once again, Chelsea refused to answer the phone, and Yan Jian was so angry that he was going crazy.

These days,

The operation of the Chinese people completely made him angry.


The sales volume of Mercedes-Benz has decreased by 90%, and the most directly affected is the Leixing Group.

Their cash flow is supported by monthly sales.

Now that sales have plummeted, Leixing Group's cash flow is tight.

Although Mercedes-Benz also suffered heavy losses, Zetsche knew very well that he was going to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Li Xing from the board of directors.


ten days ago.

Daimler AG issued a notification letter to Leixing Group.

The content is,

In view of the fact that Leixing Group has made a mess of Mercedes-Benz's brand reputation in Xiaguo over the years, Daimler Group is considering removing Leixing Xiaguo's general agent.

The meaning is clear.

Daimler will kick out Leixing Group and will no longer let you serve as a dealer in Xiaguo in the future.

Even if you have the largest controlling stake in Xiaguo Benz, it will not work.


Cai Che gave Yan Jiansheng another choice.

That is, Leixing Group quits the board of directors of Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo and can continue to serve as a dealer, but it must do so in accordance with the service requirements of Mercedes-Benz.

Violation of any one of them will face sky-high fines.

Under this condition, how could Yan Jiansheng be willing.

So I started wrangling with Cai Che.

Neither of the two sides accepted the other, and the stalemate fell for a while.

But Yan Jiansheng can't stand still.

Every day the car can’t be sold and the group can’t make money, which means huge losses every day.

this loss,

He Mercedes-Benz, he Beiqi, can bear.

but only,

Lei Xing Group cannot afford it.

Although Leixing relies on Mercedes-Benz to generate billions of annual revenue.

But almost 80% of the net profit was taken away by the capital behind it.

The Liu family, one of the top ten families in Malaysia, is the biggest capital behind Leixing.

Every month, more than 50% of Lei Xing's pure profits should be taken away.

something happened now,

Yan Jiansheng went to the Liu family, but was told that there was nothing they could do about it.

The Liu family had already discussed with the Daimler Group, but Ze Che did not give them face at all.

Just when the Leixing Group and the Daimler headquarters were in the game.


A piece of news completely exploded in the Xiaguo auto market.

Wuling Motors.

Launched a brand new luxury fuel vehicle brand.

It's called lightning.

And its first car tank was also announced.

Originally, the domestic brand of Xia Guo made luxury cars. In the past, none of the three BBA companies would pay attention to this matter.

It will be treated as a joke.


When this car company that wants to be a luxury brand is Wuling.

These car brands have to consider the consequences.

After the first advertisement of the Thunder Tank was released, it not only exploded among the citizens, but also became a hot topic among the people.

Almost all car companies around the world (cfah) learned about this at the first time.

and pay great attention to it.

Car companies all over the world have already analyzed it.

If Xiaguo has a car company that can make a luxury brand a success.

That is none other than Wuling.


Wuling is blessed by the already successful Chitu brand.

Although the Chitu is a pure electric vehicle, the top-spec Chitu Lightning starts at 799,000. After the full configuration, the price reaches 1.23 million.

That's it,

According to the sales volume announced by the Chitu brand, the sales volume of the top-end Chitu Lightning that is fully equipped every month can be stabilized at at least 3,000 units.

What a terrifying number this is.

Even the BBA traditional car companies, who are in charge of millions of models, dare not say that they are stable at least 3,000 units per month.

not to mention,

The million-level models of BBA car companies have huge discounts, and they have been launched for many years and are highly accepted by the public.

But Red Rabbit Lightning, there are no discounts, the real deal is so much money.


The value of its used car, even more than the new car.

Now on the market, the red rabbit can be said to be hard to find.

Basically, you have a Chitu model, no matter what configuration or optional equipment, basically as long as you want to sell it, someone will immediately increase the price by at least 40,000 yuan.

This fiery degree,

But the envy of other car companies to death.

But there is no way, even Truss was beaten by Chitu and was half-dead in the country.

With the blessing of the Chitu brand, Wuling launched a luxury brand of fuel vehicles, which many people have guessed.


At the beginning, almost all car companies would not have thought that Wuling could launch a new brand so quickly.

A sense of crisis fills the hearts of many car companies.


After the advertisement of the Thunder Tank came out, all joint venture car companies began to study this car.

After research,

Immediately happy.

"Fortunately, pure hardcore luxury off-road vehicles, we BMW do not do, there is no competition."

"Our Porsche does not have a model that competes with the Thunder Tank, and it won't affect us in a short time."

"Haha, when this Thunder Tank comes out, the most affected are Mercedes-Benz's big G, as well as Toyota and Lexus. 55

After researching a car launched by Ji Lei.

All car companies have relaxed.

Because of the positioning of the Thunder Tank, it is a hardcore off-road vehicle.

There is absolutely no competition with your own car.

But the Thunder Tank has the greatest impact, or Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Lexus, and even JEEP.

Because these car companies have very good sales of pure hardcore off-road vehicles in the domestic market.

Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Toyota Cooler.

Lexus 570.

JEEP's Grand Cherokee, the classic Wrangler series.

All belong to the hardcore off-road segment.

this side,

When Yan Jiansheng and Cai Che were in a game, neither would accept the other.

Suddenly received the news.

Chelsea, who lived leisurely in the capital, also received the news immediately.

"Damn Wuling, it's taking advantage of this time to launch a new car. Are you trying to grab the market with our Mercedes-Benz big G?"

Chelsea and Zetsche, as soon as they saw the Thunder Tank in the ad.

Just remembered that the shameless Wuling poached more than 70 top engineers from Mercedes-Benz.

This is a great hatred.

We must not let the Thunder Tank models occupy the market in the Xia Kingdom.

"Chelsea, I don't care what method you use, you have to crush the Thunder Tank for me, create negative news for Wuling, and affect the popularity of their new car launch. 35

"When I kick Lixing Group out of the board of directors, I will clean up Wuling.""

Zetsche attaches great importance to it because he knows that Wuling, a car company, has magical abilities.

Not to mention that Ye Qiu shamelessly poached more than 70 top engineers from his Mercedes-Benz.

The loss caused to Mercedes-Benz cannot be measured in money.

Ze Che had long hated Wuling.

"Okay sir, I will do my best. 99

Chelsea understands that too.

So he plans to use the tricks used by all car companies in the world to deal with Wuling.


Find someone black!

Crazy black you.

The wealthy people in the underworld Xiaguo have no desire to buy the new Wuling.

How is it black.

Chelsea has the essence.

First, black from the three major pieces.

He didn't believe at all how good the engine, gearbox and chassis could be made by Wuling.

It was precisely these three points that the people of Xia Guo cared about the most.

in a,

It's just black from the safety performance.

Isn't your new car a so-called all-terrain hardcore off-road vehicle, then I will blacken your body from the perspective of safety.

"Immediately go to the most famous person in Xia who understands the car brother, no matter how much money it costs, they will give me this new car from Wuling, black to death. 35

Understand the car brother.

As the largest auto media group in Xiaguo at present.

Its influence in the Xia Kingdom is very terrifying.


I understand that as a family, as long as you give money, they can give you any satisfactory solution.

Although Chelsea disliked the company very much.

Because they are like maggots.

If you don't recharge him, he will black you every day.

Even if it is a Mercedes-Benz, they have no bottom line when they are black.

But as long as you recharge, the other party will instantly turn into a licking dog, and the gold owner of licking is cool and don't want it.

Mercedes-Benz's annual recharge fee for the younger brother is very high.

So over the years,

Knowing the car brother, it is quite dedicated to promoting Mercedes-Benz.

In the collision and performance test of various vehicles, Mercedes-Benz is always the first.

Chelsea believes in understanding the professional standards of the car brother.

It can definitely blacken Wuling's new car.

Just wait and watch the fun.


Chelsea haven't waited to understand the car brother's shot.

Wuling actually took the initiative.

And as soon as you make a move, you understand the classic porcelain-touching marketing of Chedi.

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