The taxi driver was also stunned.

Ling Yun was going back to the military compound, why did he go to the factory now?

"If there is really a fire in that factory, the situation will become very dangerous."

"Is it your family in that factory?"

Ling Yun shook his head decisively and said firmly: "My family is not there, but other people's families are."

"I have strong physical fitness, I can save as many people as I can. As a soldier, this is my duty!"

The taxi driver couldn't help feeling ashamed.

In the end, he underestimated Ling Yun's vision.

And he also forgot that Ling Yun and his child didn't know each other at all before, and didn't even know their names.

But Ling Yun still went to save his child regardless of the danger of being hit by bullets.

The taxi driver paused for a moment, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

"I'll go over and help too!"

"Although I may not be able to enter the fire scene, I can help pull some things or put out the fire outside."


The taxi driver turned and drove straight to the factory.

The journey was very smooth.

Because many vehicles were evacuating urgently, no one drove in the direction of the factory.

Pedestrians on the road also evacuated one after another.

Just as the taxi driver took Ling Yun to the fire scene quickly.

Suddenly, they could clearly feel an explosion that seemed to break the sky.

The violent shock wave caused by the explosion.

Everyone trembled.

Even the windows were shaking.

Although Ling Yun grew up here since he was a child, he was not very familiar with this factory. He only knew that it was a factory and there were many people.

Even if an ordinary factory suddenly caught fire, it would not emit such a high concentration of black smoke.

There was only one possibility for this kind of black smoke, plus the violent explosion just now.

This factory was a chemical plant.

Taxi drivers usually kept in touch with each other.

At this time, the voices of various taxi drivers were also heard from the communication equipment in the car.

"Everyone, don't run to the chemical plant yet. There was a fire there an hour ago, and there was a huge explosion just now!"

"If you can evacuate nearby, just in case! The fire in the chemical plant is getting out of control, and many firefighters have been injured!"

"If the chemical fuel storage tank at the edge of the chemical plant explodes, seriously speaking, everything around it will be in trouble! The explosion of the storage tank will detonate the hazardous goods warehouse. According to the on-site calculation, if the warehouse there explodes, it will be at least 20 to 30 tons!"

"Although we don't know what that means, 20 to 30 tons is scary! Even 20 to 30 tons of firecrackers can scare people! Hurry up and evacuate!"

Ling Yun's eyes widened subconsciously.

"How much more?!"

"Twenty or thirty tons? What amount? Are you talking about equivalent?!"

The taxi driver on the other side of the communication equipment hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes! It is equivalent! It is estimated that there are twenty or thirty tons of equivalent!"

"I don't know what the concept of twenty or thirty tons is, but it sounds scary! Who can bear the explosion of such a pile of dangerous goods?"

Ling Yun's head buzzed.

What the hell is this concept.

One kilogram of TNT is equivalent to twenty grenades.

One ton is equal to one thousand kilograms.

That is, twenty grenades multiplied by one thousand.

After multiplying by one thousand, you still have to multiply by twenty.

This is not a joke!

"How is the fire at the scene?" Ling Yun asked anxiously.

The taxi driver on the other side of the communication equipment didn't know.

Then, other drivers said: "I just passed by there, all the firefighters in the city are urgently reinforcing, I don't know the specific situation!"

Ling Yun frowned.

After all, it is a chemical plant, and there are many dangerous goods in such a factory.

Once these dangerous goods explode, the consequences will be disastrous.

The biggest danger now is the dangerous goods warehouse.

Of course, it does not refer to the entire chemical plant, only the dangerous goods warehouse is dangerous.

There are many large and small dangerous goods in the chemical plant, such as the storage tanks for storing fuel, there are a lot of them.

Although other storage tanks are relatively small, if they explode, they will also cause very serious consequences.

According to Ling Yun.

Near the chemical plant, there is also an older community with a history of several decades. There are basically not many people in this community.

Because this location is very suitable for chemical plant construction.

Therefore, after giving each resident a compensation, the residents in the community moved to other places.In this community, almost all the buildings that should be demolished have been demolished.

It was a pity to demolish some of them, so they were simply converted into employee dormitories and allowed employees to live there for free.

If you work in the chemical plant for a long time, you can apply for a house and bring your family members to live there.

Therefore, there are many family members of workers here, and there are many elderly people among these family members.

Thinking of this.

Ling Yun couldn't help but worry.

On the way to the chemical plant, Ling Yun vaguely heard the sirens of fire trucks behind him.

There were a lot of fire trucks supporting the chemical plant.

When he arrived at the gate of the chemical plant, the evacuation operation was still going on.

And Ling Yun found that.

The employee dormitory next to the chemical plant was also spread by the fire of the chemical plant.

After all, the community is relatively old, many lines are not very safe, and there are no protective measures.

After being converted into an employee dormitory, it has not been maintained for many years.

All maintenance is maintained by the employees.

Once the flames begin to spread.

It is difficult to control them again.

Because the fire broke out very suddenly, many workers were trapped inside without evacuating in time.

Now the staff dormitory next to the chemical plant has also been affected.

Today is a normal working day.

In the staff dormitory, except for a few employees who returned to the dormitory to get things, basically only the family members who stayed in the staff dormitory were left.

This also caused the evacuation operation to become very slow.

While taking care of the chemical plant, people had to be sent to the staff dormitory for reinforcement.

There were people in the chemical plant who needed to be rescued.

There were still people in the staff dormitory who needed to be rescued.

The captain of the fire brigade outside, with a livid face, was directing the operation with a walkie-talkie.

At such a time.

Having an excellent commander is better than having ten more firefighters.

Most of the people who were successfully rescued were evacuated.

In the current situation, it is very dangerous to stay at the scene.

Some people's families are in the staff dormitory.

After being rescued, they would turn around and rush directly into the staff dormitory to save their families, and they could not be stopped.

"Let me go! My family is still inside!"

"I saw that my building was on fire. My wife, children, and father were on that floor!"

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