Seeing Zhang Wei looking a little drunk.

Zhang Wei's parents thought Zhang Wei was a little drunk and talking nonsense here.

Although Zhang Wei's parents allowed Zhang Wei to drink.

But they didn't allow Zhang Wei to drink so much.

But if Zhang Wei drank so much before the release, he would never dare to come back.

Zhang Wei's father was about to pick up the broom, but put it back.

"If you don't believe it, come, I'll show you the phone." Zhang Wei said proudly.

While talking, he took out his mobile phone and opened the album.

Just now Ling Yun had no time to use his mobile phone to record anything.

But Zhang Wei was different.

Zhang Wei didn't help much from the beginning to the end. After all, when Ling Yun was arresting people, Zhang Wei didn't know anything.

But when Zhang Wei helped Ling Yun carry the drug addict back to the camp later.

During this period, Zhang Wei recorded the video.

The video also shows Zhang Wei swearing and kicking people.

But when they learned that the two men were drug addicts, Zhang Wei's parents were not angry, but very proud.

Zhang Wei's father patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder, his face full of satisfaction, and said: "Boy, you have gained such a strong physique in vain!"

"Today you have eliminated two scourges for society!"

The mother also praised Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei smiled.

He did not take the credit for himself.

Zhang Wei recalled what happened in the jungle and said, "I just helped Ling Yun a little bit later. These two people were caught by Ling Yun."

"Ling Yun had already discovered that someone was moving strangely and was a little sneaky. I thought Ling Yun was going to get some game."

"I followed Ling Yun all the way, but who could have thought that Ling Yun actually ran over to catch someone!"

"At that time, I was leaning against a tree playing with my phone, showing off to my friends that I knew Ling Yun, and suddenly he appeared in front of me with a person on one side."

"I was shocked at first."

The next day.

Captain Shi personally carried two silk banners and visited their respective homes.

After receiving the silk banners.

Zhang Wei's parents were so proud that they took a lot of photos with Zhang Wei and the silk banners.

Ling Yun also hung the silk banner in the most conspicuous place at home.

He didn't want to show it to his parents, but to his grandparents who would come back in two days.

For his parents.

Ling Yun really couldn't bring up much family affection.

Because from childhood to adulthood, his parents didn't stay with him for a long time.

But it can't be said that there is no family affection at all.

Family affection does exist, but not completely, only a little bit.

After hanging the silk banner.

Ling Yun prepared his clothes and prepared to go to the police station again.

This time he didn't go to record the record again.

Instead, Ling Yun planned to help the police work together to solve this case.

Yesterday was also a day of relaxation.

I was also idle at home.

It's better to use the time when grandparents are not at home to help the police.

After all, Ling Yun has the system.

It should be easier to help the police solve this case.

When Ling Yun made this request.

Captain Shi thought about it and agreed.

But after arriving at the police station.

When the two met, Captain Shi's face couldn't help but be a little heavy, looking very solemn.

After seeing Ling Yun, the first thing Captain Shi said was to let Ling Yun leave.

"Ling Yun, this case is not as small as we imagined."

"I thought it would not involve many people, but I didn't expect that it would involve a large gang."

"The scale of this gang is not small. It once..."

At this point, Captain Shi clenched his fists, so tight that they turned white.


Captain Shi thought of something sad.

"Many drug enforcement police died in the hands of this gang."

"The leader of this gang is very meticulous and has strong anti-detection capabilities. Many drug enforcement police who used to be undercover were discovered."

"In the end, you should also know the fate of those brothers."

Captain Shi's eyes were red.

He hated these people to the bone.

When he heard this, Ling Yun already knew why Captain Shi didn't want him to participate in this operation.

Captain Shi continued, "Ling Yun, it's not that I don't believe in your ability."

"On the contrary, I believe in your ability very much, but the gang involved this time is relatively large."

"After all, you are a public figure now. If you participate in the operation, they may recognize you at a glance."

"These people are ruthless and may endanger your family."

At this point, Captain Shi paused.

Then he said earnestly"You have done enough to help us catch these two people. Leave the rest to us."

Captain Shi thought Ling Yun would be a little scared after hearing this.

After all.

Ling Yun is just a freshman now.

How old is he?

He is only 19 years old, not even 20 years old.

Generally, a child of Ling Yun's age would be afraid when encountering such a situation.

But Captain Shi did not see the slightest fear in Ling Yun's eyes.

On the contrary, Ling Yun's eyes were full of determination.

At this time, Ling Yun was asking the system in his mind.

"System, how many points do I have now?"


"The current points are: 11451428"

Ling Yun: "???"


"Why do I have so many points now?"

"Because the host is recognized by many people, the points are constantly increasing"

As long as Ling Yun is recognized, he can get points.

Now he can almost be regarded as the top streamer of the entire network, and has been recognized by countless netizens.

Ling Yun's current points can almost be said to be endless.

Ling Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he quickly asked: "Are there any skills that can help this case?"

"Makeup skills, network security skills, do you have these two skills?"

"Are there any other skills that can help me solve the case?"

Ling Yun asked three questions in a row.

The system also answered Ling Yun in turn.

"Makeup skills, network security skills, the price is 1000 points each"

"The system recommends the host: hound tracking skills, danger perception skills, and deterrence skills"

"Hound tracking skills: This skill can enhance the host's taste sensitivity and enhance the host's sense of smell"

"Danger perception skills: This skill can help the system predict danger in advance"

"Deterrence skills: This skill can temporarily deter the target"

Ling Yun didn't even think about it.

Directly exchanged these five skills.

If he wasn't in a hurry to handle the case, with Ling Yun's current points, he could upgrade the system to an intermediate mall in minutes.

"System, can I upgrade to an intermediate mall now?"


"You only need to pay 100,000 points to upgrade to an intermediate mall"

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