Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Strategic changes (below)

   However, there were still some people in the military account who did not understand Su Cheng's meaning at this time.

   "What is'you must save when attacking the enemy'?" a deputy commander asked.

   After hearing this deputy commander’s question, Su Cheng did not show any impatient emotions on his face, but slowly said: "It is to attack the place where the enemy must not give up and attract the enemy to have to come back and forth."

   "Now Allen leads his army to garrison at Irun Ferry."

   While talking, Su Cheng stretched out a finger to point to the location of Yilun Ferry on the map in front of him.

   "Although our army suffered a heavy loss yesterday morning, losing 14,000 people, we still have an army of 86,000, which is slightly better than the enemy in number."

"However, although our army is superior to the enemy in the number and quality of personnel, it is still very difficult to storm the Irun Ferry. Even if it is finally attacked, it will still suffer heavy losses, at least tens of thousands of corpses. I have sunk under the river forever."

   "Therefore, we have to think of a way to get Alan to leave Irun Ferry. As long as Alan leaves Irun Ferry, then his greatest advantage will be lost, so we have to let Allen take the initiative to leave Irun Ferry."

   After that, Su Cheng moved his finger northward when he reached the map.

   Soon, Su Cheng moved his finger out of the map.

"To the north of the Lund Kingdom is the Carolingian Kingdom," Su Cheng continued, "We are now turning the whole army and marching towards the north! Attacking the Carolingian Kingdom, the Carolingian Kingdom has devoted all its efforts to the attack this time. The Lund Kingdom, the only 80,000 troops in the country, are now here, which means that the defense forces of the Carolingian Kingdom are very empty."

"If we go to attack the Carolingian Kingdom, Alan's 80,000 Carolingian army will definitely not sit idly by! Alan will never just watch us attack the Carolingian Kingdom like this. Therefore, he will definitely order all the soldiers and horses to rescue the Carolingian Kingdom that is being attacked by us. In this way, the siege of the capital of the Lund Kingdom can be successfully lifted."

   After that, Su Cheng straightened up, looked at the dumbfounded people, and said, "The above is my new strategy. Do you have any questions?"

   As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, the commander of the 6th Army immediately said:

"Wait for me! How do you know that Ellen will give up the siege of Herron and order all the soldiers and horses to rescue the Carolingian Kingdom? If he leaves an army of 10,000 or 20,000 in Herron, What should we do if Herron City continues to be surrounded? With Herron City’s current defensive strength, with 20,000 people, it is still possible to prevent a single person from Herron City from getting out!"

"No, Ellen will definitely bring all the troops together, and will never leave 1 to 20,000 people to continue to surround Heron City!" Su Cheng said in a firm tone, "Don’t forget, Ellen is very Smart, our army now has 86,000 people, and Alan’s army now has 80,000 people at full capacity. He would have lost a lot of us in terms of the number and quality of the army. Under such circumstances , He will never disperse his forces and put his forces at a greater disadvantage. In order to increase his victory, he will definitely mobilize all the troops, lift the siege of Herron City, and then lead The whole army came north to stop us."

   As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, another person's question followed.

"Then, the deputy commander of the 10th Army." The commander of the 1st Army said solemnly, "If our whole army goes north to attack the Carolingian Kingdom, how dare you be sure that Ellen will choose to go north to stop us? What if Allen blocks the news and does not let the soldiers below know that their homeland is under attack? If your strategy is to succeed, the most important point is that Allen will choose to abandon the siege and attack on Herron City , And then mobilize the whole army to come up to stop us. If Allen sees through this key point of your strategy and chooses to block the news, your strategy will fail."

The question of the commander of the 1st Army was very sharp, but Su Cheng was not afraid at all, because Su Cheng had expected that they would ask some questions yesterday, so last night, he thought about it. After answering all the questions, I was prepared early.

   Therefore, Su Cheng replied without thinking:

   "No, Alan will definitely choose to go north to rescue the Carolingian Kingdom. Alan's own position determines that he will not watch the Carolingian Kingdom be destroyed by us."

"Alan is a general of the Frankish Empire, and the Carolingian Kingdom is a vassal state of the Frankish Empire. This time Alan was ordered to come here to help the Carolingian Kingdom. One should have come to help the Carolingian Kingdom. People, but watched the Carolingian kingdom be destroyed. If he really chooses to ignore the Carolingian kingdom being attacked, then not only his face will be wiped out, but even the Frankish empire will follow along with it. The prestige of the Frankish Empire among countries in the world will also be greatly reduced."

"Furthermore, this news is not so easy to block. If the King of the Carolingian Kingdom learns that his country is about to be destroyed, he will definitely send a messenger to notify the soldiers of the whole army to come back to the division for rescue. Alan can't hide it just how to hide it."

   Just after Su Cheng answered the question of the 1st army commander, a new question came.

"But," a deputy commander asked, "according to your strategy, you can only move Alan and the 80,000 Carolingian Kingdom Army away from here. After removing Alan from here, How are you going to defeat them?"

"If my strategy is successful, Allen lifts the siege of Herron City, and if all the people come up north to stop us, we will have succeeded for the most part." Su Cheng said indifferently, "The next thing we have to do is find A good place to meet or ambush the aided Allen and his army."

   "That's it?" The deputy commander was stunned. "Did you not figure out where to meet Allen who returned to help?"

"I'm not a god, so how can I know in advance which place is the most suitable to meet Allen," Su Cheng said in a slightly harsh tone, "After successfully bringing in Allen's army, we will return to their aid. On the road, you can find a good place to fight. The specific place is more suitable for war, and then you can know where you get it."

   After answering the question of the deputy commander, Su Cheng looked at the commander and deputy commander in front of you, waiting for the next person's question.

   However, the commanders and deputy commanders looked at each other at this time. After a long time, no one raised any new questions.

   "It seems that no one has any new questions." The commander of the 3rd Army said lightly.

However, the commander of the 6th Army said at this time: "Huh! Anyway, I do not agree to let him be the commander of the whole army and implement this strategy. I advocate changing someone other than him to be the commander of the whole army. And continue to implement our original strategy!"

"So, in that case, let's vote!" The 3rd Army commander said loudly. Just curious about the number, it's suitable for voting!"

  The commander of the 3rd Army looked at Su Cheng and said, "The deputy commander of the 10th Army, if you become the commander of the whole army, you will definitely implement your new strategy, right?"

   "Hmm! That's right!" Su Cheng nodded firmly.

Then, the commander of the 3rd Army turned his head to the commander of the 6th Army and said: "Commander of the 6th Army, you don’t want the deputy commander of the 10th Army to become the commander of the whole army anyway, and you don’t want to implement what he proposed. This new strategy, right?"

   "Ah! That's right!" The commander of the 6th Army also nodded firmly.

"Then let's vote like this." The commander of the 3rd Army said, "If you support the claim of the deputy commander of the 10th Army, you will say '10'. If you support the claim of the commander of the 6th Army, you will say '6. After excluding the deputy commander of the 10th Army and the commander of the 6th Army, we have exactly 7 people here. No matter how they cast, they will definitely be able to cast a result."

   "That," a deputy commander asked weakly at this time, "isn't there an option to'make the deputy commander of the 10th Corps the commander of the army without changing the strategy'?"

"Sorry, if I become the head coach of the whole army, I will definitely change my strategy, so there is no such option." Su Cheng said coldly, "If you don't support my strategy, don't let me be the whole. The head of the army is now."

The commander of the 3rd Army shrugged to the deputy commander: "That’s it, so there are only these two options. Then, okay, don’t talk nonsense, let’s vote! It’s the choice to let the deputy commander of the 10th Army To take over the position of commander and change the strategy, let someone else take over the position of commander and maintain the original strategy. Let’s start voting! Commander of the 1st Army, let’s start with you first."

   After hearing the words of the commander of the 3rd Army, the commander of the 1st Army fell into deep thought.

   After a while, he said: "If the deputy commander of the 10th Corps wants to be the head of the army, I have no problem, but his new strategy is not very acceptable to me, so-6!"

   After the commander of the 1st Army voted, in order, it was the turn of the deputy commander of the 1st Army.

  The deputy commander of the 1st Army pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "6."

   Seeing that the first two people supported his claim, the commander of the 6th Army couldn't help but look happy and proud.

   And Su Cheng couldn't help frowning now.

   Then, it was the turn of the commander of the 3rd Army.

   The commander of the 3rd Army didn't think much, so he said without hesitation: "Although the proposal of the deputy commander of the 10th Army is bold, I think it is still feasible, so -10!"

   After seeing someone support him, Su Cheng finally stretched his brows.

After   , the remaining people began to vote one by one.

   In the end, there is only one person who has not voted yet, and the votes of Su Cheng and the 6th Army Commander are very dramatic 3 to 3!

  In other words, the last person who has not voted will determine how the whole army will act in the future!

   And this last person, not someone else, was Eliza, Commander of the 10th Army.

   At this time, everyone in the military account shifted their sights to Alisha's body.

   Alyssa felt their invisible sights, like huge mountains, weighing heavily on her, making her feel a great pressure.

   However, it is also normal. No matter who is in her current situation, she will feel great pressure, because your next choices will play a decisive role in the army's next actions and even the results.

At this moment, Alisha suddenly recalled what Su Cheng said to her yesterday: "I have made a crazy decision just now. For the military meeting tomorrow morning, I will put forward a bold plan. If it is possible then, Please support me."

   Alisha secretly said in her heart:

So that's why you said "crazy decision", you are going to take over as the coach... And what you are talking about is the bold plan, which is the new strategy you just proposed... It's true, but it's really enough. Bold!

   At this time, Alisa suddenly recalled another sentence that Su Cheng said to her yesterday: "If it is possible then, please support me.".

   Do you support you...

   Alisha murmured in her heart.

   For some reason, Alisha remembered Su Cheng's firm eyes yesterday.

   At the same time, the sonorous words that Su Cheng said yesterday, UU reading www. seemed to resound in my ears—"I will definitely defeat Alan Jones! Revenge Mr. Nicholas! Miss Alissa, I will win!"


   Alisha closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly vomited it all out.

   Then, he opened his eyes abruptly and looked at Su Cheng standing in front of him. Two sharp lines of sight shot from his eyes, and then shouted loudly:

   "Su Cheng! Help me defeat Alan Jones!"

  Alissa did not say "6" or "10", but it was already obvious who she supported.

   The commander of the 6th Army and those who support the proposal of the commander of the 6th Army all show slumping and unwillingness to the ground.

   And Su Cheng was stunned for a while, and also reacted, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and he said in a confident and firm tone:

   "Well, rest assured to hand over the army to me! I will defeat Alan Jones! I will avenge Mr. Nicholas!"

   At this time, a deputy commander suddenly said: "Huh? Has the rain stopped?"

   His words awakened everyone in the tent, and everyone realized that the patter of raindrops on the military tent had suddenly stopped just now.

   As the deputy commander said, the rain stopped at this time.

There were no more raindrops in the sky outside the military tent. The black clouds suddenly dispersed for most of the time, leaving only a piece of land to the east and west wandering in the sky. The sunlight that hadn't been seen for a long time finally came out behind the clouds. Each piece of dark clouds is plated with gold edges.

A beam of sunlight penetrated layers of obstacles and irradiated on the military tent where Su Cheng and the others are now. The small drops of water hanging on the military tent reflected dazzling and beauty under the sunlight. The brilliance.

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