Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Battle of Irun Ferry (6)

   Su Cheng closed his eyes, then took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out, saying in his heart: Calm down, think hard.

   After chanting this sentence 5 times in his heart, Su Cheng suddenly opened his eyes. Said to myself in my heart:

   Put yourself in Allen’s place. If I were Allen, what would I do?

  If I were Alan, the army in my hand would be far inferior to the enemy in terms of quantity and quality. The only powerful army in my hand would be 4000 iron-clad paladins brought from the Frank Empire.

   The enemy is eager to rescue Herron city, and our army is coming from afar, so neither of us wants to fight a war of attrition, but from a macro point of view, the enemy is obviously more anxious than mine! If the two sides remain in a stalemate, then the city of Herron will be eaten by people, so the enemy will definitely be eager to launch an offensive, defeat our army, and then rescue Herron city!

  Under such circumstances, my best strategy should be to hold on to the east bank of Irun Ferry first, let the enemy attack first, and then look for opportunities to attack after exhausting the enemy's energy.

   No matter what you think, if I am Alan, I shouldn’t be the first to attack! In this case, the biggest advantage of our army-Fuhe Natural Insurance will be useless.

   Anyone with a little bit of brain wouldn’t do this. Did Allen really get fainted this time?



  Since Allen chose to cross the river frontally to attack us, it would be irrational to think about it, so would Allen actually do it deliberately?

   Isn’t Alan really going to let the army attack us head-on, the reason why the ships and army are assembled at the ferry is just to confuse us?

   But what is his purpose of feigning to confuse us?

   Are you planning to send a surprise attack on us after attracting our attention head-on?

   No, I can't think about it.

Coach Nicholas said that the only place on the Fu River is the Yilun Ferry which is suitable for crossing the river. The water in other places is too large and the current is too turbulent to cross the river. Alan should not be able to cross the river in other places on the Fu River and then detour back. Our side came to surprise us.

   As for the arrangement of ambushes on the west bank of the Fu River in advance, it is even more impossible to wait for an opportunity to attack us when the war begins. We have already sent a large number of scouts to search the surrounding area.

   So, what exactly is Alan going to do?


   Su Cheng felt that his thoughts were completely stuck.

He faintly felt that he was still short of a key point. He hadn't thought of it. As long as he grasped this key point, he could figure out what Alan was going to do, but no matter how he continued to think, he couldn't grasp this. The most critical point.

   Alisha glanced at Su Cheng, who was thinking seriously and intently.

   Su Cheng, who is focusing his whole body and thinking deeply, now has a peculiar temperament on his body. This temperament is only possessed by people who have entered a serious state.

   This temperament makes Su Cheng look more attractive now than usual.

Seeing Su Cheng in a serious state, Alyssa couldn't help but think to herself: I heard some friends say before that when a person is the most handsome, it is when they are doing things seriously. It seems that this sentence is not wrong. This Su Cheng now looks more attractive than usual.

   At this moment, Alyssa suddenly remembered the match between Su Cheng and Enli overheard last night, and the punishment Enli would accept after losing.

   Alisha felt her cheeks getting hot again.

   Feeling her cheeks are hot, Alisha raised her hand and patted her cheek a few times.

   At the same time, I said to myself:

   Calm down, Alyssa, this should be just that you think too much. Su Cheng's usual behavior is completely different from the way you like me, so it's just that you think too much, so don't feel shy anymore. Really, why can't I be able to fix my shy-prone problem until now...

   Su Cheng, who was still thinking hard, didn't notice the strangeness of Alyssa now. She was still immersed in her thinking, thinking about what Alan was going to do.

   At this moment, he accidentally heard the conversation between Deng Jiaer and Alan on the sidelines.

   "The weather is really getting colder slowly." Deng Jiaer sighed and said.

   "Yeah, it's already autumn and winter. When we return to Pendragon, let's buy a few stoves and put them at home," Alan said, "one for each of us in our four-person room."

   "It is said that in the rivers outside Pendragon, the amount of water decreases after autumn and winter, and the water becomes much shallower. Then let's go catch fish together."

   "Go playing in the water in the big winter? Deng Jiaer, how are you? Is your body temperature still in the normal range? Has your body temperature not increased?"

   "It hasn't gotten higher! When I used to live in my North Munster home, I would always go to the river to catch fish with my sister in winter! It's fun!"

  "Really? Then I have a chance to try it After listening to the chat between Alan and Deng Jiaer, Su Cheng suddenly felt a flash of light in his mind!

  In winter, the river becomes shallow...

   dry season!

   Su Cheng instantly felt the mist that originally wrapped his brain suddenly dissipate, and suddenly he became enlightened.

   But while feeling suddenly enlightened, Su Cheng also felt the cold hair on his body stand up, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

   If the guess he had just come up with was correct, then they would be in danger now!

Su Cheng was planning to drive the horses under the hips to the front of the 7th Army phalanx to find coach Nicholas. When he told Nicholas his guess, he suddenly sensed that a small stone beside the left front hoof of the horse under the hip was not. It shook naturally.

   After that, Su Cheng felt that not only this little stone was shaking, but the surrounding little stones were shaking!

   Not only that, he also heard some strange sounds.

   It sounds like thunder, and the sound is getting louder and louder!

Not only did Su Cheng perceive the strangeness around him, but Alissa, Alan, and Deng Jiaer also felt the strangeness now. After Alan and Deng Jiaer felt the strangeness, they also ended the chat and began to look around. I got up, looking for the source of this strangeness.

   Soon, the four of them almost sensed that the thunder-like sounds were made on the left side of the square, so the four of them also turned their heads to the left and looked at the skyline on the left.

   At the junction of heaven and earth on the left side of the square, a cloud of dust and smoke gradually rose up, covering half of the sky, and a thin black line gradually emerged, neatly like a surging waterline.

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